F00574 024 f033

F00574 024 f033


Panda' eyes Nephrotic syndrome Carpai tunnel syndrome

Bonę pain/fracture Lytic lesions


Retinal błeeds Bruising Heart failure Cerebral ischaemia

Myeloma deposit eroding right superior pubie rami and acetabulum

Renal failure

Paraprotein deposition






Spinał cord compression

Bony collapse Extradural mass

Anaemia Normochromic Normo- or macrocytic


Raised ESR


Bonę marrow plasmacytosis



IgG/A/D/E (k or X light chains only) Immune paresis Bence Jones proteinuria

>lasma cells in bonę marrow

© Elsevier. Boon et al.: Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 20e - www.studentconsult.com


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