S20C 409120813190

S20C 409120813190


Pleosc rcter to the guidelines for wasitirt# ma dmie felting on pagc 113.

Orce thp felring rycie is du ie, allow Ihe piece to air d> willi :he rpsist insicip the fabrit Ftemove .lit resist aftei the p.ece is rotally Hry. (arefully t.se scissws lo out Ihe nboer bards if necessarv. Of roirse, if von ;jsp scissors be mindtU not to cit the fabric. Work słow y w h very skarp, pointed śrissnrs. (I j^e firiyerna I scissors.)


Use a tapestry need p to weave iii dli lit loose ends.

Hołd a niarbk. golfball, or oncr rcsist objcc: on the wrong side of the work, orc securc o rubocr band oround the resist from the r cht side of the wor<. Space tac icsists wi:hout paflicular concern for even soac rg or o cculcr rhythrr. Spciradic aric sponlaneous placement looks grect!

When a pattern calls for "yarn held double throughout," and your yarn is in skein form, try this technique for winding out a perfect double-stranded bali. Place the opened skein around a chair. Snip off the ties binding the fiber. Find both ends of the skein (they will likely be tied together) and hołd together. Wrap into a bali by pulling from each end simultaneously. One strand will puli from the left, one will puli from the right, but both will come together if you wrap slowly and patiently. One of the great benefits of this technique is your yarn will be divided perfectly in half.

sunę Kiler to shibori 21


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