2002 05 Networking the First Guide to Connecting Machines

Linux Networking Guide: Part 1
Bruce Richardson Network essentials
hatever the virtues of the applications that
can be run on Linux, one of its greatest To function as part of a network your computer
presents the first
Wstrengths is its power and flexibility as a needs, as a minimum:
part of our guide to
network operating system. Some people (including
me) believe that you haven t really done grown up A physical connection to the network. There are
configuring Linux
computing until you ve done networked computing. quite a few ways to connect to a modern network
networks from the
This series of articles is designed to show how but this article will concentrate on the most
Linux networks can be configured using the simple common way: the internal Network Interface Card,
command line. In this
command line tools and text configuration files henceforth referred to as a NIC.
issue we look at how
common to all Linux systems, using tools that are An address on the network. It s no use being able
common to kernels from 2.0.x to 2.4.x. Where of to talk to other computers if they can t find a
to connect a
interest, examples of configuration from specific return address to talk back to.
computer running
distributions will be given but the emphasis A way of determining how to reach any given
throughout will be on portability. The article will address. That is to say, given an arbitrary address
Linux to a network
restrict itself to IPv4 only. to connect to, can we find it on this network, can
This article describes how to choose and install a we reach it through this network or must we find
network card and how to configure and activate a some other route?
network interface. Future articles will build on this to
show how complex networks can be build from This article covers items one and two. The next article
simple tools. will use item three as the basis for a demonstration
of how a Linux box can be turned into a router and
gateway for a network.
The physical connection
BNC versus RJ45
There are several ways to connect a PC to a network
Older Ethernet networks (and cheap home network starter kits) use cards with
but we re going to look at internal network cards. If
BNC connectors, connected together with coaxial cable. BNC NICs can be
you re doing this on a budget, maybe with second
identified by the stubby metal cylinder that is the connector. This kind of set-up is
hand kit inherited from a kind benefactor, choice may
slow (maximum theoretical speed of 10Mbps) and fiddly (the cable must be
not come into it. If you do have a choice then there
terminated at each end, you may need to cut and crimp the cable yourself).
are several things to consider:
However, it does have the advantage that you can connect more than two
computers using just one cable: you simply add T-connectors to the cable at
Price You get what you pay for. Cheap generic cards
appropriate intervals.
can be found for as little as Ł12 but don t expect
Newer networks use cards with RJ45 connectors, connected together with UTP
them to perform well at high loads or to auto-
cable. RJ45 nics have sockets which look similar to those on modems. The cards
negotiate connections reliably (if at all). It may also be
typically come in 10Mbps or 100Mbps (Fast Ethernet) speeds, 100Mbps being the
difficult to identify the chipset on a generic card,
standard at the time of writing (Gigabit Ethernet is mostly restricted to the core of
which will make it difficult to find the correct driver.
high-performance networks). This kind of network is faster but a UTP cable can
Personally, I would be sure to buy a reliable, well-
only be used to connect two devices. If you want more than two computers on
known brand and I wouldn t consider spending less
your network you will need to connect them to a hub or switch.
than Ł30 on a card.
It is possible to get combo cards, which have both BNC and RJ45 connectors,
Network type What kind of network do you want
though I ve never seen one that was faster than 10Mbps.
to connect to or set-up? A BNC/Coax network or
RJ45/Cat5 network, 10Mbps or 100Mbps (See the
LINUX MAGAZINE Issue 20 " 2002
BNC versus RJ45 boxout)? If you have the option,
choose a Fast Ethernet set-up. It s the current
Plugging your network together
standard for connecting workstations and the
equipment will be easier to configure and You can build a network out of all kinds of different parts. An IP packet doesn t
troubleshoot. care about the type of cable it travels across or its speed. On your network you
Support Obviously you want a card that is supported might have a 10Mbps link from your PC to a hub, a 100Mbps link from the hub
by Linux but you should also try and find out how to a switch further up the line and a Gigabit connection between the switch and
well the card is supported, whether the driver is the application servers.
stable or experimental etc. In this case the Internet is The physical connections are not hard to set up, since most modern networking
your friend. Find any identifying information about kit automatically senses the speed of the device at the other end of the cable and
your network card (the make and model for will slow down to match slower kit (this is called auto-negotiation). There are even
reference, failing that the FCC ID number, which hubs with both RJ45 and BNC connectors. Do remember to use the right kind of
should be printed on the card somewhere, failing cable. For 100Mbps speeds the UTP cable must be Cat 5 quality or higher. Cat 3
that any identifiable numbers on the card). Go to the UTP is enough for 10Mbps but means you d have to rewire before upgrading.
Google Linux search and type in the information. You The simplest type of network is formed by linking two computers together. If
should find plenty of information to help make your using a UTP cable you will need crossover cable rather than a standard UTP patch
decision. You may find it useful to cross-check cable. You can also connect multiple computers through a hub or switch and can
whatever you find with the networking chain hubs and/or switches together to create as large a network as you like. Use
documentation accompanying the kernel source, crossover cable to chain hubs and switches but standard patch cable to connect
which can normally be found in PCs to hubs or to switches.
Installing and testing the card
I m going to assume you know how to install an
extension card into a PC. Once it is in we can do The software connection
some basic checks to see if the hardware is Before we can begin configuring the network
functioning properly. This is important: there s no interface we first have to make sure that we are
point going on to later steps if the card isn t using the right driver. Now, I absolutely recommend
functioning, you ll only waste a lot of time. that you load NIC drivers as modules. It makes
Start the machine and have a look at the card. Any troubleshooting and testing so much easier:
decent, recent card will have at least one status light,
one of which will show if any power is getting to the You can load and unload different modules, or the
card (another reason to avoid cheap or old kit). same modules with different parameters, as many
If your card seems to be getting power, get a cable times as you like with no need for a reboot.
and connect the card to another networking device, There is no need to recompile the kernel. Even if
preferably one that has a connection status light (e.g. the module(s) you need (or want to test) aren t in
a hub or a good quality card in another PC). Don t your current set, you can compile them separately
forget to use the right kind of cable for the from the kernel (though you will need the config
connection (see the Plugging your network together used to compile the kernel). If the driver is
boxout) and be sure that the devices match (i.e. both compiled into the kernel and you want to try a
operate at the same speed or at least one is capable different driver or change the parameters passed to
of auto-negotiation). A connection light should show the driver then you will need at least to reboot and
on one or both devices. (in the former case) to recompile the kernel as
If you get no power light then either you need to well. This can become tedious very quickly.
reseat the card in its slot or the card is broken. If you
get a power light but no connection light then you Note: Do not panic! The default kernels that are
may have the wrong cable, one/both of the installed with most distributions come with a
connected devices may not be functioning or the two selection of drivers that cover all the common
devices may be mismatched (i.e. they are at operating network cards. You probably won t have to do more
at different speeds and the fast one isn t auto- than load and unload a few modules until you get it
negotiating): try changing the cable or the device you right.
connect to until you get a working connection. If you There s not enough space here for a lesson in
can t get a connection light after trying several kernel/module compilation, so I will assume that you
different cables and devices then your card is probably have a system with networking enabled in the kernel
broken. When troubleshooting a problem connection, (as it is in all the default kernels shipped with any
it s important to change one thing at a time. That distribution I ever heard of) and with a selection of
way, if you do finally get a connection, you will be modules, which hopefully includes the one to match
able to identify the problem component conclusively. your card.
Issue 20 " 2002 LINUX MAGAZINE
IP addresses and netmasks
An IPv4 address is a 32 bit number, which is usually shown in number 11111111111111111111111100000000. This is obviously
dotted quad notation: four decimal numbers separated by full not convenient, so netmasks are usually shown in one of two
stops (e.g. This number is further split into two ways:
parts, one identifying the network on which the host (machine) is
located and one uniquely identifying the host within that network. In dotted quad notation. Our example netmask would be
You can t tell which part is which just by looking at the address
(some IP addresses are commonly split in particular ways but don t A slash and a decimal digit, appended to an IP address, the digit
rely on this). To identify the network and host parts of an IP showing how many high bits comprise the network address. So
address, you need to know the netmask for the network on which would indicate that the first three bytes are the
the IP address is located. The netmask specifies which bits of an network address and that the final, least significant byte is used
address are the network address and which are the host address. to allocate host addresses. Since one address is reserved as a
The 32 bits may be divided in any permutation but it is most broadcast address, that leaves 255 host addresses we can use.
convenient and least confusing simply to split them into two
blocks, with the high block of bits representing the network and So why all this trouble? The answer is that before an IP packet can
the low block the host. Network bits have a value of 1 and host be delivered to its destination we need to know if it is on the local
bits a value of 0, so that AND-ing an IP address and its netmask network or a remote one.
give you the network address. The network address may be further divided into a network
In our example network, the highest 24 bits of the address are number and a subnet number. This distinction will be explored in
the network the next article: for the purposes of this article no distinction is
address. So the netmask could be represented by the binary made.
Select a module another module or try reloading this one with
If you didn t identify the correct driver when doing different parameters. A successful load will give
your Google search, now is the time. Compare the output like this:
information you found then with the help in
Apr 1 20:15:33 localhost kernel: eth0: U
/usr/src/linux/documentation/networking. If you find
Intel EtherExpress Pro 10/100
more than one match, don t panic, just repeat the
Apr 1 20:15:33 localhost kernel: Board U
process described below until you find one that
assembly 689661-004
works (you can leave fancy comparison-testing till
Apr 1 20:15:33 localhost kernel: General U
you know more). Be sure to note any special
self-test: passed
parameters that may need to be passed to the
Apr 1 20:15:33 localhost kernel: Serial U
module (another good reason not to buy cheap:
sub-system self-test: passed
decent modern cards usually autoconfigure).
Apr 1 20:15:33 localhost kernel: Internal U
registers self-test: passed
Load the module
Apr 1 20:15:33 localhost kernel: ROM U
Say you want to try the eepro100 module. Load it: checksum self-test: passed
Apr 1 20:15:33 localhost kernel: Receiver U
lock-up workaround activated.
# modprobe eepro100
Now, check the end of /var/log/messages for any Success! Light a cigar (away from the equipment).
messages from the module. If the module didn t But note that eth0 in the first line, we need it for the
work then you will see obvious error messages: try next step. What does it mean? It s the interface name
assigned to the card.
Debian network config file
# /etc/network/interfaces   configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
If you compiled the driver into the kernel, smack
yourself on the wrist and prepare for multiple reboots.
# The loopback interface
Each time you reboot, check the messages that scroll
auto lo
past. Too fast? Once it s finished booting, log in and
iface lo inet loopback
check the contents of /var/log/dmesg. You should find
the output from the driver somewhere in there.
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
Configuring the network interface
Loading the correct driver gets us halfway there. Now
we need to configure and activate the network
LINUX MAGAZINE Issue 20 " 2002
connection. For this example, I am going to assume
we are connecting to a network with address
Red Hat interface config script and that this computer will have the
# /etc/sysconfig/network-scIpts/ifcfg-eth0
address on that network. If this
means nothing to you then you should read the
boxout on IP addresses and netmasks. USERCTL=no
To do this, we use the ifconfig command, giving as
parameters the interface name, the address and
# ifconfig eth0 netmask U
If you get no feedback then in good *nix fashion this Up and down
means that nothing went wrong. So now you should OK, now that you have configured and activated your
list the interfaces on your computer, by running the interface, you can deactivate it any time you like. To
ifconfig command with no parameters. The output bring it down run:
should include a record like this:
# ifconfig eth0 down
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr U
Now run ifconfig with no arguments  you ll see that
inet addr: U
the eth0 record has disappeared. You can bring the
Bcast: Mask:
interface up again by running the above command
but replacing down with up. Try it and then run
ifconfig again to see if the interface has come back
RX packets:819780 errors:116 dropped:0 U
up with the same settings.
overruns:0 frame:232
TX packets:593233 errors:0 dropped:0 U
Achieving permanence
overruns:0 carrier:69
What we have achieved so far is fair enough, but it
collisions:230 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:873172906 (832.7 MiB) TX U won t survive a reboot and even Linux boxes have to
bytes:48467017 (46.2 MiB)
be shutdown once in a while (only for hardware
Interrupt:9 Base address:0xec00
maintenance, obviously).
So what do you do if you want this interface to be
Before you light yourself another cigar, let s try pinging configured automatically when the machine restarts?
the address of another network host (the ping You could create a script to configure the interface
command sends a stream of IP packets to the and add it to the sysvinit scripts. But you don t have
requested address and reports their progress). On this to: while there is no definitive Linux standard for this,
example network, there s a router at, so: there is a semi-standard. Most distributions enable
you to record the interface s details in a text config
# ping
file, to bring the interfaces so defined up and down
PING ( 56 data bytes
with the ifup and ifdown tools and to specify which
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 U
interfaces should be activated on startup. Example
ttl=255 time=0.2 ms
configuration files for Debian and Red Hat are shown
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 U
in the two boxouts, Debian network config file and
ttl=255 time=0.2 ms
Red Hat interface config script. In both cases, the
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 U
interface we created above would be configured and
ttl=255 time=0.2 ms
activated as part of the startup process.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 U
ttl=255 time=0.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 U
ttl=255 time=0.2 ms This article has shown you how to get a simple
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 U
network connection up and running. I hope it has
ttl=255 time=0.2 ms
been enough to get you interested and experimenting.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 U
But there s still a lot we haven t covered. The next
ttl=255 time=0.2 ms
article will explain subnets and routes, show the
difference between hubs, switches and routers,
Success! You managed to connect to a network and introduce the IP tool (brought in with the 2.2.x series
talk to another host on the network  the aim of this of kernels) and explain how you can turn a Linux box
introductory article. But we re not finished yet. into a network router/gateway. See you then.
Issue 20 " 2002 LINUX MAGAZINE


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