Overnight International Authority

Overnight International Authority
You now are going to be brought into a world that is quite scary. My
mind. Not only that but a platform that is just tearing it up for me and
now can for you. Let me tell you how this came about. I am constantly
scouring the Internet looking for what is working. As I am searching for
niches and strategies I would keep seeing pages ranking on page one
from cnn. Nothing new there. CNN obviously is the biggest news
organization in the world. Clearly as a PR 9 site they are going to have
pull in Google s eyes. But on closer inspection one day I noticed
something. I noticed that a lot of these sites / stories / articles /
promotions were not from CNN per se.
What I mean is the site was CNN but the content was from regular
people. I was shocked. The light bulb immediately went off. I knew this
was killer so I dove right in.
What these people were / are using is a little known option in CNN
called  ireport .
This site is ridiculous. The success I am having and am seeing on this is
absolutely crazy. Anyone can sign up and start posting to whatever they
want to bring attention to.
So I found the site and I did my due diligence and started making things
happen. Then one day I was looking up the marketer Frank Kern online.
Just Googling his name. Sure enough very early in my search I found an
ireport mentioning him.
Check out this ireport just to highlight my thoughts on this platform.
The link was / is http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-907642
There are many things you can derive just from this one ireport. First of
all this was done by someone else. It was done by a Rick Porter. I have
no idea if he just did this on his own or was hired by Kern. It doesn t
matter. This is simply beautiful.
You will notice in the upper left hand corner it says  Not Vetted by
CNN . This means that someone (Anyone) created this article / post.
But this is huge! The average person doesn t understand anything. All
they know is they saw this guy (Kern) on CNN. To most people this is
very impressive. Wow this guy must be important. He is on CNN. Now
look at the article. Can you believe this? All it says is  Frank Kern Joins
Pinterest . This is laughable but so freaking amazing. So let s analyze
this and the power of what is going on with just this article alone. So
the fact that it says Frank Kern joins Pinterest. To me I say who gives a
fuck. All of us marketers are on Pinterest. But the subtlety of this is
huge. It is laying out the presumption that this story is a big deal and
Kern must be a big deal all rolled into one. It is brilliant. It is basically
saying to the untrained eye that CNN is telling you that Frank Kern is on
Pinterest and that both of these things matter. This is news! This is
international news! This means you could do the same thing for
anything. Think of this as prweb on steroids. CNN in a sense is backing
you. That is not what they are doing but to the untrained eye that is
what it looks like. This one example is brilliant. Also it had a few
thousand views and over a thousand shares. Would you like a thousand
shares for a mundane article giving you ultra authority for what looks
like 5 minutes work? Of course you would. Again, all this said was in
essence this dude joined Pinterest. So have millions of others but this
make it looks like it is extremely special.
Remember these posts which you can do yourself very quickly rank like
crazy. People when they see the posts aren t focusing on Ireports. They
are seeing the CNN. That is the key.
If you do any type of offline marketing. Putting a company on CNN is
ridiculous. Most small businesses would die for that. Not knowing this
took you seconds to do. Here is an example of a barbecue place in
Texas ranking on page 1.
This wasn t even an article. Just a picture and it is ranking on page 1.
Can you believe that? It is just a promo for a ribs place. Took 5 seconds
if that and boom page 1. Can you talk about easy and powerful? This
site also let s you rank videos. This is comparable and many times
outranks youtube which is quite funny since Google owns youtube.
The few people that are getting into the game are not thinking about
this from a marketing / promotional perspective. Of course you will be.
Just look at all of the examples below. Again the  not vetted by cnn is
the key to you that this is using ireport.
People are ranking for the simplest of stuff.
This is a platform that you need to get involved with.
Now you usually are thinking about this as straight marketing. You have
yourself to promote. You have a website that you want to mention. You
have something that you want to drive traffic to. But you can also get
noticed like crazy. One point I want to mention is this doesn t have to
be news. That is the key. Frank Kern on Pinterest sorry but this is not
news to me. A picture of some bacon? Sorry this is not news. But
people are eating this up like crazy and thinking this is important! That
is the key. The authority is what is important. You are given it on a silver
This is a morbid example but shows you the power of this. I was
following this within the last week.
Sadly a young man died. That is terrible. But the fact of the matter is
people die every day. Usually that is not necessarily internationally
newsworthy. But& A person felt that this story was very important and
they made an ireport. Due to that fact alone this report caught the eye
of CNN and became front page news. If that person hadn t have done
the ireport there is a major chance this story never would have made it
to the forefront.
But it is not just about news. As you saw again with Kern s example I
would hardly call that news. But could he potentially be seen by
someone that may give him a speaking engagement that may not have
otherwise? Possibly.
This isn t however just for the big marketers. This is for everyone. That
is the whole point. Anyone can have an ireport created that can be
picked up getting you tons of views and possibly get you on T.V.
But of course not every ireport is getting on the front page of cnn. But
by simply putting in keywords in your ireport title it obviously is getting
picked up by the search engines to get you on page one and hence
traffic. That is the thing you may not be the best at ranking a website
but in this case you are using the power and authority of CNN to get
your post ranked. You can push the views to a website or just to your
name. Put your phone number there if you want. Whatever you want
to do. Wherever you want to direct people.
Here is an excellent example. Again you don t have to go crazy with it.
Write about stuff everyone knows about. But now it is on cnn. This
person wrote about whitehat vs black hat.
Look at how this isn t spammy. Just straight forward stuff. Easy to
create and the views are there. People that are seeing this are
searching for this. That is the great thing. All of the views are targeted.
If you notice at the bottom of the article you see a contact, phone
number, email. I m not saying you have to give any personal
information at all. You can put your website, twitter, whatever. The
point is this person wrote a quick article, got ranked, got views and
directs people where they want to go.
You can do this again and again! You can completely outsource this. Get
an article created on whatever topic and it ranks.
Also you can be followed. Pick a niche if you want and make articles
relating to it. People will start to follow you within the ireport
community. This is a built in fan base without having to create a list.
Once you post these people will see it. The possibilities are endless with
this. You have to be pumped.
There is an option within ireport to search by location. So if you want to
dominate a local market that is no problem. People can search for the
local area to see articles. This is if you choose a location when you
create the article.
Here is a guy doing straight push marketing.
There isn t anything more blatantly salesy then this.
Tip. Don t get spammy or too salesy on the ireport. However if you
want to get really hypey then you can easily get around it. Keep the
post fairly conservative in ireport but at the end push them to a link
with as much hype as you want that is a website outside of their
Look at this one
Find the spot where they say  increase web traffic . Clearly this is a
sales page / cpa offer. You see how they did it though. That offer was
not in the article itself. The cnn article pushed the person to the site.
That is how you do it.
The sky is the limit. The topics can be on whatever you want. You want
to do local news great. You want to make yourself be a guru? No
problem. You want to send people to offers? It is all there. You don t
need any money, name for yourself, experience. You don t need
anything that you would feel would hold you back. It is wide open for
you. There is no reason you can t make this work for you as it is so easy.
Ireport is so easy to use.
Just go to http://ireport.cnn.com
Click on the sign up in the upper right hand corner. Then log in after you
get your confirmation email.
Once logged in it is always a good idea to fill out the profile tab
People like to see a photo and a brief description so you look legitimate
(which you hopefully are).
In terms of making the actual ireport it is very simple. Click on the
upload tab in the upper right hand corner.
It will ask you for headline. Very important that you are not pitching
with this. Put in the keywords that you would want people to search
for. That is the key.
The description is literally your article. You don t have to write a novel
as shown in my examples. You don t have to be a salesman. Just
straight and to the point info. It works well, is easy to do and takes the
stress off.
Tags. Just like any other medium put in the subjects / keywords people
would be searching for.
Remember I said earlier you don t have to do just articles. You could
have a video, a photo and an audio. You have to have one of them.
Easiest one obviously is a photo. If you don t have a photo then go to a
place like istockphoto.com or any of the sites you can buy cheap photos
and grab one from there.
Also take a look at the assignments section. This is a place where CNN
reaches out to the ireport community and asks for you to add to the
story. So think of this like a trending section. Ad your thoughts to
whatever they are looking for and you will get views. You will never be
without topics. This is a place where at a minimum you have a voice
and can be heard.
There is something for everyone here. They all rank. Put in your
location. It asks for your location and I rarely put that in. My point is
you don t have to. It will upload without a location.
It is that simple. You can now rank, get traffic, make money, be heard,
and go viral. Enjoy.
Please jump on this strategy. You will not be sorry.


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