87 Mighty Men pt2 Pink


His Mighty Men


2 Samuel 23

2 Samuel 23 supplies a vivid illustration of the great variety of spiritual
gifts and graces which God bestows upon His people in general and on His
ministries in particular. All are not called upon to engage in the same
specific form of service, and therefore all are not alike qualified. We see
this principle exemplified in the natural sphere. Some have a sceptical
aptitude for certain avocations, while others are fitted for entirely different
ones: those who find it easy to work a typewriter or keep books, would be quite
out of their element it they attempted to do the work of a farmer or carpenter.
So it is in the spiritual realm: one is called to some particular sphere and is
endowed accordingly, while another is appointed to a different junction and is
suitably equipped for it; and naught but confusion would follow if the latter
attempted to discharge the duties of the former.

"Every man hath his proper gift of God: one after this manner, and another
after that" (1 Cor. 7:7), but whether our talents be more or fewer it is our
duty to use and improve the same for the good of our generation. "But all these
worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He
will" (1 Cor. 12:11), and therefore we must be content with the gifts and
position which God has allotted us, neither despising those below nor envying
those above us. There are various degrees of usefulness and eminence among
Christians, just as there were different grades of honor among those worthies
of David. Of one of them we read, "Therefore he was their captain, howbeit he
attained not unto the first three" (v. 19), and later in the chapter we are
given a list of another thirty who occupied a yet lower rank. First in eminence
were the apostles; next to them were the Reformers; and below them are those
who have followed during the last four centuries.

Throughout the long and checkered career of David there were two things to
cheer and comfort him: the unchanging faithfulness of God and the loving
devotedness of his servants. Another has pointed out that at the close of
Paulłs career he had the same spring of solace to draw from. "In his second
epistle to Timothy he glances at the condition of things around him: he sees
the ęgreat house,ł which assuredly was not so with God as He required it; he
sees all that were in Asia turned away from him; he sees Hymenaeus and Philetus
teaching false doctrine, and overthrowing the faith of some; he sees Alexander
the coppersmith doing much mischief; he sees many with itching ears, heaping to
themselves teachers, and turning away from the truth to fables; he sees the
perilous times setting in with fearful rapidity; in a word, he sees the whole
fabric, humanly speaking, going to pieces; but he, like David, resting in the
assurance that the foundation of God standeth sure, and he was also cheered by
the individual devotedness of some mighty man or other, who, by the grace of
God, was standing faithful amid the wreck. He remembered the faith of a
Timothy, the love of an Onesiphorus; and moreover, he was cheered by the fact
there would be a company of faithful men in the darkest times who would call on
the Lord out of a pure heart."

In the preceding chapter we called attention to the logical connection of 2
Samuel 23 with the previous chapter, where "the last words of David" (his final
inspired and official message) are recorded. We may also notice that our
present passage comes immediately after Davidłs reference to the "Everlasting
Covenant" which Jehovah had made with him (v. 5). How significant is this, and
what blessed instruction it conveys to us. The two things are intimately, yea
inseparably connected: the eternal counsels of Godłs grace and His providing us
with all needed assistance while we are in a time state. In other words, that
"Everlasting Covenant" which God made, with His elect in the person of their
Head guarantees the supply of their every need in this world, the interposition
of the Lord on their behalf wherever required, and the raising up of faithful
friends to help in each hour of emergency. Thus David found it, as the verses
before us amply demonstrate.

If the Spirit of God has been pleased to chronicle some of the bravest exploits
of David himself, He has not been altogether silent upon the heroic
achievements of those who stood loyally by him when he was menaced by his
numerous foes. This too adumbrated something yet more blessed in connection
with the antitypical David and His officers. Some of their deeds of devotion
may not be known among men, or at most little valued by them, but they are
recognized and recorded by God, and will yet be publicly proclaimed from His
throne. We should have known nothing of these deeds of Davidłs worthies had not
the Spirit here described them. So, many a heart which now throbs with
affection for Christ of which the world is not cognizant, and many a hand which
is stretched forth in service to Him which is unnoticed by the churches, will
not pass unheeded in the Day to come.

In our last chapter we dwelt upon the exploits of the first triumvirate of
Davidłs mighty menAdino, Eleazar and Shammah (vv. 8-12): our present passage
opens with a most touching incident which records (we believe) another heroic
enterprise in which the same three men acted together. We are told "And three
of the thirty chiefs went down, and came to David in the harvest time unto the
cave of Adullam: and the troop of the Philistines pitched in the valley of
Rephaim" (v. 13). This most probably takes us back to what is narrated in 1
Samuel 22, when the uncrowned son of Jesse was a fugitive from the murderous
designs of King Saul. It was not, then, in the hour of his popularity and power
that these three officers betook themselves unto David, but in the time of his
humiliation and weakness, while taking refuge in a cave, that they espoused his
cause. No fair weather friends were these, but unselfish supporters.

"And David was then in a hold, and the garrison of the Philistines was then in
Bethlehem" (v. 14). How strangely varied is the lot of those who are beloved of
God! What ups and downs in their experience and circumstances! Bethlehem was
the place where David was bornpresaging the incarnation of his Son and Lord;
but now it was occupied by the enemies of God and His people: how many a
dwelling-place which once gave shelter to an eminent servant of God is now the
abode of worldlings. From the fertility and peacefulness of Bethlehem David was
forced to flee and seek refuge in a cave: then let us not be cast down if a
lowly and uncongenial habitation be our portion. But David was not forgotten by
the Lord, and He graciously moved the hearts of others to seek him out and
proffer their loving service. Take heart, then, lonesome believer: if God does
not raise up earthly friends for thee, He will doubly endear Himself to thine

"And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me drink of the water of
the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate!" (v. 15). Some of the Puritans
believed that David was not here expressing his desire for literal water, but
rather for the Messiah Himself, who was to be born at Bethlehem. Though this
does not appear to be borne out by what follows, yet it is surely significant
that such excellent and desirable water was to be found there. Bethlehem means
"the house of bread," and as the Lord Jesus declared, He is in His own blessed
person both the Bread of Life and the Water of Lifethe sustainer and refresher
of the new man. Personally, we agree with Matthew Henry that what is recorded
in this verse "seems to have been an instance of his weakness," when he was
dissatisfied with what divine providence had supplied, giving way to inordinate
affection and yielding to the desires of mere nature.

It was summer time, when the weather was hot and trying, and David was thirsty.
Perhaps good water was scarce at Adullam, and therefore David earnestly cried,
"Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem" True,
it is natural to hanker after those things which Providence withholds, and such
hankering is often yielded to even by godly men in an unguarded hour, which
leads to various snares and evils. "David strangely indulged a humour which he
could give no reason for. It is folly to entertain such fancies, and greater
folly to insist upon the gratification of them. "We ought to check our
affections when they go out inordinately toward those things which are more
pleasant and grateful than others" (Matthew Henry). The best way, and perhaps
the only one, of doing this is by heeding that injunction "giving thanks always
for all things unto God" (Eph. 5:20), thereby evidencing we are content with
such things as we haveinstead of lusting after those we have not.

"And the three mighty men brake through the host of the Philistines, and drew
water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and
brought it to David" (v. 16). What proof this gave of how highly these brave
men valued their leader, and how ready they were to face the greatest of
dangers in his service. It must be remembered that at this time David was
uncrowned, a fugitive from Saul, and in no position to reward their valorous
efforts on his behalf. Moreover, no command had been issued, no one in
particular was commissioned to obtain the water from Bethlehem: it was enough
for them that their beloved master desired it. How little they feared the
Philistines: so absorbed were they in seeking to please David, that terror of
the enemy had no place in their hearts! Do they not put all of us to shame?
Flow feeble in comparison is our devotedness to the antitypical David! How
trifling the obstacles which confront us from the peril which menaced them.

"Nevertheless he would not drink thereof, but poured it out unto the Lord" (v.
16). Blessed is this, and a lovely sequel to what has just been before us.
Those three men had spontaneously responded to the known wish of their leader,
and, not counting their lives dear unto themselves, they hadwhether by use of
the sword or by strategy we are not told, but most likely the formerobtained
and brought back to David the longed-for refreshment. Such devotion to his
person and such daring on their part was not lost upon David, and being
recovered from his carnal lapse and seeing things now with spiritual
discernment, he deemed that water a sacrifice too costly for any but Jehovah
Himself, and hence he would not suffer the sweet odor of it to be intercepted
in its ascent to the throne of God.

"And he said, Be it far from me, O Lord, that I should do this: is not this the
blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives? therefore he would not
drink it. These things did these three mighty men" (v. 17). This is ever one of
the marks of a gracious man. When he is conscious of making a mistake or of
committing folly, he does not feign ignorance or innocence, but acknowledges
and seeks to correct the same. The outstanding characteristic of regeneration
is that where this miracle of grace is wrought an honest heart is ever the
evidence of the same. It is those who are under the full sway of Satan who are
crafty, deceitful and serpentine in their ways. Those whom Christ saves He
conforms unto His image, and He was without guile. David was now ashamed of his
inordinate desire and rash wish, and regretted exposing his brave officers to
such a peril on his behalf. This is another mark of the genuine child of God:
he is not wholly wrapped up in himself.

Sin and self are synonymous terms, for as someone has quaintly pointed out the
center of Sin is "I," that is why when the Church confesses "all we like sheep
have gone astray," she defines it by saying "we have turned every one to his
own way." If sin and selfishness are synonymous, grace and unselfishness are
inseparable, for when the love of God is shed abroad in the heart there is
awakened a genuine concern for the good of our fellows, and therefore will the
Christian seek to refrain from what would injure them. "Upon reflection and
experience, a wise man will be ashamed of his folly, and will abstain not only
from unlawful indulgences, but from those also which are inexpedient and might
expose his brethren to temptation and danger" (Thomas Scott).

"And Abishai, the brother of Joab, the son of Zeruiah, was chief among three.
And he lifted up his spear against three hundred, and slew them, and had the
name among three" (v. 18). We are not here informed when or where this
extraordinary feat was accomplished, but from the analogy supplied by the other
examples in this chapter, we know it was performed by divine enablement, for
the public good, and in the service of David. It is solemn to note that
Abishaiłs more famous, and yet infamous brother, has no place in his role of
honor, illustrating the solemn truth that if "the memory of the just is
blessed" yet "the name of the wicked shall rot." "Was he not most honourable of
three? therefore he was their captain: howbeit he attained not unto the first
three" (v. 19). These degrees of eminence and esteem exemplify the fact that
men are not designed to all occupy a common level: the theory of "socialism"
receives no countenance from Scripture.

"And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man, of Kabzeel, who had
done many acts, he slew two lionlike men of Moab" (v. 20). It is good to see
the sons walking in the steps of their sires when a noble example has been set
before them: God takes notice of the one as much as the other. Those men of
Moab might be fierce and powerful, but nothing daunted, Benaiah went forth and
slew them. This too is recorded for our encouragement: no matter how strong and
furious be our lusts, in the strength of the Lord we must attack and mortify
them. "He went down also and slew a lion in the midst of a pit in time of snow"
(v. 20). Amid the frosts of winter our zeal is not to be relaxed. Nor must the
soldiers of Christ expect to always have plain sailing: even when engaged in
the best cause of all, formidable obstacles will be encountered, and the
soldiers of Christ must learn to endure hardness and acquit themselves like

"And he slew an Egyptian, a goodly man: and the Egyptian had a spear in his
hand; but he went down to him with a staff, and plucked the spear out of the
Egyptianłs hand, and slew him with his own spear" (v. 21). If his slaying of
the lion is a figure of the servant of Christ successfully resisting the devil
(1 Peter 5:8), his vanquishing of this Egyptian (spoken of in 1 Chron. 11:23 as
a "man of great stature") may well be regarded as a type of the minister of God
overcoming the world, for in Scripture "Egypt" is ever a symbol of that system
which is hostile to God and His people. And how is victory over the world
obtained? We need go no farther than this verse to learn the secret: by
maintaining our pilgrim character, for the "staff" is the emblem of the
pilgrim. If the heart be fixed upon that fair Land to which we are journeying,
then the shows of this "vanity fair" will possess no attraction for it. The
world is overcome by "faith" (1 John 5:4): a faith which grasps the good of
Godłs promises enables us to reject the evils of this world.

"These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and had the name among three
mighty men. He was more honourable than the thirty, but he attained not to the
first three. And David set him over his guard" (vv. 22, 23). Once again we are
reminded that there is a gradation among the creatures and servants of God:
there is no such thing as equality even among the angels. How wrong it is,
then, for any of us to be dissatisfied with the status and position which the
sovereign will of God has assigned to us: let us rather seek grace from Him to
faithfully discharge our duties, however exalted or lowly be our station in
life. Our chapter ends with a list of thirty men who were in the third grade:
the first being Asahel (v. 24) and the last Uriah (v. 39), the former being
murdered by Joab and the latter being sent to his death by Daviddeliverance
from one danger is no guarantee that we shall escape from another.


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