/ \ Altar Cushion, German, late 14th Cen tury.

Coloured silks on linen.

Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

Textiles Department, Reference Collection

Cat. # 1324A-1864. 28 Thread per inch evemweave v_ _J

^ White. (DMC 746) Red (DMC 3721) Color [[] Red (DMC 304) Q Green (DMC 320) Key

14th & 15th Cen tury German Counted Thread Embroidery X: An Embroidered Cushion

Copyright (c) 1995 Timothy J. Mitchell.

This sheet may be reproduced and reprinted as long as the author is credited, and no fee is charged.

1.    This is the first case of there being two existing examples of a piece. The first is in the collection of the V&A, the other is held by the Kunstgewerbe Museum, Berlin (Cat. # 88.663).

2.    The cushion in Berlin seems from its picture to be in very good shape, the cushion in London is by contrast worn, faded, and in oieces.

3.    Because of the fading on the item I examined, the colors are suspect. The embroiderer should adjust the shade of each color to suit.

4.    This is the largest embroidery so far studied, it measures 13" by 21" approximately.



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