Introduction To Human Design

An Introduction to the Human Design System
Human Design can be so complex and
overwhelming. But it can also be very simple.
Let's take the simple approach!
Four ent Wi hesi
Anci sdoms ~ One Synt s
Your chart is made up of four ancient wisdoms,
made into a visual map of your energy field.
The four ancient wisdoms are:
The Hindu Chakra System
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life
Western Astrology
The Chinese I Ching.
But this isn't just old spiritual beliefs that have been recycled. Firstly, when we put them
together it brings a holism that resonates within us as newly emerging global beings.
East meets West and the resulting synergy creates global evolution.
And secondly, each of these systems activates within us a direct portal to quantum
reality. How?
Our chakras are spinning vortexes of light and data, converting our essence from the
quanutm level and into physical expression.
The Tree of Life is the human aspect of our light body, the very form of creation and our
personal connection to universal energies.
The I Ching has precise mathematical correlations to our human DNA.
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© Kim Gould ~ 2010
An Introduction to the Human Design System
Astrology has consistently shown itself to be a powerful symbolic language that mirrors
the cosmic into our own day to day reality.
Your Human Design chart is a quantum map of your reality, a hologram of your daily
existence as a prism of light in the rainbow of life.
In 1987, when the Human Design System was originally 'revealed' it included the chart
Already we can see the energy centres, which are based on the chakras. We can also
see similarities between the channels in the Human Design chart and the energy centres
in the Tree of Life
Human Design Chart
Hindu Chakra System
Kabbal c Li
istiTree of fe
What makes each person's chart different? We use the planetary activations from
Western Astrology to create your unique design. To do this we add another layer, an
astrological wheel.
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An Introduction to the Human Design System
We use the position of the planets at the moment you were born, and we add them to
the chart. How do we know where to place them? That's where the I Ching comes in.
The I Ching has 64 hexagrams, each one containing some particular piece of wisdom. At
the heart of the Human Design System is it's connection between Astrology and the I
Ching. Part of the original revelation material was an index that showed the details of
this connection.
I'll give you an example. Today, 11 July 2010, as I'm writing this ebook, the Sun is at 18
degrees Cancer. Any planet that sits between 15 and 20 degrees in Cancer is indexed to
Hexagram 53.
Hexagram 53 is located in the Root Chakra of the Human Design chart, and it's meaning
is Gradual Development. If you have a planet in this gate in your design, you have
specific coding in your DNA that tells you to be conservative, not to rush forward too
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An Introduction to the Human Design System
Gradual development creates co-operation and good
relationships. Any development must be allowed to take its
proper course. Attempts to influence others by agitating
them doesn't have a lasting effect.
Hexagram 53 (Image -
When we add the astrology and the Tree of Life information to the mix, we know that
you gain a sense of who you are (your Sun) through slow and steady co-ooperation with
others (Hexagram 53) to achieve both good relationships and good outcomes for you
both (Root Centre).
There's a huge amount of information held within each Gate or Hexagram, but this
example gives you some sense of how it's applied in your Human Design chart.
Another way for us to understand something about that Sun activation in
Gate/Hexagram 53 is to explore it's surroundings in the chart. We also want to know
what's connected to the Sun in Gate 53. Are there other planets in the Root Centre? Are
there more planets or asteroids in this Gate that will add to it's flavour? How is the Root
Centre activated (does it have connections to other Centres)?
The Hexagrams are always in the same place in the chart, they don't move around. Gate
53 (hexagram 53) is always at 15 to 20 degrees Cancer, and it's always in the Root
Centre. What makes your chart different to everyone else's is what planets you have in
which gates. In other words, what's coloured in your chart and what isn't.
Freddie Mercury Kate Moennig
Jacqueline Onassis
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An Introduction to the Human Design System
Here's a chart with both Astrology and I Ching wheels.
The inner wheel contains the planets, and the outer wheel contains the numbers of the I
Ching Hexagrams  1 through to 64. It's the magical engine room of the Human Design
In this second example, you can see the Moon glyph - it looks just like a cresent moon 
right at the top of the wheel on the yellow background. The Astrology Wheel shows that
the Moon in this chart is in Capricorn - X  - and that it's precise astrological position (1
degree Capricorn) converts to Hexagram 10 in the I Ching.
We can look at any planet in this image and see what sign it's in, and which of the 64
hexagrams this converts to.
The next step is to put the planet into the actual bodygraph image.
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An Introduction to the Human Design System
The original Human Design revelation told us how to do that. Each chakra or energy
centre in the chart has a number of gates. The gates join up with other centres to create
channels. Each gate has a number, 1 to 64. In other words, there are the same number
of gates as there are hexagrams in the I Ching. Each gate relates to the hexagram of the
same number.
So, the Moon is in Hexagram 10, it's also in Gate 10. And in the BodyGraph, Gate 10 is
always found in the energy centre called the G Centre.
So that gate gets coloured in in the bodygraph. The Moon activates Gate 10 in the G
Centre. And we have some idea of the meaning of Gate 10 because it's equivalent to
Hexagram 10 in the ancient book of Chinese Wisdom called the I Ching.
There is so much information about each planet and so much information about each
Hexagram that we could probably talk about the Moon in Gate 10 all day, but let's move
The image I've been using so far has blue gates, it is for a single point in time. It's what
you might call an 'event chart'.
The Power of your Pre-Natal Layer
Unlike the Event Chart above, and your normal astrology chart, both of which only use
the event or birth time, Human Design adds additional time or layer to the bodygraph.
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An Introduction to the Human Design System
It's called the Pre-Natal or Design layer and is created using a date and time about 3
months prior to when you were born (88 degrees of the Sun prior to birth to be exact). It
shows something about you that is natural and operates under your conscious
awareness. It's important to understand that this is different to the Jungian idea of the
subconscious shadow. These gates show something in your energy field that you don't
need to be consciously aware of.
There's nothing wrong with them, nothing to be fixed. It's a bit like your heart beating or
your lungs breathing. If you had to be aware of everything that was happening in your
body you'd go quite mad. It's the same with the way you use your energy field.
The Natal or Personality layer shows what's conscious. Here's the Dalai Lama's chart
showing both layers. This is what your standard Human Design chart looks like (with the
wheels added in).
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An Introduction to the Human Design System
There's lots more planets than in the event chart, twice as many! They are divided into
red and black. The red represents the Pre-Natal or Design layer - what is sitting under
your conscious awareness. The black represents the Natal or Personality layer  what
you are consciously aware of. Notice how some gates join with others to form channels,
and this creates an activation of the Centre at either end.
We can look at either layer seperately. Here's the Dalai Lama's Pre-Natal or Design layer.
Notice that all the gates are red. That means they are all Pre-Natal planetary activations.
Can you see how the Dalai Lama has two Centres activated by his Pre-Natal planets This
shows that these energy centre  his Sacral and Root centres - operate at a level below
his conscious awareness.
Without needing to be conscious of the process, the Dalai Lama is being impulsed to act
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An Introduction to the Human Design System
from a deep understanding of the underlying fractal patterning of reality. He naturally
understands how to shift past limitation in order to manifest this new reality on the
earth plane.
Now let's look at the Dalai Lama's Natal or Personality layer.
In this layer, the Dalai Lama has his Solar Plexus Centre and his Heart Centre activated.
The Solar Plexus Centre is about emotions and the Heart Centre is about willpower and
community. So when we look at this chart we can see that the Dalai Lama is consciously
aware of how these centres operate in his life  how he holds the blueprint for a
particular community, how his willpower flows from being seen as it's leader, and the
sense of personal emotional satisfaction he gets from this.
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An Introduction to the Human Design System
If you go back to page 7 you will see that the Dalai Lama has a connection between the
Crown and Ajna chakras that doesn't show up in either the Pre-Natal or Natal charts.
That's because the connection comes from a combination of one gate from each layer.
The inspiration from the Crown is a conscious activation, but the mental process is
It may be strange to imagine that someone so spiritually advanced as the Dalai Lama has
any 'unconscious' activations. It's very likely he is much more conscious of his own
subtle layers than most, but remember, this is akin to the heart beating or the lungs
taking in breathe. We can tune in if we like, but in this life we don't need to be conscious
of this material  what's red in the chart  because it's there to support us without us
having to make any conscious effort to engage with it.
Here's a diagram showing each of the Centres with some keynotes.
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An Introduction to the Human Design System
So you see, Human Design is simply about looking at your chart and seeing what's
coloured in and what's connecting to what. There's an elegance to taking a simple view.
This simple view informs us of something quite profound about ourselves and then
takes us by the hand and leads us forward into the mystery of our life. Human Design
will take us deeply into a comtemplation of what it means to be a unique individual, one
step at a time.
We can then integrate more information as we go along our natural journey. In this way
we embody wisdom about ourselves, rather than collect information.
I'm going to share with you something that I believe happens when we approach
Human Design in this way. We lose our need to know and begin to enjoy the journey.
We stop trying to fit ourselves to the information, and start allowing our observation of
ourselves to be paramount. This frees us to be the authority in our own lives.
And in this way, we discover a whole new answer to the question  who am I?
Youmust let liferunintheordinaryway;
not your dosomething
thatnobodyelsehasdone, somethingthatwill
Show that God's creative principle works in you.
Paramahansa Yogananda
If you've like to learn more about the Human Design System, visit me on
where you can get a free personal chart, read articles and find webinars and readings.
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An Introduction to the Human Design System
My name is Kim Gould. I live in Australia, in subtropical
Northern New South Wales.
You can find me at
I spent many years trying to be 'normal' - Bank Teller, Industrial Relations, Lawyer, marriage and kids.
As a result of all this effort, in 1990 I collapsed and was diagnosed with a severe case of Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome.
Returning to work was out of the question. And I knew I needed to focus on discovering where I'd
gone so wrong that I had created such a devastating illness for myself. In 1997 I moved to the north
coast of New South Wales and met some special people who helped me to put the pieces of my life
together in a way that made sense.
That's when I found the Human Design System. Just looking at the wheel symbol in a magazine, I
knew immediately that this was the tool I'd been looking for to help me to share what I'd learnt with
the world.
Because of my illness, I had little structure in my life. I was able to immediately give myself over
completely to following my strategy and observing the results. It was radical, and it was the start of
an amazing journey. I have developed wisdom, joy and love that were unimaginable to me back
 the reading shows all the things I've been depressed and distraught about lately are what I'm
actually designed to be.... LC, Brisbane, Australia
I hear this over and over again ..  but I thought that was all the things that are wrong with me!!
So many people get strength and courage from this powerful recognition of themselves. My passion is
to provide the opportunity for you to have this experience too.
"you are brilliant at what you do. The depth and grace with which you present this material is
phenomenal" Karolynn, WA, USA.
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