REC CSS1 19990111 errata

Errata for the CSS1 specification ins { color: #E50000} body { color: #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF} ins { font-weight: bold} .date { color: #900 } REC-CSS1-19990111 errata Errata for the CSS1 specification (revision of 11 Jan 1999): Translations of the specification are available. These are the known errors in the CSS1 specification (revision of 11 Jan 1999). [The dates indicate when each erratum was added to this page.] Section 5.2.5 'font-weight' [2000-07-04] In the last paragraph, replace "others may have eight different face weights" with "others may have nine different face weights." Section 5.4.2 'letter-spacing' [2000-07-04] Replace "which is a value of the 'align' property" by "which is a value of the 'text-align' property." Section 5.5.15 'border-width' [2000-07-04] Replace "'border-width-top', 'border-width-right', 'border-width-bottom' and 'border-width-left'" by "'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width' and 'border-left-width'." Section 5.5.22 'border' [2000-07-04] In this example, add a semicolon (;) after line 3: BLOCKQUOTE { border-color: red; border-left: double; color: black; } [2000-07-04] Below the example, remove "while the other borders are red." (The other border are not displayed, because their style is 'none'.) Bert Bos Last modified: $Date: 2000/07/16 07:46:37 $


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