Lesson Plan 023 Text

Television shoes
Today s contents
The Article 2
Warm-ups 3
Before Reading / Listening 4
While Reading / Listening 5
After Reading 6
Language Exercises 7
Discussion 8
Speaking 9
Listening Gap Fill 10
Homework 11
Answers 12
19 May, 2005
Television shoes - 19 May, 2005
Television shoes
BNE: An amazing new invention by a British student will help
children who are overweight. It will also reduce the number of
hours of television they watch every day. The technology is
nicknamed  Square-Eyes . It is a tiny, computerized sensor
that fits into children s shoes. It measures the number of steps
the child takes during the day and sends this information to
the family computer. Software then tells the child how many
hours of TV he or she can watch that evening. One hundred
steps equal one minute of TV. If children use up all of their
viewing time, they must do more walking.
The designer Gillian Swan says this  will help children to
include exercise in their daily routines from an early age. She
said that ten years ago children were healthier because they
played outside with their friends. She said today s children
spend too much time in front of the TV and don t exercise. This
means children have weight problems and become fat.
 Square-eyes is a nickname often given to children who watch
too much television. It may now have a new meaning. The new
technology is the beginning of computers becoming a part of
our clothes. What we wear will soon monitor our health.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
Television shoes - 19 May, 2005
1. HEADLINES: In pairs / groups, make as many newspaper headlines as you
can that include the two words  television and  shoes . Talk about these headlines and
make stories for them. Change partners and  swap your headlines and stories.
2. CHAT: In pairs / groups, decide which of these topics are most interesting and
which are most boring.
inventions / overweight children / children s television / technology / square eyes /
bedrooms / computerized clothing / health
Have a chat about the topics you liked. For more conversation, change topics and
partners frequently.
3. SHOES: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate
with shoes. Share your words with your partner / group and talk about them.
4. COMPUTER CLOTHES: Tiny computers and monitors will become part of
the clothes we wear in the future. In pairs / groups, talk about the health or lifestyle
benefits of these computerized clothes. Would you like to wear them?
" Hat " Gloves
" Glasses " Coat
" Underwear " Suit
" Watch " Underpants
" Shoes " Socks
5. TV KIDS: In pairs / groups, talk about watching TV when you were a kid. What
were your favorite programmes? Did you watch Sesame Street? Were you glued to the
TV set all day? Are things different for children today?
6. TWO MINUTE TV DEBATES: With different partners. have these fun
2-minute debates. Your teacher will time you and tell you to change partners.
a. TV should be for Mondays only. vs. No way.
b. Children should exercise for 6 hours a day. vs. That s too long.
c. Children should not be allowed to have a TV in their bedrooms. vs. Bad idea.
d. TV is educational. vs. TV damages young minds.
e. Kids should only be allowed to watch TV if they exercise. vs. Not with today s
f. Children should be able to carry mobile TVs. vs. Mobile TVs means no exercise.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
Television shoes - 19 May, 2005
1. TRUE / FALSE: Look at the article s headline and guess whether these
sentences are true (T) or false (F):
a. T / F
New shoes have been invented that have TV screens.
b. T / F
The new shoes may reduce how much TV kids watch.
c. T / F
Walking 10,000 steps means children can watch an hour of TV.
d. T / F
Children must walk more if they want to watch more TV.
e. T / F
The technology will mean healthier lifestyles for children.
f. T / F
 Square  eyes is a nickname for televisions.
g. T / F
The new technology will change what we wear.
h. T / F
What we wear will soon monitor our health.
2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:
amazing calculates
overweight watching
measures have
during inventor
viewing unbelievable
designer gadget
device introduce
include obese
take on check
monitor throughout
3. PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes
more than one combination is possible):
An amazing new of hours
reduce the number in front of the TV
The technology is nicknamed soon monitor our health
It measures equals one minute of TV
One hundred steps the number of steps
daily a new meaning
played invention
children spend too much time outside with their friends
take on routines
What we wear will  Square-Eyes
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
Television shoes - 19 May, 2005
SYNONYM FILL: There are six gaps in the article. There are six groups of
synonyms below the article. Place the number of the synonym group in the
correct gap (It is not important to guess a correct word - any of the synonyms
from each group could be put into the relevant gap).
BNE: An amazing new ______ by a British student will help children who
are overweight. It will also reduce the number of hours of television they
watch every day. The technology is nicknamed  Square-Eyes . It is a tiny,
computerized sensor that fits into children s shoes. It measures the
number of steps the child takes during the day and ______ this
information to the family computer. Software then tells the child how
many hours of ______ he or she can watch that evening. One hundred
steps equal one minute of TV. If children use up all of their viewing time,
they must do more walking.
The designer, Gillian Swan, says the device  will help children to
______ exercise in their daily routines from an early age. She said that
ten years ago children were healthier because they played outside with
their friends. She said today s children spend too much time in front of
the TV and don t exercise. This means children have weight problems and
become ______ .  Square-eyes is a nickname often given to children
who watch too much television. It may now take on a new meaning. The
new technology is the beginning of computers becoming a part of our
clothes. What we wear will soon ______ our health.
1 2 3
include monitor invention
introduce check device
add watch gadget
involve track gizmo
4 5 6
fat TV sends
obese the tube transmits
overweight the box transfers
tubby the telly forwards
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
Television shoes - 19 May, 2005
1. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionaries / computer to find
collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms & for the words
 square and  eyes .
" Share your findings with your partners.
" Make questions using the words you found.
" Ask your partner / group your questions.
2. ARTICLE QUESTIONS: Look back at the article and write down
some questions you would like to ask the class about the text.
" Share your questions with other classmates / groups.
" Ask your partner / group your questions.
3. SYNONYM FILL: In pairs / groups, compare and talk about your
answers to this exercise. After you agree, check your answers against the
text. Research some of the words that are new to you.
4. VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In groups,
pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their meanings.
5. STUDENT KIDS TV SURVEY: In pairs / groups write down
questions about children and television.
" Ask other classmates your questions and note down their answers.
" Go back to your original partner / group and compare your findings.
" Make a mini-presentation to another group / the class on your
6. TEST EACH OTHER: Look at the words below. With your partner,
try to recall exactly how these were used in the text:
" amazing " designer
" reduce " daily routines
" fits " in front of the TV
" sends " nickname
" software " beginning
" more walking " monitor
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
Television shoes - 19 May, 2005
1. In pairs / groups, find two synonyms for each word in italics that fit in the
spaces. When you have finished, compare and swap synonyms with other
BNE: An amazing new [invention _________ / _________ ] by a British
student will help children who are overweight. It will also reduce the
number of hours of television they watch every day. The technology is
nicknamed  Square-Eyes . It is a [tiny _________ / _________ ],
computerized sensor that fits into children s shoes. It measures the
number of steps the child takes during the day and sends this information
to the family computer. Software then [tells _________ / _________ ] the
child how many hours of TV he or she can watch that evening. One
hundred steps equal one minute of TV. If children [use up _________ /
_________ ] all of their viewing time, they must do more walking.
The [designer _________ / _________ ] Gillian Swan says this  will help
children to include exercise in their daily routines from an early age. She
said that ten years ago children were healthier because they played
outside with their friends. She said today s children spend too much time
in front of the TV and don t [exercise _________ / _________ ]. This
means children have weight problems and become fat.  Square-eyes is a
[nickname _________ / _________ ] often given to children who watch
too much television. It may now have a new meaning. The new
technology is the beginning of computers becoming [a part of _________ /
_________ ] our clothes. What we wear will soon monitor our health.
2. Talk about whether any of your synonyms would be better than the words
used in the text.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
Television shoes - 19 May, 2005
STUDENT A s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)
a. What was your image when you read the headline of this article?
b. Do you like reading about technology?
c. What do you think of the new invention?
d. Do you think this device will be popular?
e. How would you feel if you had to walk for four hours every day to
watch your favorite TV drama or news programme?
f. Do you think kids will find a way to beat the walking counter?
g. How much TV did you watch when you were a child?
h. Did you spend a long time in your room when you were younger?
i. What was your favorite children s programme?
j. Are you going to buy the Square-eyes shoes?
STUDENT B s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)
a. Did you like reading the article?
b. Do you need these new shoes?
c. What other computerized clothes would be useful?
d. What do you think kids will think about this new invention?
e. Is your daily routine healthy?
f. What do you think of the name  square eyes for kids who watch
too much TV and for the new invention?
g. Do you think kids who watch a lot of TV become strange adults?
h. Is obesity in children a problem in your country?
i. Will this new invention work?
j. Did you like this discussion?
AFTER DISCUSSION: Join another partner / group and tell them
what you talked about.
a. What question would you like to ask about this topic?
b. What was the most interesting thing you heard?
c. Was there a question you didn t like?
d. Was there something you totally disagreed with?
e. What did you like talking about?
f. Do you want to know how anyone else answered the questions?
g. Which was the most difficult question?
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
Television shoes - 19 May, 2005
SMART CLOTHES: You are workers in a clothes company that must design
a new item of  smart clothing. In pairs / groups decide on the following:
The item of clothing
A nice hi-tech name
The slogan for TV ads
What does it do?
What does it replace?
What are the advantages?
How will it make our lives
What kind of design
(materials, sizes, colors
How much will it cost?
After you have finished, present your ideas to other students and give each
other feedback. Suggest changes that might improve each idea.
Only one idea from the class can go into production. In different pairs / groups
argue that your idea should end up on the market.
Repeat the above activity. This time you cannot choose your own product.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
Television shoes - 19 May, 2005
Listen and fill in the spaces.
Television shoes
BNE: An amazing new invention by a British student will help
children ___ ___ _________. It will also reduce the number of
hours of television they watch every day. The technology is
nicknamed  Square-Eyes . It is a tiny, computerized sensor
____ ____ ____ children s shoes. It measures the number of steps
the child takes during the day ___ _____ ____ information to the
family computer. Software then tells the child how many hours of
TV he or she can watch that evening. One hundred steps equal one
minute of TV. If children ___ __ ___ __ ____ viewing time, they
must do more walking.
The designer Gillian Swan ____ ____ ____ ____ children to include
exercise in their daily routines from an early age. She said that ten
years ago children were healthier because ____ ______ ________
with their friends. She said today s children spend too much time
__ _____ __ ___ __ and don t exercise. This means children have
weight problems and become fat.  Square-eyes is a nickname
often given to children who watch too much television. It may now
have a new meaning. The new technology is the beginning of
computers becoming a part of our clothes. ______ ___ _____ will
soon monitor our health.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
Television shoes - 19 May, 2005
1. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from
the text. Use a dictionary or Google s search field (or another search
engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.
2. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find information on the
Square-eyes invention. Share your findings with your class in the next
3. SMART-CLOTHES: Write an imaginary article for a fashion
magazine. Explain in the article what the future of fashion will look like
and how the function of our clothes will change.
4. A CHILD: Imagine you are a child. Write a letter to the children s
newspaper to tell people what you think of this new invention
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com
Television shoes - 19 May, 2005
a. F b. T c. F d. T e. T f. F g. T h. T
amazing unbelievable
overweight obese
measures calculates
during throughout
viewing watching
designer inventor
device gadget
include introduce
take on have
monitor check
An amazing new invention
reduce the number of hours
The technology is nicknamed  Square-Eyes
It measures the number of steps
One hundred steps equal one minute of TV
daily routines
played outside with their friends
children spend too much time in front of the TV
take on a new meaning
What we wear will soon monitor our health
BNE: An amazing new ----3---- by a British student will help children who are
overweight. It will also reduce the number of hours of television they watch every day.
The technology is nicknamed  Square-Eyes . It is a tiny, computerized sensor that fits
into children s shoes. It measures the number of steps the child takes during the day
and ----6---- this information to the family computer. Software then tells the child how
many hours of ----5---- he or she can watch that evening. One hundred steps equal one
minute of TV. If children use up their viewing time, they must do more walking.
The designer, Gillian Swan, says the device  will help children to
----1---- exercise in their daily routines from an early age. She said that ten years ago
children were healthier because they played outside with their friends. She said today s
children spend too much time in front of the TV and don t exercise. This means children
have weight problems and become ----4----.  Square-eyes is a nickname often given
to children who watch too much television. It may now take on a new meaning. The new
technology is the beginning of computers becoming a part of our clothes. What we wear
will soon ----2---- our health.
Find More at http://khodamorad.blogfa.com


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