May 2003 History HL Paper 3 Mark Scheme

May 2003
Higher Level
Paper 3
15 pages
 2  M03/315/H(3)M+
1. To what extent was an outdated monarchy the cause of the 1789 French Revolution?
In 1789 the French monarchy was part of the  ancien regime , and was regarded as in need of
modernization, because it was expensive, autocratic  the States General had not met since
1614  inefficient (administratively, politically and financially) and bankrupt. The present
king and queen, Louis XVI, and Marie Antoinette, were unpopular. The monarchy had
preserved numerous feudal privileges and was associated with the privileged positions of the
aristocracy and the Church. The nobles had their own grievances against the monarchy; they
wanted a share in the government. The bourgeoisie wanted to play their part in all aspects of
French life, and the peasants wished to be freed from feudal dues and pay less tax.
Candidates might discuss all the above under an outdated monarchy, or separate the financial
elements, perhaps noting expensive wars. In any case other points to include in  to what
extent could be the philosophers, the example of the Declaration of the Rights of Man, and
economic grievances.
[0 to 7 marks] for inadequate general causes of the French Revolution.
[8 to 10 marks] for a narrative of causes with implicit emphasis on  outdated monarchy .
[11 to 13 marks] for more explicit focus and explanation of  outdated monarchy .
[14 to 16 marks] for a structured, focused analysis of  outdated monarchy .
[17+ marks] for an apt consideration of  to what extent or an in-depth analysis of the
position of the monarchy in 1789.
2. Evaluate the results for France, and for Europe, of Napoleon Bonaparte s foreign policy.
Some candidates will probably start with Napoleon s campaigns in 1796, whilst others may
begin in 1799, or 1802. As the question calls him Napoleon Bonaparte, any of the three dates
could be used. However a narrative of his campaigns should not be the focus of the answer.
What is required is an assessment of the results of his foreign policy. For France, this could
include his aims; what did he hope to achieve through his wars? Candidates could point out
the advantages of  La gloire , in prestige, support for his regime at home and abroad, but the
downside of losses of men and money. For Europe some of the following could be discussed;
spread of revolutionary ideas, stirring of nationalism in Italy and Germany, death and
destruction, change in the balance of power, coalitions, and finally the determination to
prevent an over mighty France in the future.
[0 to 7 marks] for some inaccurate, irrelevant or inadequate comments about Napoleon s
[8 to 10 marks] for answers that are mainly narrative or descriptive, but have implicit
evaluation of the impact of Napoleon s foreign policies on France and Europe.
[11 to 13 marks] for explicit evaluation of policies on France and Europe.
[14 to 16 marks] for answers focused on Napoleon s foreign policies with analysis of results
for both France and Europe.
[17+ marks] for perceptive explanation, balance, and the realization that foreign policy is
more than war.
 3  M03/315/H(3)M+
3. For what reasons, and with what results, did the Congress of Vienna and the various
meetings of the Congress System, take place?
For reasons candidates need explanations of both the Congress of Vienna  the necessity of
restoring peace and order after the turmoil of the Napoleonic wars, and preventing France
from ever being in a similar situation again  and for the Congress System  an explanation of
the hopes and aims of the statesmen responsible for launching the system. Peace, power
politics, balance of power, the status quo, all played their part.
For results of Vienna, candidates could discuss the exile of Napoleon and the restoration of
the Bourbons, the curtailment of France, European boundary changes, and the gains of the
four great powers. For the Congress System the individual congresses and the breakdown of
cooperation could be assessed, and no doubt peace, or no major war until the Crimea.
There is much material to use, so do not expect all of the above: if only reasons or results are
tackled, the maximum mark might be [12].
[0 to 7 marks] for inadequate detail and comments.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives with implicit reasons and results, and a lack of balance between
Vienna and the Congress System.
[11 to 13 marks] for a more equal balance between Vienna and the Congress System and
reasons and results.
[14 to 16 marks] for answers that address all four parts of the question with some explicit
[17+ marks] for analytical balanced interpretations of the reasons behind, and results of,
Vienna and the Congress System.
4. Why did Louis Philippe become King of France in 1830, but lose his throne in 1848?
Firstly candidates need to analyse the reasons that led to the downfall of Charles X and the
choice or acceptance of Louis Philippe as king in 1830. A brief assessment of Charles
religious and autocratic policies would suffice, with an explanation of the  credentials of
Louis. The disappointment caused by his main political, foreign and economic policies should
be explained, followed by the immediate causes of the 1848 Revolution which led to the end
of the Bourbon monarchy in France.
[0 to 7 marks] for some but inadequate comments on one or more of the required areas,
Charles X, Louis Philippe, the 1848 Revolution.
[8 to 10 marks] for descriptions of the three parts, probably unbalanced.
[11 to 13 marks] for better treatment of Charles X, Louis Philippe and the revolution, with some
[14 to 16 marks] for an analytical explanation of why Louis became King but lost his throne
18 years later.
[17+ marks] for depth of analysis and perhaps realization of different interpretations of
complex situations.
 4  M03/315/H(3)M+
5. Compare and contrast Peel and Palmerston as statesmen and politicians of Victorian
The wording of the question allows candidates to use material on both politicians when they
held office other than that of prime minister, but do not penalize those who concentrate on
their prime ministerial roles.
For comparison: both were prime ministers  Peel 1834 1835, and 1841 1846; Palmerston
1855 1858, and 1859 1865; both were Home Secretaries and introduced penal reforms; both
entered parliament as Tories.
For contrast: Peel remained a Tory, modernized the party with the Tamworth Manifesto of
1834, but split it with the repeal of the Corn Laws, and Palmerston became a Whig in 1829.
Peel s main interest and expertise was finance, e.g. Bank Charter Act, abolition of many
duties: Palmerston s main interest was foreign affairs; he is best remembered for supporting
what he believed were British interests e.g. in 1830 Belgian revolt, 1839 Opium War,
1850 Don Pacifico incident, 1864, Schleswig-Holstein Question.
[0 to 7 marks] for inadequate responses or if only Peel or Palmerston is tackled.
[8 to 10 marks] for end-on answers with implicit comparison.
[11 to 13 marks] for detailed end-on answers with excellent linkage, or a comparative
framework with some lack of balance.
[14 to 16 marks] for answers with a comparative framework and specific detail.
[17+ marks] for comparative structure, balance and analysis, and/or recognition of the
difference between statesmen and politicians.
 5  M03/315/H(3)M+
6.  Cavour united Italy not because he intended or wanted to, but because circumstances
forced him to. To what extent do you agree with this judgment?
Candidates need to analyse Cavour s aims and actions in relation to Italian unification, and
decide whether he was forced to go further than he intended because of external factors, such
as Garibaldi s expedition.
A survey of Italy, with the differences between north and south, and the strength and
weakness of the movement for unification, would be relevant. This could be followed by
Cavour s aims and work to strengthen and modernize the kingdom of Piedmont/Sardinia.
Candidates then need to analyse the purpose behind Cavour s negotiations with Napoleon III.
Was the intended defeat of Austria to enlarge Piedmont, or a step towards unification? Finally
Cavour s relations with Garibaldi should be assessed, and a conclusion reached on the
[0 to 7 marks] for vague and unsatisfactory comments on Italian unification.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives of Cavour s part in unification with implicit judgment.
[11 to 13 marks] for better focus and detail and more explicit judgment.
[14 to 16 marks] for structured essays which assess Cavour s aims, intentions and the
[17+ marks] for answers that are able to give different interpretations or analyse different
points of view, realizing that no certain judgment is possible.
7. In what ways, and with what results, did economic developments and the 1848
revolutions affect the changing balance of power between Austria and Prussia between
1815 and 1862?
The year 1815 refers to the Congress of Vienna with the territorial settlements that affected
Austria (Italy was to some extent a millstone), and Prussia (helped by consolidation and
acquisitions). 1862 is the year that Bismarck was appointed minister-president of Prussia.
During these years Prussia developed her economy, with the Zollverein and industrial
expansion, whilst Austria struggled with her diverse nationalities. The latter also weakened
Austria in the 1848 revolutions, although her continued military strength secured the survival
of her empire. The Frankfurt Parliament lost momentum, failed to unite Germany, and
Frederick William refused the offer of the crown of the united Germany. But the signs were
clear that Prussia was rising and Austria struggling, and Bismarck recognized the way
[0 to 7 marks] for inadequate, irrelevant or inaccurate comments on Austria and Prussia.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives of the two countries, probably lacking balance.
[11 to 13 marks] for answers that refer to economic developments and the 1848 revolutions,
in relation to the changing position of Austria and Prussia.
[14 to 16 marks] for answers that assess the importance of economic developments and the
revolutions for the decline of Austria and the consolidation of Prussia.
[17+ marks] for answers that analyse the given factors in relation to the Prussianisation of
Germany, or assess them in relation to Austria s failure to dominate a greater Germany.
 6  M03/315/H(3)M+
8.  Alexander II tried to reform Russian institutions only because the Crimean War
showed that Russia was no longer a great military power. Use specific examples of
Alexander s reforms to show to what extent you agree with this assertion.
This is another way of asking for the aims and motives of Alexander s reforms. Is it true to
say that Alexander was only trying to preserve the Russian monarchy and/or her status as one
of the great European powers by reforming the army and thus increasing Russia s military
potential. Did his emancipation of the serfs have no humanitarian motive? Candidates should
consider Alexander s key reforms in the light of the quotation and make considered judgments
about them. A satisfactory to good answer should consider, as well as the army reforms and
Emancipation Act, at least two of his other important reforms, such as local government, law,
education, the press. Top answers may consider his failure to introduce a national duma and
its implications.
[0 to 7 marks] answers will be general and the comments unsatisfactory.
[8 to 10 marks] answers will be mainly narrative with implicit assessment.
[11 to 13 marks] answers will contain adequate specific examples of reforms and explicit
comments on motives.
[14 to 16 marks] answers will analyse the quotation, aims and motives and show how they are
reflected in the reforms.
[17+ marks] will be scored by full analysis of aims, based on the quotation, with assessment
of what Alexander failed to do as well as what he did.
9. In what ways, and with what results between 1862 and 1871, was Germany unified
under Prussia?
To most candidates  in what ways will suggest Bismarck s three wars, but more than a
narrative account of these is needed, and if a narrative is given there will be no time for
explaining why Bismarck was successful and what the results were. Candidates need to
examine Bismarck s strengthening of the army and finance, then his diplomacy throughout the
period, which enabled him to fight three successful wars. For results, candidates could
consider some of the following points: the obvious one of the unification of Germany under
Prussia; the position of Austria and the Ausgleich; the German constitution and form of
government; Bismarck s own position and subsequent policies; the humiliation of France and
end of Napoleon III s empire.
There is much material that candidates should know, so time management and selection will
be important. Reserve at least [6 marks] for results.
[0 to 7 marks] for an incomplete or inaccurate account of the wars fought under Bismarck.
[8 to 10 marks] for some accurate details of the wars and implicit assessment of their results.
[11 to 13 marks] for chronological accounts which do explain how Bismarck s policies led to
unification, and its results.
[14 to 16 marks] for structured focused answers that assess the ways that Germany was
unified under Prussia, and its results.
[17+ marks] for depth of analysis and/or different interpretations.
 7  M03/315/H(3)M+
10. In what ways, and with what results, did the daily life and status of women change
during the nineteenth century? Specific evidence should be given from one or more
European countries.
Ways could include the increase of education, e.g. more and better education was within the
reach of more girls; industrial and transport changes helped female literacy; women writers
were popular and admired (after initial disapproval); women obtained more legal rights and
protection; laws were introduced against the exploitation of women in workplaces; religious,
social and moral  crusades for women s rights; the franchise was granted for local
government and movements started for votes in national elections. Results could include an
improvement in the status of women in some areas; the beginning of more careers open to
women; greater independence and less drudgery. But it should be noted that progress was
slow and patchy.
[0 to 7 marks] for a few uncoordinated remarks.
[8 to 10 marks] for answers with some specific evidence.
[11 to 13 marks] for better detail and assessment of aspects of changes and results for women.
[14 to 16 marks] for detailed and analytical case studies of nineteenth century women,
focused on changes.
[17+ marks] for answers that are also aware of the difficulties and the slow progress of
improvement in the lives of the majority of women.
11. Explain and evaluate the demands for, and the extension of, the franchise in one
European country during the nineteenth century.
Candidates need to explain why the nineteenth century saw increasing demands for the right
to vote in local and parliamentary elections. The franchise had been extremely limited and
generally based on property values. It also varied considerably in different countries and
parts/seats, of the same country (e.g. Britain). Demands for the right to vote were driven by
increased education and prosperity as well as a belief in more equality and the demand for no
taxation without representation. This question should not be attempted unless a case study
has been undertaken. The three important Reform Acts in Britain were those of 1832, 1867,
and 1884. Voting was limited to males.
[0 to 7 marks] for limited knowledge and explanation.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives of some demands and some details of reform.
[11 to 13 marks] for an explanation of the demands for an increased franchise and details of
its extension.
[14 to 16 marks] for focused analysis of the demands and specific details of reform of the
franchise and its limitations.
[17+ marks] for in-depth analysis of demands. reforms and limitations of the franchise.
 8  M03/315/H(3)M+
12. Why and with what effects on both countries, was Norway ceded to Sweden in 1814, and
the union between the two countries dissolved in 1905?
Norway was ruled by Danish governors until 1814, when it was joined to Sweden (even
though the pro French party in the Swedish estates had triumphed in 1809) who gave up
Pomerania. Constitutional developments included reforms of 1809 and 1864.
Norwegian nationalism, helped by a literary revival demanded responsible government, which
was granted in 1884. Universal male suffrage was granted in 1898. The union with Sweden
was unilaterally dissolved in 1905. Both countries developed their economies during the
nineteenth century.
[0 to 7 marks] for brief or irrelevant comments.
[8 to 10 marks] for chronological narrative with implicit assessment of key developments.
[11 to 13 marks] for better focus on reasons and effects.
[14 to 16 marks] for answers structured on reasons and effects and which analyse them.
[17+ marks] for detailed, balanced, analytical responses.
13. Analyse the main political developments in either France or Spain between 1848 and
The main political developments in whichever country is chosen should include an exact
statement of the changes in the form of government, and the way the country was governed,
its strengths and weaknesses, etc. and an analysis/explanation of the developments. This
question is designed for candidates who like to assess a broad sweep of history. France
passed through many changes; Louis Philippe abdicated in 1848; the Second Republic with
Louis Bonaparte as president lasted from 1848 to 1852, when Louis Bonaparte as Napoleon III
proclaimed the Second Empire. He was replaced in 1870 by the Third Republic. Spain saw
changes of the monarchy; Isabella II, fled in 1868, there was an interregnum until 1874, when
Alfonso XII became king. He was succeeded in 1886 by Alfonso XIII.
[0 to 7 marks] for unconnected and/or inadequate statements.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives with implicit analysis of development.
[11 to 13 marks] for more explicit analysis of the major changes.
[14 to 16 marks] for structured analytical answers which are able to explain the political
[17+ marks] for balanced, analytical essays which give meaning to the broad sweep covered.
 9  M03/315/H(3)M+
14. In what ways, and for what reasons, did the First World War lead to economic and
social changes? Specific examples should be given from one or more European
countries for the period 1914 to 1930.
Some of the social and economic changes that resulted from the First World War were: votes
for women; increased educational and employment prospects for women; changing patterns of
employment; boom then slump, changing trade and industrial patterns; need to rebuild
finance, industry and infrastructure; effect on society of the death of, and injury to, so many
men   the lost generation . Actual details will depend on the country or countries chosen.
Reasons would include: change to wartime economy; cost of armaments weakened financial
resources of state; change in balance of power, USA and Japan profited in trade and industry;
conscription; shortage of men, e.g. in factories meant women had to take their place;
realization that women could play a greater part in industry, and other spheres.
[0 to 7 marks] for vague generalizations.
[8 to 10 marks] for descriptive answers with implicit reasons.
[11 to 13 marks] for specific changes clearly resulting from the war.
[14 to 16 marks] for focused analytical answers which demonstrate the connection between
the war and the changes.
[17+ marks] for detailed analysis and an additional dimension, e.g. which developments
would have occurred in time but were accelerated by the war.
15. Compare and contrast the nature and results of the two 1917 Russian Revolutions.
For comparison: both were opposed to Tsardom; both wished to overthrow the existing
government; both were affected by the war; both took place in a period of economic distress;
both used economic grievances for their own advantage.
For contrast: the first caused the abdication of the Tsar, the second his and his family s
death; the first arose out of strikes and bread riots, the second was organized by Bolshevik
activists; the first resulted in the formation of a Provisional Government the second in rule by the
Bolsheviks and a totalitarian state under Lenin; the first continued to fight in the First World
War with the allies, the second made peace with Germany (and received German funding).
[0 to 7 marks] for inadequate material, or an answer that only deals with one revolution.
[8 to 10 marks] for end-on descriptions/narratives.
[11 to 13 marks] for detailed end-on accounts with excellent linkage or a weaker comparative
[14 to 16 marks] for answers in a comparative framework with full detail and analysis.
[17+ marks] for those with an extra quality such as perception and balance.
 10  M03/315/H(3)M+
16. Analyse the political developments and external relations of either Weimar Germany
between 1919 and 1933 or Great Britain between 1918 and 1935.
Political developments suggest the form and working of the government and the nature of
politics in the chosen country, and external relations indicate treaties, alliances, loans,
relations with the League of Nations etc.
For Germany, William II abdicated and a republic was proclaimed on 9 November 1918. The
German National Constituent Assembly met in Weimar in February 1919, hence the name
Weimar Republic, which lasted until 1933, when Hitler suspended the constitution, which had
come into force in July 1919. The government moved to Berlin in 1920. Communists and
Nazi caused political instability, but the advent of Stresemann, chancellor in 1923 and foreign
minister 1923 to 1929, restored some stability. External relations were largely directed by
him and some of the following could be discussed; Dawes Plan, 1924; Locarno, 1925; joined
League, 1926; Young Plan, 1929.
For Great Britain, the changes in government from Lloyd George in 1918 to Ramsay
MacDonald prime minister until 1935, the state of politics with the decline of the Liberals,
and the Labour split. The General Strike, votes for women over 21, in 1928, formation of a
National government 1930, could be considered. External relations could include: Dawes Plan;
League; Zinoviev letter; Statute of Westminster and relations with dominions and colonies. If
only political developments or external relations are addressed mark out of [12].
[0 to 7 marks] for too general/inadequate answers.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives with some attention to both political development and external
[11 to 13 marks] for specific details and assessment of both areas.
[14 to 16 marks] for focus, structure, and analysis of politics and external relations.
[17+ marks] for balanced and perceptive essays.
 11  M03/315/H(3)M+
17. Why had Stalin become ruler of the USSR by 1929?
Some suggested sections to develop are: Stalin s early career as a revolutionary and his
contact with Lenin ( brief); Stalin s position in the party during Lenin s regime, especially as
Commissar for Nationalities, and General Secretary of the party (1922), where he was able to
build up support; his work and identification with Lenin; rivalry with Trotsky; tactical
maneuvers after Lenin s death, such as his use of Lenin and his manipulation of people and
events. Candidates could also examine Stalin ruthlessness, use of terror etc.
[0 to 7 marks] for uncoordinated or inadequate material.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives of Stalin s rise to power, with implicit assessment.
[11 to 13 marks] for explicit analysis and explanation of his rise.
[14 to 16 marks] for structured focused answers which analyse the reasons for his success.
[17+ marks] for balanced analytical essays with perhaps suggestions of different interpretations.
18. For what reasons, and with what results, did Mussolini abandon his Stresa Front allies,
France and Great Britain, and ally with Hitler in 1936?
After Germany announced conscription, and revealed an air force, representatives from
Britain, France and Italy met at Stresa, reaffirmed Locarno and declared their support for
Austrian independence. Stresa was weakened by Britain signing a naval agreement with
Germany without consulting Italy (or France), and collapsed with Italy s invasion of Ethiopia,
as Britain and France felt bound to support the sanctions imposed by the League of Nations.
This prompted Mussolini to sign the Rome Berlin Axis.
As well as stating the facts candidates must analyse the reasons for the change: Mussolini felt
stronger, and hurt by his former allies rejection, he was intent on emulating the former
Roman Empire; power had corrupted him; Hitler had persuaded him, etc.
Results should indicate the part played by Mussolini and the Axis in encouraging Hitler s
aggressive foreign policy against Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland, and rendering the
League of Nations powerless.
[0 to 7 marks] for inadequate reasoning.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives of Mussolini s foreign policy with implicit reasons.
[11 to 13 marks] for explicit explanation of reasons and results.
[14 to 16 marks] for analytical answers focused and structured on reasons and results.
[17+ marks] for balanced analysis, perhaps with alternative interpretations, especially of
 12  M03/315/H(3)M+
19. Evaluate Hitler s social, economic and religious policies between 1933 and 1939.
There are three areas to examine here, social, economic and religious, and an assessment of
their impact, strengths and weaknesses could be given. Better candidates should realize that
what appeared to be successful to-and for-Hitler, was not so for the German people. Social
policies could include education, health, the Hitler Youth, League of German Maidens, and
perhaps propaganda and the control of cultural activities. All social policies were directed
towards obtaining and keeping support for Hitler, and producing a fit Aryan nation, ready to
fight. It was successful in its object as far as Hitler was concerned, for most of the people and
most of the time. Similarly Hitler s economic policies were designed with the same object,
support and war. Trade Unions were abolished,  big business directed where possible (not
as much as Hitler would have liked), public works undertaken, autarky and protective tariffs
introduced, and unemployment decreased. On the surface Hitler was successful. He also tried
to manipulate religion, he made a concordat with the Pope, and sought to make the Lutheran
Church subservient to the State. This caused a split into the Reich Church and the
Confessional Church. As realization of Hitler s true aims emerged, opposition within the
Churches increased, but many Christians supported Hitler s regime, because he said he
supported family values and opposed Communism. Hitler s persecution of Jews could be
made relevant in any of the above categories.
[0 to 7 marks] for short general answers.
[8 to 10 marks] for descriptions of some social economic and religious measures with implicit
[11 to 13 marks] for more specific detail and evaluation.
[14 to 16+ marks] for balanced answers that evaluate the three areas.
 13  M03/315/H(3)M+
20. To what extent was the failure and collapse of the League of Nations the cause of the
Second World War?
This question requires a brief assessment of the weaknesses of the League of Nations in order
to explain its failure and collapse followed by another concise section on the failure e.g. against
Japan in Manchuria and against Mussolini in Ethiopia. Candidates should then analyse the
impact of this collapse and failure in order to judge the extent of its responsibility for the
Second World War. Other causes should then be considered: no doubt Hitler and appeasement
will feature. Candidates can of course ascribe little  blame to the League, but if they do this
they must analyse the League to show why they are arguing in this way. An answer that
dismisses the League in a short paragraph, and then goes on to argue others causes cannot
score highly.
[0 to 7 marks] for an answer that does not give due attention to the League.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives of the League with implicit judgment.
[11 to 13 marks] for specific detail and argument.
[14 to 16 marks] for focus on, and analysis of the extent to which the collapse of the League
led to war.
[17+ marks] for analytical essays which thoroughly debate the issue from various angles.
21. Assess the rule of either Franco in Spain or Caetano in Portugal.
 Assess the rule  suggests a thorough examination and assessment of all features of the rule
of the chosen leader, for example form of government and administration, domestic policies,
effects on the life, development, growth, prosperity, and freedom or repression, in the state. It
would not be necessary to consider foreign policy, but do not penalize those who do. The
question does not require material prior to their rule. Franco ruled Spain from 1939 to 1975.
Caetano was in power 1968 to 1974.
[0 to 7 marks] for vague, general, or inaccurate answers.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives with implicit assessment.
[11 to 13 marks] for satisfactory scope, detail and explicit assessment.
[14 to 16 marks] for answers which provide an assessment of the key domestic elements of
the regime.
[17+ marks] for analysis, balance, and possibly different interpretations.
 14  M03/315/H(3)M+
22. In what ways, and for what reasons, did the Soviet Union s Cold War policies affect
Germany between 1945 and 1961?
After the Second World War Germany was divided into four sections each ruled by one of the
four winning allies. Soon there were disagreements about the treatment and rule of Germany
and about reparations. Berlin was also split into zones, and in 1948 disagreements grew into
the Berlin blockade and airlift. The allies forced the USSR to back down. The Marshall plan
and Truman Doctrine etc. caused conflicts and Germany was split into East and West.
Reasons could include fear on both sides, spheres of interest, misunderstandings, and the
geographical fact that it was in Germany that the two sides faced each other. If only  what
ways or  what reasons are tackled, a probable maximum would be [12].
[0 to 7 marks] for some uncoordinated remarks.
[8 to 10 marks] for narrative details of the early stages of the Cold War.
[11 to 13 marks] for accurate details and focus on Soviet policies towards Germany.
[14 to 6 marks] for structured analytical answers explaining the effects on Germany of the
Soviet Union s early Cold War policies.
[17+ marks] for different interpretations of the effects of Soviet policies relating to Germany
during the whole period.
23. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of France under de Gaulle.
Charles de Gaulle (1890 1970) was the first president of the Fifth French Republic
(1959 1969). He served briefly as president of the provisional government, November 1945
to January 1946, and was called to lead France out of the Algerian crisis, in May 1958. After
the passage of a new constitution, November 1958, he was elected president of the new Fifth
Republic. He supported Algerian independence, but rebellions by the French delayed it until
1962. A great French patriot he sought to restore France s position in Europe. He ended
French participation in NATO, 1966, and developed a French nuclear programme. He sought
a strong role for France in the Common Market, blocked Britain s entry and also pursued
independent foreign policies, seeking closer ties with China and USSR. He survived labour
and student unrest, but resigned after his referendum on political reform was defeated.
Candidates should decide which of his actions and policies made France strong or could be
considered a cause of weakness.
[0 to 7 marks] for inadequate general comments.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives with implicit strengths and weaknesses.
[11 to 13 marks] for specific detail and assessment of the above which could be considered
strengths or weaknesses.
[14 to 16 marks] for essays which carefully weigh de Gaulle s policies and judge them.
[17+ marks] for balance and analysis and judgment of strengths and weaknesses.
 15  M03/315/H(3)M+
24. Account for and assess the rise and fall of a Communist regime in either one Eastern or
one Central European state excluding the USSR.
Specific details will depend on the country chosen. Poland or Hungary would probably be
popular choices. Wartime experiences, the Russian drive towards and occupation of the area
in the closing stages of the war, the division of east and west with the onset of the Cold War,
and Stalin s policies would all be relevant for the first part. In order to assess the fall of the
Communist regime candidates need to consider the nature of the regime, policy of the USSR,
and the growth and final success of the opposition, inside and outside the chosen state. Mark
out of [12] if candidates only deal with either the rise or the fall of the communist regime in
their chosen state.
[0 to 7 marks] for brief or inadequate answers.
[8 to 10 marks] for narratives of events with implicit assessment.
[11 to 13 marks] with specific details of the rise and fall, and some explicit assessment.
[14 to 16 marks] for focused analytical answers that treat both rise and fall satisfactorily.
[17+ marks] for depth of analysis and understanding of the various opposing factors.
25. For what reasons, and with what effects, did leisure activities and the media become
more widespread and important in one or more European countries during the
twentieth century?
Candidates must be able to produce specific evidence in order to obtain a satisfactory mark.
Reference to one country in depth is preferable to generalizations about many. Exact material
will depend on the country chosen. Better candidates should see a connection between the
two parts of the question, and all should be able to place both in the political, social and
economic developments of their chosen state.
[0 to 7 marks] for unsubstantiated generalizations.
[8 to 10 marks] for descriptive essays with implicit assessment of either reasons or effects or
[11 to 13 marks] for specific examples used for reasons and effects.
[14 to 16 marks] for analytical answers with balance between reasons and effects.
[17+ marks] for perception and perhaps an original approach.


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May 2003 History HL & SL Paper 2 Mark Scheme
May 2003 History SL & HL Paper 1 Mark Scheme
May 2002 History SL & HL Paper 1 Mark Scheme
May 2003 History HL & SL Paper 2 Questions
May 2002 History HL Paper 3 EU
May 2002 History HL & SL Paper 2 Mark Scheme
May 2003 History SL & HL Paper 1 Question Booklet
Nov 2002 History HL & SL Paper 2 Mark Scheme
Nov 2002 History SL & HL Paper1 Mark Scheme
Nov 2003 History HL and SL paper 1 question booklet
May 2002 History HL & SL Paper 2
May 2003 History SL & HL Paper1 Source Booklet
Nov 2003 History HL and SL paper 2
May 2001 History HL&SL Paper 1 Markscheme
Nov 2003 History HL and SL paper 1 sources booklet
Nov 2001 History HL Paper 3
Nov 2002 History HL Paper 3

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