Encyclopaedia Arcane Chaos Magic Errata and Clarifications

Chaos Magic
Errata and
Sam Witt
So, when casting very powerful chaos magic, you ll
his document will be updated regularly with
need to be careful to avoid anything which could
new information, spells, paths of chaos and
disrupt your casting. It also means that casting
Tother crunchy bits for the chaos mage.
defensively is beyond the reach of most chaos mages
which is, again, by design. It is hard to cast chaos
Stacking Multiple
magic and anything that could disrupt the process
can have dire consequences. Though see the Mind
of Stone feat, below.
It is possible to stack multiple effect elements of the
same category (damage, materialisation, movement
Errors in the
and transformation) within the same chaos magic
spell. However, multiple elements of the same type
Example Spells
cannot be the only effect elements contained within
The following errors were found in the example
the spell. For example, if you are able to cast a spell
spells as a result of changes to effect DCs brought
containing three effect elements, all three cannot be
about by playtesting feedback.
damage effect elements.
In addition, you cannot put two elements of the
Ambush Tap
exact same type in the same spell. So, you can have
Effect Element: Movement, minor (15)
a spell with two transformation effect elements
Area Element: Single subject (0)
(provided there is at least one other effect element in
Range Element: Touch (0)
the spell that is NOT transformation), but they must
Duration: Instantaneous (0)
be elements of a different degree  one minor and
Total DC: 15
one major, for example.
Push Wave
The Concentration
Effect Element: Movement, minor (15)
Area Element: Burst (5), Enemies Only (5)
Skill and Chaos
Range Element: Touch (0)
Duration: Instantaneous (0)
Total DC: 25
Channelling raw chaos is hard  really hard. So, yes,
on pg. 30 where it tells you to replace the spell level
with the casting DC of the chaos magic spell when
making concentration checks, that s what it means.
Symbiotic Familiar (Chaos)
Chaos Magic Saving
You dedicate a portion of your own experience to
Throw Types
your familiar, allowing it to increase in skill as you
gain levels.
When a chaos magic spell allows a save, the DM
determines the type of save
Prerequisite: A chaos magic familiar, Enhanced
required, using the following guidelines.
Benefit: You may donate 5% of your experience to
If the spell affects a target directly, such as a
your familiar, who then gains two skill points to be
damage, transformation, or movement effect, use a
spent however you choose whenever you gain a
Will save.
level. Your familiar may never have more ranks in a
given skill than you have levels, as it relies on your
If the spell affects the environment around a
knowledge and personal connection to chaos to
target, or creates an object that affects the target
sustain its own expertise.
(such as the case with most Materialization
effects), use a Reflex save.
Chaos Magic and the
In general, no chaos magic spell requires a
Fortitude save - either you must use your willpower
An undead creature can become a chaos mage, but
to resist the effects of chaos, or you must get out
any subdual damage suffered as a result of casting
of the effect s way.
chaos magic is taken as real damage, instead. The
vibrant power of chaos magic is channelled more
Chaos Familiars
easily through the living, chaotic jumble of cells in
As stated in the book, a familiar has mental ability a living being. A dead thing, locked in its current
scores (Charisma, Intelligence and Wisdom) equal to form and incapable of moving through the cycle of
those of its creator and physical ability scores life, creates more resistance to the flows of chaos
(Constitution, Dexterity and Strength) equal to one- and, therefore, suffers more damage from
half of its creator. However, the Enhanced Familiar channelling it.
feat (see below) can help to offset the physical
weakness of the familiar.
Chaos Magic Items
Familiars do not gain additional skill points as their
Attack and Damage Bonuses
creator advances, barring use of the Symbiotic
Attack and damage bonuses are infused separately,
Familiar feat (see below).
but only attack bonuses are used to overcome
Damage Reduction.
Enhanced Familiar (Chaos)
Your chaos familiar s physical abilities are more
Drained Items
closely linked to your own, providing it with a much
When all the chaos magic has been drained from a
greater physical presence than other familiars.
storage item, the item immediately loses 2 points of
hardness. It is, however, already tempered and may
Prerequisites: Ability to cast chaos magic spells, a
be infused again. The DC is based on the original
chaos magic familiar.
cost of the item and the original capacity cannot be
Benefit: When you gain this feat, your familiar s
exceeded by secondary infusions.
physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity and
Constitution) are immediately raised until one of
If a storage item s hardness is reduced to 0 or less by
these abilities is equal to your own ability, one is
the draining of its last chaos magic point, it does not
equal to your ability minus one and the last is equal
explosively decay, but simply crumbles to dust.
to your ability minus two. You may choose which
abilities are raised to which levels.
Neutralising Chaos Magic Items
A chaos magic item may be neutralised by the chaos
mage who created it, but the cost can be dire. The
chaos mage must sever his attunement to the item,
which causes 1d4 points of temporary Charisma
damage as the connection to primal chaos is flawed
by the mage s actions. This damage heals normally,
but may not be healed by magic. A chaos mage who
tosses aside an item into which his essence is infused
with chaos must be prepared to face the A sound loud enough to wake all sleeping
consequences. (though not magically suffering from the effects of a
sleep or similar spell) creatures in the area of effect.
The Big Stack of
A simple chaotic construct with a strength of 3
is created by this effect. The construct is animate
Effects and
and can perform a single task (determined at the time
it is created). The construct is otherwise immaterial
and disperses immediately if attacked.
This section is a collection of effects for use in your
games. While this list is much, much larger than that
This effect creates a globe of light (of any
found in the original book, keep in mind that it is
colour) that floats in the air near the chaos mage. If
still not all-inclusive. Chaos magic is meant to be
this spell has an area of effect, the globe may move
wild and exciting, so use these as inspiration and
within that area of effect at 100 feet per round. If
general guidelines, not the graven-in-stone limits of
directed to move outside this area of effect, the light
what you can do as a chaos mage.
is immediately extinguished.
Also included in this section are the clarifications
This effect creates a cloud of chaotic darkness
and changes to the effects found in the original
that clings to any light source in the area, preventing
it from operating while the spell is in effect. Note
that this spell cannot affect natural sources of light,
Damage Effects
such as the sun or moon.
When combining multiple damage effects into the
same spell, the chaos mage may never cause more
than 2d8 hit points per chaos mage level. Thus, a
This effect creates a shield of chaotic force that
20th-level chaos mage could never cause more than
provides three-quarters cover from any missile attack
40d8 hit points of damage from a single spell,
directed at the target and completely blocks any
regardless of the number or types of damage effects
single-target spells with a missile effect (such as
he applied to the spell, and a 10th-level chaos mage
magic missile, merf s acid arrow, or similar spells)
is limited to 20d8 hit points of damage, total, for a
unless the caster of that spell defeats the chaos mage
given spell.
in an opposed caster-level check. If this effect is
given an area of effect, it blocks attacks from one
Persistent and Degrading Damage
direction only, though the chaos mage may change
the direction protected against at the beginning of
Effects and Duration
each round as a free round action.
Persistent damage effects do not require a duration
element and will continue causing damage each
This effect can be used to create an item of up
round until they have caused their maximum
to 1 pound in weight per caster level. This weapon
is treated as a silver weapon for purposes of
overcoming damage reduction.
Degrading damage effects must have a by round
duration in order to deliver their full damage. If a
This effect can be used to create a suit of
duration is not chosen for a degrading damage
chaotic armour that surrounds the target creature or
effect, it deals its initial blast of damage (one-half
each creature in the area of effect. This suit provides
the Hit Dice of damage caused by the effect), but no
a +1 armour bonus to the Armour Class of all
affected creatures for every 2 chaos mage levels
possessed by the caster, to a maximum armour bonus
of +5.
This effect creates a swirling cloud of chaos This effect allows you to accurately duplicate
particles that obscure sight into or out of the area of any one object and all of its properties (magical or
effect. All creatures in the area of effect have total otherwise). However, while your duplicate is
concealment from those outside the area of effect, materialised, the original object may not be used in
and vice versa. any way, or the duplicate is disrupted.
Auditory effects at this level can mimic speech, This effect creates a dome of chaotic power
but will always sound unnatural and distinctly over the selected target or area of effect. The chaos
different from normal speech. The sounds can be energy keeps the temperature inside the dome
quiet or reasonably loud (audible up to 20 feet from comfortable (roughly 70 degrees) and provides light
the target location). The speech or other sound the roughly equivalent to candlelight. This dome is
spell materialises can be no longer than 2 seconds sturdy enough to prevent the entrance of rain or
per caster level and will repeat throughout the other precipitation and the effects of winds with
duration of the spell. speeds under 30 mph, but does not prevent the
entrance of air or other gases. In addition, creatures
Any images created at this level of effect can may enter or leave the area of effect at will.
be used to spell out words or present other fine
details, but are certainly not able to accurately This effect can be used to create an item of up
mimic even a simple painting of a creature, much to 1 pound in weight per caster level. This weapon
less the creature itself. The image pattern can hold is treated as a +2 weapon for purposes of overcoming
multiple colours, however, and is more than able to damage reduction only.
convey complex concepts and images as envisioned
by the spellcaster. The images created by this spell The target or all target creatures in the area of
can move around within the area of effect, but can be effect, are surrounded by an envelope of breathable
no longer than 2 seconds per caster level. Images air that lasts for the duration of the spell. This air
created will repeat throughout the duration of the has positive pressure that prevents poisonous gases
spell. or other fine materials from entering the surrounded
creature s respiratory system and is powerful enough
to allow breathing underwater.
This effect creates glue-like strands of chaos
There is a tactile element to your sensory
energy throughout an area. Any target who fails
materialisations at this level, though not enough to
their save against the effect is stuck fast to these
be truly convincing. This sensation is enough to
strands and is unable to move or take any other
create a sense of solidity to the image, but the target
action until they have freed themselves. Freeing
can completely ignore the effect with a successful
yourself from this mass of chaos requires a successful
Will save. If such a save is successful, in fact, the
Strength or Escape Artist check (DC 15 + 1 per chaos
target can resist any further sensation effects you
mage level of the caster). Once freed, the target may
create for the next 24 hours.
take a single 5-foot step  though if this step moves
the creature into another area affected by this spell
Any auditory effects you create at this level
he must make his Saving throw or the process begins
can be as loud as a person shouting and sound
again. If this spell is cast upon a single target, the
convincingly like the speech of a creature of your
target (once freed) is not affected by the same spell
race. The sound can last as long as the duration of
again, even if it moves back into the area where the
the spell you cast and, if shorter than this duration,
spell was originally in effect.
will repeat throughout the duration of the spell.
Waves of chaos surround the target object or
Visual effects created at this level appear real,
fill the target area. Attempting to grab or hold onto
though a successful Will save allows the target to see
the object or move through the area require a
the flaws in the image and understand that it is not
successful Reflex save to succeed. If a target fails
real. The image can be made to move through the
this save, it falls prone in the area and must make a
area of effect, or can be as large as the area of effect.
Reflex save to stand again. If the save fails while
attempting to grab an object, the object simply
eludes the grasp of the target and remains where it
that 1 hit point of damage per chaos mage level
remains, a side effect from the lacerations of chaotic
By forging chaos energy into a solid mass, the
energy experienced by the target.
chaos mage is able to construct a wall that prevents
passage. The wall fills one 10 cube per 4 chaos
Movement Effects
mage levels, though the cube may be shaped in any
manner desired by the chaos mage. The material The last line of the Extreme level of this effect
from which the cube is created has a hardness of 5 element should read:
and has 10 hit points per 10-foot square per inch of
thickness. Thus, the cube as a whole has 1,200 hit Alternatively, the chaos mage may instead choose to
points. deprive the target subject of all of its actions for the
duration of this spell  targets so affected are treated
This effect can be used to create a suit of as if paralyzed for the duration of the spell.
chaotic armour that surrounds the target creature or
each creature in the area of effect. This suit provides Movement is also a lot more flexible than it is
a +1 armour bonus to the Armour Class of all currently used, but requires some interpretation,
affected creatures for every 2 chaos mage levels especially where duration is concerned. When a
possessed by the caster, to a maximum armour bonus spell with a movement effect has a duration, the
of +10. chaos mage may decide that this duration affects the
movement in one of two ways:
This level of materialisation has some real
chaos power backing it up, and is effectively real if 1. The movement occurs slowly, over the
it is believed. At this level of materialisation, you course of the duration.
can create any sound or image you can conceive,
which appears as real as an actual creature or object. 2. The movement effect allows the target of the
Those who know this image is false (such as spell to move its full distance each round, as
yourself) or those who succeed at their Will saves, a move equivalent action, until the duration
however, see through the sensory materialisation can of the spell has expired. This allows very
only be slightly affected by the spell. You can rapid movement and might even include
believably create a creature with Hit Dice equal to flight  see below for more details.
your level, which will move freely throughout the
spell s area of effect. This creature, if the target While all of this is well and good, there is a very
makes its Will save, can only cause a single hit point abusive trick formerly available to chaos mages
of damage per attack. Similarly, you are able to using this effect. In short, chaos mages were
mimic a damage effect with this materialisation, but transporting enemies high into the air and letting
if it is disbelieved the damage causes but a single hit them fall, often creating a great deal of damage for a
point per hit die of damage it would have caused very small DC. This is clearly not a good idea, and
had it been a real effect. is hereby rectified.
For the purposes of the movement effect, vertical
elevation is more difficult than horizontal
This powerful effect is able to change the
displacement, if the target is not moved to a location
reality with which the target interacts. You dictate
where he is on solid footing. That is, teleporting a
the senses the character experiences, including sight,
creature fifty feet into the air is very difficult 
sound, pleasure, pain, taste and all other sensory
teleporting a creature to a platform fifty feet into the
input. You may cause damage to the target during
air is not difficult at all. Unsupported vertical
this manifestation (1d8 per chaos mage level per
movement is considered five times more distant than
round) but the target is given a Will save each round
horizontal movement for the purposes of chaos
to avoid this damage. Additionally, if the creature
magic. This limitation is removed for willing targets
makes its Will save at any time during this
of the effect, who may use movement effects to fly or
manifestation, it is not only immune to the current
round s damage, but also to the rest of the damage
from the spell and from all previous damage caused
by the spell  as its belief in the spell fades, the
creature recovers from the imagined damage. Note
(one for barred and one for magically restrained 
the lock was opened for free).
The target object of this effect changes from
opened to closed, or vice versa. Suitable targets for
All creatures are prevented from entering the
this effect include doors, windows, backpack flaps,
area of effect of this chaos magic spell or touching
pouches, or any other object that can be opened and
the object or creature affected by this spell. This
closed. Note that this does not unlock or lock the
effect may be reversed, however, preventing
item in question.
creatures in the area of effect from leaving it or
The target of this effect, or creatures within the
preventing them from dropping an item or creature
area of effect, receive damage reduction 10/- against
they currently hold.
missile attacks that are physical in nature (arrows,
crossbow bolts, sling stones, etc) as the missiles are
Targeted creatures are prevented from leaving
greatly slowed when entering the area of effect.
the area of effect for this movement effect for the
duration of the spell. Spells cast with this effect
Creatures of a racial type, sex, or other visible
must have an area of effect of burst or spread.
identifying characteristic are prevented from
touching the target of this spell or moving into the
For the duration of this spell, all targets
area affected by this spell. This prevents all
affected by this spell can hear one another perfectly
unarmed attacks against the target by the affected
as long as they remain within 100 ft. per caster level
creatures, but does not inhibit attacks with weapons
of one another. Those not affected by the spell
or magic.
cannot hear any of this spell s targets, as their words
are moved directly from one target to another.
The chaos mage is able to transfer his spoken
The target, or target creatures in the area of
words to a single target, or all targets within the
effect, are able to walk up walls or across ceilings at
spell s area of effect. These words are transferred
one-half their normal movement rate for the duration
instantly from the mouth of the chaos mage to the
of the spell.
ears of the targets. Note that the chaos mage s words
cannot be heard as he speaks them, except by the
The target receives an additional partial action
targets of this spell.
each round in addition to his normal actions. This
action may be taken before or after his other actions
The target gains an additional move-
during the round. This effect may also be used to
equivalent action in addition to his other actions for
restrict the actions of a target, allowing it to make
the round. This action may be taken before or after
only a single partial action each round.
the target s normal actions for the round.
The words of the target(s) of this spell are
The targets of this spell are prevented from
transferred to a designated recipient within 10 miles
leaving their current plane of existence for the
per chaos mage level for the duration of this spell.
duration of the spell, by any means. The target of
this spell must be on the same plane as the caster at
The chaos mage controls the actions of the
the time this spell is cast.
target(s) of this spell for the duration of this effect.
The target object of this effect changes from Those who fail their save are under the complete
opened to closed, or vice versa. Suitable targets for control of the chaos mage, who may direct them
this effect include doors, windows, backpack flaps, to attack or move, but may not control them to
pouches, or any other object that can be opened and cast spells or use skills. Creatures attack using the
closed. Note that this does remove one type of lock, chaos mage s base attack bonus minus one for each
restraint, bar, or other method of keeping the door
creature controlled after the first.
closed. For each additional lock, restraint, or bar, the
caster wishes to remove, increase the DC of this
effect by one. Thus, if a door were locked, barred
Target creatures, or creatures in the spell s area
and magically restrained from opening, the caster
of effect, are immediately returned to their
would need to increase the DC of this effect by 2
home plane.
Transformation Effects Minor
All transformations really should have a duration  The target of this effect becomes less
otherwise, the target(s) will flash into their susceptible to damage from a specific energy type
transformed state then immediately flash back. The (acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic) and gains
transformation effects only persist for the duration of energy resistance 1 per caster level from attacks of
the spell, after which the chaos power used to hold that energy type for the duration of the spell.
the transformation in place dissipates and the target
returns to its natural state. Any spell from any single school of magic is
prevented from affecting the target or targets in the
This leads to some issues the GM must resolve. First area of effect for the duration of this effect, unless
 it is recommended that transformations not be the caster of the spell defeats the chaos mage in an
allowed to work on only part of an object or opposed caster level check.
creature. This prevents some of the problems that
can result when a transformed portion of a building The target of this spell, or any creatures within
suddenly  detransforms and regains its natural the spell s area of effect, are immune to all 0-level
shape. spells, unless the caster of those spells defeats the
chaos mage in an opposed caster level check.
For example: A chaos mage decides that he s going
to transform two of a shack s four walls into air. This This effect creates a hole in a solid object of up
would, naturally, lead to the rest of the shack to 1 diameter and 1 depth per chaos level of the
collapsing. But, when the duration of the chaos mage. The targeted object is entitled to a
transformation effect expires, the walls return to their saving throw, as normal.
normal state. Since the other two, non-transformed,
walls, have already fallen down, the newly restored The target of this effect, or all creatures in its
walls also fall down! This creates a problem  the area of effect, are immediately rendered unconscious
chaos mage has now achieved an original aim (the for the duration of the spell as chaotic impulses short
destruction of the building) even though he would out their minds and prevent them from taking any
not have normally been able to do that based on the actions.
size of the object he can transform.
The target of this spell, or those in the spell s
If a creature is transformed into a non-living state, area of effect, immediately regards enemies as allies
inanimate matter, raw energy, or whatever other and vice versa. If the targets are currently under
transformations are used to remove the creature from attack, they receive a +5 bonus to their saving
the realms of the living, the creature will return to throws. Note that this level of effect only works on
life at its original location (unless moved by creatures of the same type as the spellcaster
external forces) at the end of the effect s duration. (humanoid, abomination, etc.). Removing this
Games Masters must pay careful attention to this, to restriction increases the effect to a moderate
avoid abuse by characters who use transformation to transformation.
simply kill a creature.
Target, or targets in area of effect, receive the
ability to see perfectly in total natural darkness up to
5 per caster level, twice that distance in low light
The targets of any spell created with this effect
conditions. This ability does not permit the user to
are rendered invisible to normal sight for the
see through magical darkness.
duration of the spell. Note that this effect ends
immediately if the target does anything to draw
The critical threat range of the target weapon
attention to itself, including attacking another
or weapons in the area of effect is increased by one.
creature or casting a spell.
All fires completely encompassed by the target
The target of this spell, or any creatures within
area of effect are immediately extinguished by this
the spell s area of effect, is immune to all 0 level
effect, which does not affect magical fires.
static magic spells, unless the caster of those spells
defeats the chaos mage in an opposed caster level
Strike fear into the hearts of creatures, causing
them to flee for 1d4 rounds.
All existing spell effects in the area of effect
are immediately disrupted and cease to function
Cause creatures to believe your words are true,
entirely. If a saving throw is allowed for this effect,
despite proof to the contrary.
the caster of the spells affected is entitled to the save
 if he succeeds, the spells he cast are not dispelled.
The target of this effect becomes less Target creature or creatures in the area of effect
susceptible to damage from a specific energy type are immune to all spells or spell-like effects targeted
(acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic) and gains at them or the area of effect for the duration of this
energy resistance 2 per three caster levels from spell, unless the caster defeats the chaos mage in an
attacks of that energy type for the duration of this opposed caster level check.
Target creature, or creatures in the area of
This effect suppresses any magical effect that effect, as well as all carried equipment, become
enters its area of effect, or any magical effect insubstantial and able to pass through even the
currently affecting the target creature or object. smallest cracks or holes. While in this state,
These magical effects are not removed from the insubstantial creatures may move at their normal
target creature, but their effects are completely movement rate but are unable to fly or swim. In
nullified for the duration of this effect. When this addition, insubstantial creatures receive damage
effect s duration ends, the other magical effects reduction 20/+1 and are unable to physically attack
immediately take effect once again. others or cast spells that require somatic or material
components. The target creature or creatures are
The target creature or creatures in the area of transformed into another type of material with
effect receive damage reduction 5/+1 per 4 levels of hardness equal to at least 5. While in this state, the
the casting chaos mage. target creature or creatures may take no action.
The target of the spell is forced to take a single You are able to resculpt the mind of your
action or restricted from taking a single action. target. For each round of the duration of this effect,
Spells using this effect must have at least a one- you are able to permanently change one of the
round duration  if the action a target is instructed to target s memories totally and completely. Note that
take can be taken more than once, the target will this memory is only changed in a single context.
take it every round for the duration of the spell. You could, for example, change a memory so that
Note that any action that is directly harmful to the the target remembers seeing you in a bazaar, rather
target creature entitles the creature to a +10 than in the middle of his alchemical laboratory. You
circumstance bonus to his save. Directly harmful could not, however, change his memory so that he
things include committing suicide, walking into a never remembered seeing you at all, because the
known environmental hazard (such as a fire), or memory of your face is tied in with other memories,
walking off a cliff. If this spell is cast with an area of such as him remembering that he doesn t much care
effect, all affected targets will take the directed for you.
action, or are restricted from the action, as the case
may be. You are able to actually seize control of the
target s mind for the duration of this spell and
The target, or targets in the area of effect, control it just as if it were your own. The target is
receives the ability to see perfectly in total natural allowed a Will save against any activity you choose
darkness up to 5 per caster level, twice that distance to undertake that is directly harmful to his person, or
in low light conditions. This ability does permit the which is strongly against his beliefs (such as forcing
user to see through magical darkness of any type and a paladin to murder an innocent).
can be used to restore sight to those afflicted by
magical blindness.
Healing Effects
It is possible for a chaos mage to heal himself or his
The critical threat range of the target weapon,
companions, but the cost can be considerable for
or all weapons in the area of effect, is doubled.
both parties. The infusion of chaos magic as a way
to repair damage is very straining and few chaos target heals all the damage immediately and suffers
mages are able to perform the requisite no ill effects. If the target fails, however, the damage
manipulations of power to pull it off consistently. is not healed and remains as subdual damage.
Conversion Healing Effect Chaotic Healing Effect
Casting DC: 15 Casting DC: 20
Save: Fort negates (harmless) Save: Fort negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (mandatory) Spell Resistance: Yes (mandatory)
Continued Concentration: Yes Continued Concentration: Yes
This type of healing transforms normal damage into When a spell using this effect is cast, it calls for the
subdual damage, allowing creatures to heal from powers of chaos to cure the chaos mage. These
grievous wounds much more rapidly than would spells may only target the chaos mage who casts the
otherwise be possible. When cast this spell spell and must have a duration of by minute. At the
transforms a number of hit points of real damage per end of each minute of this spell s duration, the chaos
chaos mage level into an equal number of points of mage may either transform a number of hit points of
subdual damage. This transformation occurs for all real damage equal to one half of his current chaos
targets of the spell, provided the chaos mage mage level into subdual damage or heal a number of
maintains his concentration for the entire spell. hit points of subdual damage equal to his current
chaos mage level. The chaos mage must maintain
When the duration of this spell ends, the chaos mage his concentration on the spell during this entire time
must make a successful Will save against the DC of  if he loses his concentration at any time, all
this spell. If he fails this save, he and all targets of damage healed so far by the spell is re-applied and
the spell automatically suffer 1 hit point of real any subdual damage he is currently suffering
damage per chaos mage level. This is in addition to becomes, instead, real damage.
any damage the chaos mage suffers for casting the
spell, all of which becomes real damage (rather than Throughout this spell s duration, the chaos mage s
the standard subdual damage). Targets are not body is surrounded by intense lights and a
allowed a saving throw against this damage, as they thrumming sound that carries for at least 50 feet and
have already allowed the spell s energy to infuse can be detected without effort at that distance. This
them in order to be healed. display is caused by the chaotic power flooding the
chaos mage s body and cannot be avoided in any
Transferral Healing Effect
Casting DC: 20
Note that if a 1 is rolled for the casting check for this
Save: Fort negates
spell, the chaos mage automatically gains an
Spell Resistance: Yes (mandatory)
additional level on his path of chaos  no second
Continued Concentration: Yes
roll is needed.
The chaos mage can use this healing effect to
transfer any subdual damage from one target to
another. Neither target needs to be willing, but if the
target to which the damage is transferred makes it
While chaos magic is intentionally difficult to cast,
saving throw to resist the spell, the damage rebounds
it is possible to decrease the difficulty of casting a
onto the original target, replacing the original
spell by placing limitations on its activation.
subdual damage as real damage.
Known as triggers, these methods are also useful for
limiting the effect of a spell to a specific area or for
Spells using this effect can only transfer 2 hit points
ensuring that it only affects creatures who perform
of subdual damage per chaos mage level per round
(or fail to perform) a specific action. In general, a
per target. When the spell is complete, the target to
trigger limits the effect of the spell, thereby
which the damage was transferred may be able to
decreasing the difficulty of the spellcasting check.
heal the damage instantly, provided all the damage
Like chaos magic effects, triggers come in different
came from a single target. If this condition is true,
categories, each of which is described below.
the target is allowed a single Fortitude save (DC
equal to the total number of points of subdual
Triggers can react to either the attempt to do
damage transferred). If the save is successful, the
something, in which case they go off before the
attempted action, or as a response to an action taken, minimum before they go off, as shown in the
in which case they go off immediately following the examples below.
successful completion of an action.
Casting a lightning bolt spell at the chaos
Common Triggers (DC  5)
Common triggers can be easily met and are most
Using the Decipher Script skill to decode a
often used to set chaos magic  traps. While a trigger
specific message.
might not be tripped, thereby making the spell
worthless, a little practice will allow the chaos mage
Reciting a particular bit of poetry while
to craft spells and triggers that will be tripped by his
standing in a specific spot.
enemies or allies, as the case may be. Examples of
minor triggers are:
Triggers and Duration
The duration of a spell does not begin until its
The spell is actually transferred through a
trigger has been tripped. At that point, the spell goes
physical attack and will only affect those who are
off as normal and its duration begins. A spell cast
physically struck. Note that this does not mean the
with a trigger condition will persist for one day per
chaos mage has to do the hitting  the spell could be
caster level, or until its triggering condition has
cast upon an allied fighter, for example, who then
been met.
transfers the effect to targets he strikes.
The spell only affects those who perform a
Triggers and Saving Throws
specific action within its area of effect, such as
Whenever a chaos magic spell with a trigger is cast,
making a melee attack, casting a spell, drawing a
that spell does not require the need for a saving
weapon, or running. Note that this action must be a
throw or spell resistance check until the trigger
volitional act that requires real effort on the part of
condition is satisfied. The spell clings to the target
the affected party  a trigger that affects anyone who
until it is triggered, lying dormant within the pattern
breathes, for example, is not a valid trigger.
of the target s aura until it is ignited by the
fulfilment of the trigger.
The spell goes off after a specific amount of
time has passed, but this time can be no less than
one minute.
Triggers and Range
Once a spell with a trigger is cast, it remains in place
Uncommon Triggers (DC  10)
until the trigger is fulfilled. This means the area of
These triggers are more difficult to set off and may
effect remains where it was cast, or the spell remains
never be tripped at all. These require a specific
targeted on the person it was originally cast upon,
action of a specific type to be fulfilled, as illustrated
until it is triggered, regardless of how far or how fast
in the examples below.
the target moves.
Casting a fireball spell fulfils the trigger.
Triggers and Counterspells and
Dispel Magic
Attacking the chaos mage (or another, specific
target) will fulfil the trigger and set off the spell. A chaos magic spell with a trigger must be
counterspelled at the moment is cast, it cannot be
Using a specific skill is enough to set off the countered when it is triggered. Dispel magic or
trigger. other spells or effects designed to destroy magic will
affect an untriggered spell, however, potentially
removing it before the trigger can be fulfilled. Of
Rare Triggers (DC  15)
course, the canny chaos mage will set up a trap
Triggers of this sort are likely to never go off and are
designed to trigger the spell whenever someone
often used as a threat hanging over the head of the
attempts to dispel it.
target. These triggers have a specific action of a
specific type against a specific target, at the
chaos mage with a +2 natural bonus to any Saves
New Paths of Chaos
made to resist the effects of poison.
The following are some new Paths of Chaos for your
enjoyment. Many of these paths are a bit grotesque,
6. Freakish Gestation: The teratic growths
so you have been warned.
within the chaos mage s body begin to mature,
draining away his vitality as they accelerate toward
birth. The chaos mage must consume three times as
Path of Teratic Progeny
much food and water each day as he would normally
Chaos is found in the growth of all living things
require and suffers the permanent loss of 1 point of
and, in some cases, chaos causes such growth. For
those who find themselves upon this path, their
7. Gestative Coma: The eyes from steps 2 and 5
bodies slowly transmogrify, becoming a fertile
of the path close and are sealed with a thick crust of
ground for teratic growths and tumourous
black mucous. Even if cleared way, this substance
pregnancies. In its final stages, the path leads the
reforms within moments, keeping the eyes sealed as
chaos mage toward his new life as a distorted womb,
they enter the final stages of their development.
from which spill countless nightmarish and
Unfortunately, this means that the bonuses gained
deformed children.
from Tears of Venom are no longer available to the
chaos mage.
1. Humps of Life: Small lumps begin to appear
just beneath the chaos mage s skin. These are quite
8. Chaotic Gravidity: The body of the chaos
tender to the touch and the surrounding tissue is
mage begins to swell to nightmarish proportions,
clearly engorged with blood.
reducing his ability to move and sapping him of his
strength. The teratic children growing within his
2. The Eyes of a Child: Roughly one-half of the
body are so large now that he suffers a permanent
lumps on the chaos mage s skin split open and begin
loss of 1d3 points of Dexterity and 1 point of
weeping a clear, viscous fluid. Clearing away the
fluid reveals a small eye in the centre of each of the
lumps, perfectly formed but marred by a thick
9. Squirming Ejecta: The first horrific births
cataract over the pupil. These eyes are clear after a
take place as the sections of the chaos mage s body
day or so of weeping, after which covering them
burst open to eject thick, wriggling creatures formed
causes the chaos mage a great deal of pain.
from waste tissue and chaotic energy. These
creatures live only moments before their horrific
3. Vomitous Resilience: The other half of the
forms collapse into reeking scraps of corrupted flesh
lumps found beneath the chaos mage s skin burst
and oily liquids. 1d4 of these creatures are birthed
open, revealing tiny mouths lined with chalky teeth
each day, causing 1d6 hit points of damage to the
and filled with forked tongues. Whenever the chaos
chaos mage each. While the damage caused by their
mage suffers damage, these mouths vomit up chunks
births can be healed, the permanent loss of 1d3
of damaged flesh in a stew of vile-smelling fluid.
points of Constitution when this step on the path is
This has the benefit of converting 2 hit points of
gained cannot.
damage from any attack the chaos mage suffers into
subdual damage.
10. Womb of Madness: The chaos mage s entire
body is disrupted and reformed to operate as a womb
4. Babe s Cries: The mouths that opened on the
for all manner of chaotic creatures. Horrific beasts,
flesh of the chaos mage begin mewling and loudly
all with HD equal to or less than the chaos mage s
clicking their teeth at random times. This causes a 
level at the time of his transformation, emerge
2 circumstance penalty for any Hide or Move
wriggling from his bleeding birth canal to rampage
Silently skill checks the chaos mage makes.
across the earth.
5. Tears of Venom: The opened eyes begin
weeping more copiously, releasing thick, cloudy
Path of Agonised Ecstasy
streams of fluid from the chaos mage s flesh.
The chaotic pathways forged through the body of
Though disgusting to see, this fluid actually helps
the chaos mage become overloaded with sensation
the chaos mage by removing toxins from his system
when this path is walked. Painful experiences
at a much faster rate than normal. This provides the
become intensely pleasurable, while other
sensations are magnified and distorted in similar 7. Image of Obsession: Not content to keep his
ways by the forces of chaos. The distracting nature injuries hidden from the world, the chaos mage feels
of these changes leaves many chaos mages the need to share his ecstatic pain with others. Pliers
completely mad, their minds unable to process the and candle flames reduce his lips to withered worms
new floods of sensation they experience, reducing of grey scar tissue, while constant cutting at his
them to drooling imbeciles. nostrils for that most exquisite pain has rendered his
nasal pages into a fretted and flayed gawp in the
1. Love of the Lash: Sources of pain now centre of his face. As a result, the chaos mage has a
provide pleasure for the chaos mage, with more hard time dealing with others and suffers a  6
intense pains providing more intense pleasures. circumstance penalty to all Animal Empathy, Bluff,
Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Handle
2. Self Abuse: The chaos mage finds it Animal, Innuendo, or Sense Motive checks he
impossible to stop inflicting minor injuries upon his makes. If the chaos mage ever needs to make a
person. He scratches at himself, uses dagger tips to Charisma check as a result of a social situation
cut furrows in his flesh and gnaws mercilessly at his (other than attempting to horrify or intimidate others
own tongue. The pleasure he derives from these for which there is no bonus nor penalty), they suffer
experiences is indescribable, leaving others vaguely the same penalty.
disturbed if they spend more than a few minutes in
his presence. The scratches and other wounds are 8. Rushing Feedback: Your senses are so badly
clearly visible, though they are not yet detrimental crosswired that pain translates to pleasure and
to his health. pleasure to pain. When you are not concentrating
on stopping the cycle, this can lead to a feedback
3. Embrace of Pain: The chaos mage receives a loop that wracks your nervous system with
+1 circumstance bonus to any Concentration checks conflicting blasts of pain and skull-rattling waves of
he must make as a result of injury. He has pleasure that leave you unable to function.
successfully mastered his pain, at this point, and can Whenever you suffer a number of hit points of
ride out the waves of pleasure that assault him when damage equal to or greater than one-half of your
his body is damaged. current Constitution score, you must immediately
make a Concentration skill check (DC 10 + damage
4. Sensory Skew: Nothing the chaos mage suffered by the attack). If this check succeeds, you
perceives is quite right, any longer. His tastes are may continue acting as normal (though additional
radically changed, leaving him with a hunger for Concentration checks may be needed if you are
offal and dirt while his stomach recoils at the casting a spell, for example). Otherwise, you
thought of steak or lobster. Colours shift and skew immediately become incapable of any action for 1d3
before him and whispers become roars while loud rounds, after which you regain control of your
noises are reduced to an indecipherable background nerves.
murmur. This change in his senses leaves the chaos
mage with a  1 circumstance penalty to all Initiative 9. Addiction to Pain: The pleasure you receive
checks he makes. from physical injury becomes so great you
subconsciously sabotage your body s natural
5. Lust for Horror: In addition to the physical instincts for survival. You are always considered
pleasure brought on by pain, the chaos mage flat-footed against any attacks or spells directed
becomes mentally aroused by things others find against you by a creature that has already injured
horrific. As a result, the chaos mage receives a +2 you during the current combat.
morale saving throw bonus versus any spell, spell-
like ability, or circumstances that would normally 10. Viral Sensation: You become a chaotic wave
cause fear. of energy laden with your own confused sensations.
The physical body is transmuted into a pure
6. Debilitating Ecstasy: The injuries the chaos representation of your own agonised ecstasy, which
mage inflicts upon himself become more severe and is in turn returned to the chaotic flows of the
the wounds are never given a chance to heal. This universe. The spot of your passing becomes
reduces the chaos mage s hit points by 1d6 points renowned among those who seek extreme pleasures
permanently. or heights of pain, and pilgrims of the outré find
their way to your grave for midnight trysts in the perform some service for him in exchange for pay.
hopes of receiving some sort of orgasmic insight. The pay for this attempt must be reasonable.
6. Gleam of Coin: Hiring others no longer
Path of the Whore
appeals to the chaos mage, who now believes his
While most chaotic paths create physical
handling of chaos magic has entitled the world to a
transmogrifications combined with mental changes
piece of him, if they are willing to pay the price.
that lead to more dangerous and pervasive
The chaos mage will perform any service for a
insanities, the path of the whore is almost entirely a
reasonable price, though he may refuse those that
social and mental affliction. The chaos mage
offer immediate personal injury in their terms. He
becomes obsessed with the concept of prostitution,
will, however, use his chaos magic in the service of
in all its many forms, as a metaphor for the give and
take of chaos magic. In an attempt to better
understand his art, the chaos mage thus becomes the
7. Obsessive Servitude: The chaos mage hires
ultimate prostitute, advancing at last to become a
himself out for menial or repulsive tasks, often
wretched, cosmic whore enslaved to the will of
hiring himself out to a whorehouse or other places of
beings from beyond the realms of mortals.
demeaning and spiritually exhausting labour. The
chaos mage must spend a total of one month out of
1. Questions of Worth: The chaos mage begins
every three (though not necessarily all at one go)
questioning the value of everything, doing his best
performing this type of work to the exclusion of all
to categorise the actions of others according to their
else. This reduces his Strength and Constitution by
 value in terms of gold, gems, or whatever other
1 point, as the work erodes his physical health.
system of judging wealth he adopts.
8. Hireling: The chaos mage becomes incapable
2. Hired Help: The chaos mage is simply unable
of performing actions without being hired to do so.
to do anything that he can hire someone to do for
Even his companions must make reasonable offers of
him. Shining his shoes, cleaning his clothes, or
pay if they wish to get the chaos mage to keep his
performing sexual favours are all things the chaos
end of the bargain up, and the chaos mage simply
mage not only pays for, but prefers to pay for them
will not perform work of any kind without promise
above earning them in other ways. If presented with
of pay.
the opportunity to buy the services of someone, the
chaos mage must take the opportunity, even if it is
9. Soul of the Slave: The chaos mage has little
financially ruinous.
will of his own at this point, but will offer his
services to any who can make even the feeblest
3. Whore s Eye: The chaos mage is adept at
attempts at pay. Those who know of the chaos
judging the value of things, or at least the perceived
mage s condition can freely prey upon him 
value of things. This provides a +2 bonus to all
offering him a copper piece to sever one of his own
Appraise checks the chaos mage makes.
fingers seems just as reasonable as would a request
for the chaos mage to shine a lord s shoes.
4. Crude Proposal: Unable to restrain himself,
the chaos mage continually propositions anyone he
10. Whore of Chaos: The chaos mage offers his
meets to perform some action they would normally
body and soul up to the forces of chaos, the mindless
find, at best, out of character. The chaos mage has
and seething energies beyond the realms of men.
no control over this  if he has a conversation with
Sadly, they hear his offer and take him away to
someone he doesn t know, or has met before only
amuse themselves with his puny mortal existence for
briefly, he will proposition them in some way before
the next few generations, after which his vital
the conversation is complete.
energies are dispersed back into the universe at
5. Seductive Offering: After a few slaps in the
face and possible legal entanglements, the chaos
mage has learned how to make proposals that are
more enticing. The chaos mage receives a +2 natural
modifier to any use of the Bluff or Sense Motive
skills when attempting to convince someone to
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
New Chaos Magic
Prestige Classes
Class Features:
Chaos magic opens up many new avenues for All of the following are class features of the chaotic
character development. Beyond simply learning fist prestige class.
new ways to use the energies of chaos for
spellcasting, those of great personal strength can
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Chaotic fists gain
also learn to bend the primal energies to perform
no proficiency in any weapon or armor upon taking
amazing physical feats, as well. The prestige classes
a level of this prestige class. In addition, wearing
found in this section offer new ways to infect
any armor at all inhibits the chaotic fist s ability to
characters with the powers of chaos, or allow
move with the flows of chaotic energy and prevents
practitioners of the alien arts new methods of honing
them from using any of the special abilities of this
their skills. Here you will find not only prestige
prestige class while the armor is worn.
classes for chaos mages, but also for those who wish
to dabble with the powers of chaos for other
+1 Level Chaos Mage: When indicated on the table
below, the chaotic fist gains a level of spellcasting
ability as if he had taken a level of the chaos mage
prestige class. No other benefits of the chaos mage
Chaotic Fist
prestige class are gained, however, though these
While most chaos mages are content to channel their
levels do stack with standard chaos mage levels for
chaotic energies into spells, the chaotic fist has
purposes of determining caster level and making
adapted the flows of chaos into a martial art.
chaos magic spellcasting checks.
Coupling the unpredictable nature of chaos with his
personal strength, the chaotic fist is capable of
Armour Of Chaos: When this ability is gained, the
unleashing a terrific flurry of attacks in a very short
chaotic fist s body becomes suffused with chaotic
time span.
energy that allows him to avoid blows easier than
most. The chaotic fist receives a +4 natural armour
As an answer to the monk s steadfast discipline and
bonus as long as he is not wearing any other armour.
ordered mind, the chaotic fist sees the world as a
kaleidoscope of sensations and frozen instants of
Chaos Touch: The raw chaos coursing through the
time. During combat, he is able to perceive and
body of the chaotic fist increases the damage of any
react to unpredictable events at an alarming rate, as
unarmed attack he makes. This ability adds 1d4 hit
the flows of chaos move him through the battle. The
points of chaos damage to all the character s
random nature of this style makes it difficult to
unarmed attacks, plus one additional hit point of
defend against, and the raw warping power of chaos
chaos damage per level of this prestige class.
creates a potent weapon indeed.
Chaotic Flesh: The power of chaos begins
Hit Die: 1d6
rearranging the body of the chaotic fist, making him
more difficult to damage. The chaotic fist receives a
+5 chaotic bonus to his armour class (which does
stack with the bonus provided by Armour of Chaos),
Charisma: 15+.
but this bonus only applies on the confirmation
Concentration: 8.
attack roll for a critical hit. Though the character is
Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed
not less susceptible to standard damage, it is much
more difficult to land a critical strike against him.
Spellcasting: The ability to cast chaos magic.
Chaotic Surge: By calling upon the chaotic
Class Skills
energies in his body, the chaotic fist is able to
The chaotic fist s class skills (and the key ability for increase his Strength and Dexterity for a short time,
each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), though he must pay a dear price for doing so. When
Concentration (Con), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate activated, this ability allows the chaos mage to
(Cha), Jump (Str), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble increase his Strength and Dexterity by up to 5 points
(Dex) for a number of minutes equal to his current
The Chaotic Fist
Class Base Fort. Ref. Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1 +0 +2 +2 +2 Chaos Touch
2 +1 +3 +3 +3 Chaotic Flesh
3 +2 +3 +3 +3 +1 level chaos mage
4 +3 +4 +4 +4 Armour of Chaos
5 +3 +4 +4 +4 Concentrated Chaos
6 +4 +5 +5 +5 +1 level chaos mage
7 +5 +5 +5 +5 Flow of Chaos
8 +6 +6 +6 +6 Chaotic Surge
9 +6 +6 +6 +6 +1 level chaos mage
10 +7 +7 +7 +7 Chaotic Warfare
character level. When this ability ends, however, the
Chaotic Specialist
character immediately suffers 1d3 points of
Wielding the raw power of chaos is an exhilarating
temporary ability damage to both Strength and
experience and the flexibility provided by this
Dexterity as the unrestrained flows of chaos rip
power is envied by static mages the world over. But
through his flesh. This ability may be used once per
there are those who feel they do not need to access
day per two chaotic fist levels.
all facets of chaotic power, but instead prefer to
focus their efforts on a particular type of chaos
Chaotic Warfare: The chaotic fist is able to see the
magic. Damage and transformation are the most
flows of chaos through the battlefield and may alter
popular forms of specialization, but any effect can
them with the power of his will alone. Once this
be the focus of specialization.
ability is gained, the chaotic fist may spend a full-
round action to assess the state of a given physical
While they are able to conjure more powerful chaos
combat. At the end of this time, he may attempt to
effects in their area of expertise, specialists suffer
tweak the lines of chaos to create a more favourable
shortfalls with other effect elements. Given the
situation for himself and his allies. This requires a
dangers of chaos magic, however, there are those
successful Concentration check (15 + the highest
who find the trade-off beneficial  by focusing on
level or Hit Die of creatures on the opposing side of
their area of expertise, they are less likely to suffer a
the battle). For every five full points by which this
chaotic backlash and find it easier to shed their steps
Concentration skill check succeeds, the chaotic fist s
on a chosen Path of Chaos.
allies (who are within 50 feet of his current location)
receive a +1 insight bonus to all attack and damage
Hit Die: 1d4
rolls until the combat ends. The chaotic fist also
immediately suffers 1d4 hit points of damage per
point of insight bonus granted, the price for playing
with the forces of chaos.
Charisma: 14.
Concentration: 10 ranks.
Concentrated Chaos: The chaotic fist is able to use
Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting.
the power of chaos to bolster his powers of
Spellcasting: The ability to cast chaos magic.
concentration. The chaotic fist now receives a
natural bonus to all Concentration skill checks
Class Skills
equal to one-half his current levels in this prestige
The chaotic specialist s class skills (and the key
class, rounded down.
ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Appraise
(Int), Concentration (Con), Heal (Wis), Knowledge
Flow of Chaos: The chaos mage may take an
(arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge
additional 5-foot step before or after each melee
(nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak
attack he makes during the round. This step does
Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis)
not provoke an attack of opportunity and does not
count against his normal movement rate for the
Skill Points at Each Level:2 + Intelligence modifier
Chaotic Specialist
Class Base Fort. Ref. Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Attuned +1 Level Chaos Mage
2 +1 +1 +1 +3 Increased Affinity
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 Level Chaos Mage
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Purge
5 +2 +2 +2 +4 +1 Level Chaos Mage
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Reduced Backlash
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 +1 Level Chaos Mage
8 +4 +3 +3 +6 Chaotic Burst
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 +1 Level Chaos Mage
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Chaotic Core
subdual damage, the chaos mage is able to reduce
the DC of any spell he casts that contain his
Class Features:
specialised effect element by 5. This reduction
All of the following are class features of the chaotic
stacks with that gained from Chaotic Burst, but if it
specialist prestige class.
is used in this way the damage from Chaotic Burst
becomes permanent ability score damage (that can
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Chaotic
be healed magically) rather than temporary damage.
specialists gain no proficiency in any weapon or
The DCs of all spells that do not contain his
armor upon taking a level of this prestige class.
specialised effect are increased by 5, however.
+1 Level Chaos Mage: When indicated on the table
Increased Affinity: Whenever the specialist gains a
below, the chaotic specialist gains a level of
level of chaos mage spellcasting ability (either from
spellcasting ability as if he had taken a level of the
chaos mage levels or levels of this prestige class) he
chaos mage prestige class. No other benefits of the
also gains a +1 insight bonus to any spellcasting
chaos mage prestige class are gained, however,
checks he makes when constructing a spell
though these levels do stack with standard chaos
containing his attuned effect.
mage levels for purposes of determining caster level
and making chaos magic spellcasting checks.
Purge: When this ability is gained, the chaotic
specialist may immediately purge himself of one
Attuned: The chaos mage must select his speciality
step on his current path of chaos.
effect as soon as he takes his first level of the chaotic
specialist prestige class. Only one attuned effect
Reduced Backlash: When this ability is cast, the
may be chosen, ever.
specialist suffers one hit point less of subdual
damage when casting spells containing his
Chaotic Burst: When this ability is used, the
specialised effect. However, the casting check DC of
specialist may reduce the casting check DC of any
all spells that do not contain this effect element are
single spell containing his specialised effect by 5.
increased by 5.
This reduction comes with a price however  the
caster immediately suffers one point of temporary
damage to one of his physical abilities, determined
randomly. This damage may not be healed
Chaotic Core: The specialist has achieved a state of
knowledge about his current specialisation that a
generalist can never hope to achieve. By suffering
damage as real hit points of damage rather than as
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likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment,
By making use of and/or distributing material using the d20 System Trademark under the
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any
terms of this License, You agree not to contest the ownership of the Licensed Articles
other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner
of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f)
4. Breach and Cure
 Trademark means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a
In the event that You fail to comply with the terms of this License, You will be considered
Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the
to be in breach of this License. Wizards of the Coast will attempt to notify you in writing
Open Game License by the Contributor (g)  Use ,  Used or  Using means to use,
by sending a Registered Letter to the address listed on the most recent Confirmation Card
Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of
on file, if any. You will have 30 days from the date the notice (the  cure period ) to cure
Open Game Content. (h)  You or  Your means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
the breach to the satisfaction of Wizards of the Coast. If no Confirmation Card is on file,
you will be considered to be in breach of this License immediately.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice
indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this
5. Termination
License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms
may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. If, at the end of the cure period, the breach is not cured, Wizards of the Coast may
No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using terminate this License without further written notice to You.
this License.
6. Effects of Termination
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance Upon termination, You shall immediately stop all use of the Licensed Articles and will
of the terms of this License.
destroy any inventory or marketing material in Your possession bearing the d20 System
Trademark logos. You will remove any use of the d20 System Trademark logos from your
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the
advertising, web site, letterhead, or any other use. You must instruct any company or
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the
individual that You are or become aware of who is in possession of any materials
exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
distributed by You bearing the d20 System Trademark logos to destroy those materials.
You will solely bear any costs related to carrying out this term of the License.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as
Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/
7. Penalty for Failure to Comply with Termination Instructions
or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
If You fail to comply with the Effects of Termination, Wizards of the Coast may, at its
option, pursue litigation, for which You shall be responsible for all legal costs, against You
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this
to the full extent of the law for breach of contract, copyright and trademark infringement,
License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game
damages and any other remedy available.
Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright
date, and the copyright holder s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open
8. Updates
Game Content you Distribute.
Wizards of the Coast may issue updates and/or new releases of the d20 System
Trademark logos without prior notice. You will, at the earliest possible opportunity, update
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an
all material distributed by You to use the updated and/or new version of the d20 System
indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent
Trademark logos. You may continue to distribute any pre-existing material that bears an
Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to
older version of the d20 System Trademark logo.
indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in
conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in
9. Changes to Terms of the License
another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered
Wizards of the Coast may issue updates and/or revisions to this License without prior
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a
notice. You will, at the earliest possible opportunity, conform in all respects to the updated
challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used
or revised terms of this License. For a period of 90 days You may continue to distribute
in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
any pre-existing material that complies with a previous version of the License. Thereafter
written consent should be obtained from Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent versions of this
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which
License will bear a different version number.
portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
10. Updates of Licensee information
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of
You may transmit an updated version of the  card.pdf Confirmation Card at any time to
this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and
distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. Wizards of the Coast.
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the 11. Notices to Licensor:
Open Game Content You Distribute.
Wizards of the Coast
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content
d20 System License Dept.
using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor
PO Box 707
to do so.
Renton, WA 98057-0707
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
12. No maintenance or support
License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial
Wizards of the Coast shall have no obligation whatsoever to provide You with any kind of
order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so
maintenance or support in relation to the d20 System Trademark logos.
13. No Warranty / Disclaimer
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all
terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach.
All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.


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