Lesson Plan 083 Text

BBC to put programs online
Today s contents
The Article 2
Warm-ups 3
Before Reading / Listening 4
While Reading / Listening 5
After Reading 6
Discussion 7
Speaking 8
Listening Gap Fill 9
Homework 10
Answers 11
28 August, 2005
BBC to put programs online  28 August, 2005
BBC to put programs online
BNE: The British Broadcasting Corporation hopes to start a new
service next year. It will put its TV programs and music online. Users
will be able to download television and radio programs up to a week
after they were originally broadcast. The new service will probably be
called  MyBBCPlayer . The plan is a central part of the BBC s strategy
to reach more people all over the world. It is still unclear whether users
will have to pay a fee to download the programs.
The BBC is looking at new ways of using the Internet. A spokesperson
said:  Every creative leader in the BBC is wrestling with the question of
what the new technologies and audience behaviors mean for them and
their service. Other options the BBC is thinking about include putting
its two most popular channels online. However, this will be for UK
viewers only. Another possible new service and  a departure from past
corporation policy is being able to buy BBC music and programs.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
BBC to put programs online  28 August, 2005
1. TELEVISION: Talk about your history with television with your partner(s).
Use these words to help your conversation:
First memories Favorite kids programs Black and white TV maker Importance
My daily viewing Life without TV Best programs Couch potato Internet TV
2. INTERNET: In pairs / groups, talk about what you use the Internet for. How
often do you use the Internet for the following?
" News and weather " Mail / Messenger
" Studying " Travel information
" Music " Shopping
" Games " Other
3. CHAT: In pairs / groups, decide which of these topics or words are most
interesting and which are most boring.
BBC / television / TV programs / radio / downloading / download fees / wrestling /
Internet TV / BBC shop / BBC radio / BBC English
Have a chat about the topics you liked. For more conversation, change topics and
partners frequently.
4. BBC: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with
the BBC. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the
words into different categories.
5. BROADCASTERS: Talk with your partner(s) about television and
broadcasting from other countries. How is the quality of programming in your country?
6. TWO-MINUTE DEBATES: Debate each of the fun arguments below with
a partner for just two minutes, before moving on to the next one. Student A agrees with
the first argument, Student B, the second.
a. BBC news is best. vs. CNN news is best.
b. Televisions will be with us forever. vs. Televisions will disappear.
c. Internet television is a terrible idea. vs. Internet television is a great idea.
d. The BBC must charge for downloading. vs. The BBC should never charge a
downloading fee.
e. MyBBCPlayer will change our lives. vs. MyBBCPlayer will have no effect on our
f. Internet TV will help world democracy. vs. Internet TV is just entertainment.
g. MyBBCPlayer will make the world more British. vs. How ridiculous.
h. It is crazy you cannot buy BBC programs today. vs. It is ridiculous you d want to
buy BBC programs.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
BBC to put programs online  28 August, 2005
1. TRUE / FALSE: Look at the article s headline and guess whether these
sentences are true (T) or false (F):
a. T / F
The BBC hopes to start a new service next year.
b. T / F
All of the BBC s TV programs will be available for download.
c. T / F
The BBC will release a new piece of software called  MyBBCPlayer .
d. T / F
The BBC has plans to set a charge to download its products.
e. T / F
Creative leaders in the BBC are wrestling with different questions.
f. T / F
The BBC wants to make programs about audience behavior.
g. T / F
The BBC s main channels will also be available to the world.
h. T / F
There may be an online BBC store.
2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:
start charge
originally purchase
central thinking about
unclear first
fee uncertain
looking at fighting
wrestling launch
options shift
departure alternatives
buy main
3. PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes
more than one combination is possible):
hopes to start a new past corporation policy
It will put its TV programs all over the world
a central part of the BBC s strategy
reach more people with the question
still unclear whether users service next year
The BBC is looking at channels online
the BBC is wrestling will have to pay a fee
Other options the BBC and music online
putting its two most popular new ways of using the Internet
a departure from is thinking about
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
BBC to put programs online  28 August, 2005
GAP FILL: Put the words in the column on the right into the gaps in the text.
BBC to put programs online
BNE: The British Broadcasting Corporation _______ to start
a new service next year. It will _______ its TV programs and
music online. Users will be able to download television and
radio programs up to a week after they were _______
broadcast. The new service will _______ be called
 MyBBCPlayer . The plan is a _______ part of the BBC s
strategy to _______ more people all over the world. It is still
_______ whether users will have to pay a _______ to
download the programs.
The BBC is _______ at new ways of using the Internet. A question
spokesperson said:  Every creative _______ in the BBC is viewers
wrestling with the _______ of what the new technologies and options
_______ behaviors mean for them and their service. Other leader
_______ the BBC is thinking about include putting its two policy
most _______ channels online. However, this will be for UK audience
_______ only. Another possible new service and  a departure looking
from past corporation _______ is being able to buy BBC popular
music and programs.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
BBC to put programs online  28 August, 2005
1. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionaries / computer to find
collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms & for the words
 radio and  program .
" Share your findings with your partners.
" Make questions using the words you found.
" Ask your partner / group your questions.
2. ARTICLE QUESTIONS: Look back at the article and write down
some questions you would like to ask the class about the text.
" Share your questions with other classmates / groups.
" Ask your partner / group your questions.
3. GAP FILL: In pairs / groups, compare your answers to this exercise.
Check your answers. Talk about the words from the gap fill. Were they
new, interesting, worth learning& ?
4. VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In groups,
pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their meanings.
5. STUDENT  BBC SURVEY: In pairs / groups, write down
questions about the BBC and Internet television.
" Ask other classmates your questions and note down their answers.
" Go back to your original partner / group and compare your findings.
" Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings.
6. TEST EACH OTHER: Look at the words below. With your partner,
try to recall exactly how these were used in the text:
" hopes " ways
" online " wrestling
" originally " behaviors
" central " options
" reach " viewers
" unclear " policy
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
BBC to put programs online  28 August, 2005
STUDENT A s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)
a. What did you think when you first read this headline?
b. Did the headline make you want to read the article?
c. What do you think of the BBC s idea?
d. Will you download BBC programs?
e. Would you like your own national broadcaster to offer the same
f. What do you think of the BBC?
g. Would you pay for the kind of service the BBC wants to start?
h. Do you think all TV programs will one day be searchable on Google?
i. Are you surprised you cannot already download TV programs?
STUDENT B s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)
a. Did you like reading this article?
b. What do you think about what you read?
c. How important is TV in your life?
d. Do you think downloading past TV programs means you ll watch
more television?
e. What do you think of the idea of one day being able to watch more
than 1,000 TV channels from all over the world?
f. Do the television stations in your country have any programs the
rest of the world would be interested in?
g. Have you been wrestling with any questions recently?
h. What is your favorite TV program?
i. Did you like this discussion?
AFTER DISCUSSION: Join another partner / group and tell them what
you talked about.
a. What question would you like to ask about this topic?
b. What was the most interesting thing you heard?
c. Was there a question you didn t like?
d. Was there something you totally disagreed with?
e. What did you like talking about?
f. Do you want to know how anyone else answered the questions?
g. Which was the most difficult question?
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
BBC to put programs online  28 August, 2005
EXPANDING INTERNET: Discuss with your partner(s) your thoughts on the
following uses of the Internet. Talk about their pros and cons.
Live broadcasts of high
school classes
Live broadcasts of all
university lectures
Accessing any TV
program ever made
Live coverage of all
sporting events
Live broadcasts of police
prison cells and prisoner
A 24-hour webcam in
the Oval Office in the
White House
Access to all of the
world s books
Access to all of the
world s music
Change partners and discuss what you heard from previous partners.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
BBC to put programs online  28 August, 2005
Listen and fill in the spaces.
BBC to put programs online
BNE: The British Broadcasting Corporation _____ __ _____ a new service next
year. It will put its TV programs and music online. Users will be able to
download television and radio programs ___ ___ __ _____ after they were
originally broadcast. The new service will probably be called  MyBBCPlayer . The
plan is a _______ _____ ___ the BBC s strategy to reach more people all over
the world. It is still unclear whether users will have ___ ____ __ fee to
download the programs.
The BBC is looking at ____ ______ ____ using the Internet. A spokesperson
said:  Every creative leader in the BBC is wrestling with the question of what the
new technologies and __________ behaviors mean for them and their service.
Other options the BBC is _________ ________ include putting its two most
popular channels online. However, this will be for UK viewers only. Another
possible new service and  __ __________ ______ past corporation policy is
being able to buy BBC music and programs.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
BBC to put programs online  28 August, 2005
1. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from
the text. Use a dictionary or Google s search field (or another search
engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.
2. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find more information on the
BBC. Share your findings with your class in the next lesson.
3. LETTER: Write a letter to the head of the BBC. Tell him what you
think of his new idea to put programs online and to sell BBC products.
Read your letters to your classmates in your next lesson. Did you all write
about similar things?
4. TELEVISION: Write an essay about how important TV is in your
life. What would happen if you had no television? Tell your classmates the
main points of your essay in your next lesson. Did you all write about
similar things?
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
BBC to put programs online  28 August, 2005
a. T b. F c. T d. F e. T f. F g. F h. T
a. start launch
b. originally first
c. central main
d. unclear uncertain
e. fee charge
f. looking at thinking about
g. wrestling fighting
h. options alternatives
i. departure shift
j. buy purchase
a. hopes to start a new service next year
b. It will put its TV programs and music online
c. a central part of the BBC s strategy
d. reach more people all over the world
e. still unclear whether users will have to pay a fee
f. The BBC is looking at new ways of using the Internet
g. the BBC is wrestling with the question
h. Other options the BBC is thinking about
i. putting its two most popular channels online
j. a departure from past corporation policy
BBC to put programs online
BNE: The British Broadcasting Corporation hopes to start a new service next year. It
will put its TV programs and music online. Users will be able to download television and
radio programs up to a week after they were originally broadcast. The new service will
probably be called  MyBBCPlayer . The plan is a central part of the BBC s strategy to
reach more people all over the world. It is still unclear whether users will have to pay a
fee to download the programs.
The BBC is looking at new ways of using the Internet. A spokesperson said:  Every
creative leader in the BBC is wrestling with the question of what the new technologies
and audience behaviors mean for them and their service. Other options the BBC is
thinking about include putting its two most popular channels online. However, this will
be for UK viewers only. Another possible new service and  a departure from past
corporation policy is being able to buy BBC music and programs.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com


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