75600 milo 01 24

75600 milo 01 24

thrce workouta per w cek, muking one or iwo with weiglihę. and iwo or one with anything else ho likes. Ii he is following sonie sport which does not reauire a great denl of museulnr effort, then ho eould tako two bar beli workouts and two of the other sport, per week, but if ho tries to run much moro tłum iliis, hc will find thnt, his system will refuse to ndd much in tho way of actual muscular bulk wlule he foliowa such a program. The colves of the iwernge mnn. as inentioned on pagos 6 and 23, aro examples of cuch results.


The Melhod of Cleaning, Etc.

(Crmtinned from Pagw 11)

Oncc you gol, the bar to the ćhest with your knees bont and your body lowered bencath it., you must tlien stand rroet, aa in 81) for the next part, of what/cver exerci8a you nre taking, whelher it is toreing the weight back bohind the neek as in Figuro S or pressing it from the chcst as in Figures 27 and 28.

Noto that tho bar is held high on the chest and tliat the elbows nre struight forward and kept not much morę than ahouldcr width apart. Your own anntomical conutruction will deterruine just, how elosely you opproaeh this position. If your forearra> nre longer in proportion to your upper anns than aro the modela, thon your cl-bowa will he nenrer your sidos, but in any evcnt, keep them pointod as. fur forward on possible and do not stick them out sideways underneath, and parullel to, the bar. Notę nlso tho positian of tho Itands in SC and 81)—regardlcss of where the



Milo of Orotori originated Ute program system of t'xprd»5 by dully eairying n calf nu it grow to nmturity, nt which tim.e Jw» eould «till carry it, AJnn C'aIvort iii-■stitutrd the Milo Pur Heli Courso in I00U, boaing it upon tho ourlier fludinga of Thoodoro Siobert, Gemom liftor noil nxpi,rimrntł'i. FJo luught this auiglfl pmgrewHTO Bys-ti-m until 1911, wlien Jie mtrodiiecd tlie double progres-nlvi‘ mulhotl, i e., Uicreiuiicg both repetitions and rc ni&timafl, opon wliich nil hiiliiH-ciuont muscle buildlng syn tiiuui ha w bocn i*“tnl>lłahocl-

<■ <► BAR BELL

Wo cun supply your needs in estru plute* for eithor pluto looding or l>up!ex helia; dumb-l»HI»; kołtlc bella. h-iudks and uttachmenbi; pipo and nolld hora, plain or kniirled; dumb beli barn oto.: oollarn, standard, lieary-diitr and i|uick-look; spodni DupIox collnrs orni end locli

Tho only tiine- we rccommend a de partu re from this schedule is in the case of perlone wishing to reduce, Then we prescribe tho usual Mirce work-outs per week with u modified workout ou tJie other Mirce or four days consisting principnlly of reducing exercise8. Ón the other Rand, in spe-cial cases we rceommend only two workoui* por week for sonie who may find their Systems un-ablo to rccupcrutc proporly in teras of tissuc replncoment, from the usunl tlirice-per-week scncdule.

❖ <>

thumb is held, the wrist is flexed woli buekward and is definitely not locked rigidly straight as would be the case if the bar were hanging down-ward as in Figures 5. 15, 10 and 17.

<►    <>    *    4-

How Much Weight To Usc

((Jontlnuod from Pagtt 18)

and contraction, and will ctrcumvent cntircly any possibility of your Iwcoming slowed or tightened in your movements. In Figuro 1, for instauce, lceep the wrist flexed but lower the weight until the clbows aro pcrfectly tfruięht. As you bring it upwnrd in Figurę 2. do so by ara strength alone and not by beaving nr 1hh1v tossing. In Figurę 4, in Kxereise 4, in Figuro 21. and Figuro 28 do not be contcnt when you gpt tlie elbows straiglit. Lock tliem for an instant and give one finał slirug with the shoulders lo get ino weight. t.o the highest ptrssible poiut, then lowcr uli the way to the slarling position and rcpeat.



Tliła prwont (KOft) pilition of Mir First Coiiim fol Iowa wry closdy the prlmńplen nud motliodii laid down by <.'olvort during tlie 22 yeam lir rliroctod tho work ,\ few minor misjoiw and ndilitlonn, principnlly for elarily and dotuil nod to embra-io lecnnt. dmeloptnont.-, lin w beon imule by Itobrrt L. .Jones, who Ima bcon with the Milo or>;autiration ainro 1927 and Phyiiical Direetor for tJio last four ycare. Now widoly known tut oquilibrut, writer and iaHtructor, Lis poreonal i'xpoi-ienrp with, tuul use of, hor bolls ilntra from rarly 192-1.



tiuts; wrenehefl for all loeklug ilevice.«. Wo carry ateo Buch apparatiui ae hesd gear for norii doTelnpnipnt, teoUi irripi*, Conti non tnl und lup lift belta, liftor ’b t runka nud lifting suita. Wnl<i tu for quoUtion-i no your ueeda iu cquipraonl und in booka and cournon.



Pagc 24


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