Turn Young An exploration in to the mind, sex and health

Turn Young
An exploration in to the mind, sex and health
T.M Molian. P.T
Copyright © 2009 by Mani Molian Thangasamy
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or
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1. Prologue
2. Sexual Attraction and Sex: The Primary Links to the Life
3. Manipulate Your Body through Sexual Activity
4. Mechanisms of Mating
5. Dehypnotize Through Sexual Activity
6. Sex in Microgravity
7. Sex and Athletic Triad
8. Asexuality and Meditation: The Ways to Death and Disease
9. Mind And Meridians: Do They Really Exist?
10. Why Early Men Drilled Holes In Their Skulls?
11. Hypnosis and Sex - The Bible Correlation
12. The Strange Possession
13. Secret of Sex Organ Enlargement Hypnosis
14. The Origin of Abnormal Memory
15. The Origin of Abnormal Sexual Feelings and Behavior
16. The Origin of Mental and Physical Disorders
17. Possession: Is It Metal In The Mind?
18. Freud and Mind
19. Watch Your Thoughts - A Journey Toward Original Mind
20. Sexual Abstinence, Meditation and Dishonesty
21. Sexual Behavior and Traffic Accidents
22. Therapeutics: Future Vision
This is not a how to do manual or professional recommendation. Hypothesis
and discussions mentioned in this book are only based on the author's
intuition, ideas and other existing research information. The author has no
responsibility for the practice of this hypothesis and any consequent
damages or claims (if any) arising out of it.
Every human mind has a deep innate drive for beauty and attraction. This
drive may be willingly enhanced, suppressed or convoluted by learned
behavior. There is an obvious existence of natural, discriminative sexual
attraction which promotes non-promiscuous relationship. It is an
electromagnetic like seductive attraction between male and female
consciousness. At this time there are no separate terms to describe this
natural seductive attraction. This natural attraction is complicated and made
indiscriminate due to the presence of a strange unknown imperceptible
matter in human body. This imperceptible matter is referred by different
names like animal magnetism, hypnotic power, serpent power, Caduceus
power, kundalini power, qi energy, prana power, devil spirit, demon spirit,
alien spirit and etc.
Beauty is the visual signal for health. The natural attraction toward beauty
and cleanliness is actually the attraction toward health. So as to promote
sexual selection of the species the sexual attraction is mentally and
genetically linked with the beauty, health and intelligence. Not only the sex
but any kind of beauty is attractive to humans. It may be a beautiful lawn,
building, cloth, painting and etc. Simply the mind is beautiful. So it gets
attracted to beauty in any way. The beauty in mind indirectly promotes
cleanliness of the surroundings to promote health. Owing to that health
seems to be directly proportional the sexual attraction and beauty.
As of prehistoric period to till date people believe in the presence of
possession. But contemporary medical and scientific advancement made
many human beings to distrust this idea. If we are sick we mostly point the
finger at micro organisms, genes, environment, food, aging etc. But
virtually it is a possession! I am sure that the early men and their idea on
possession are accurate. Regrettably early men were not in a position to
describe it scientifically. Certainly a strange imperceptible unknown
chemical is present inside the human body and it is attached to the invisible
human mind. Possession of this mysterious chemical cause diseases and
promote aging process. The strange imperceptible chemical is the root
cause of hypnosis. It distorts the normal pathways of invisible mind and
prevents the physiological benefits of sexual copulation.
This book explains about a novel inspiration which could help to manipulate
the human body through heterosexual activity.
Heterosexual activity might help to eliminate the strange imperceptible
mysterious chemical (kundalini) through fecal content. This might in turn
prevent aging, diseases and death. Ultimately it makes the human body
utterly young and healthy.
Sexual Attraction And Sexual Activity
The Primary Links
The linkage between sex and human body starts when the gametes unite.
This link is continued through out the cell divisions. All cells of our body are
indirectly linked with sex. Consequently all our cells are indirectly linked
with sexual activity.
It may be amazing to understand that all our activities of daily living
indirectly depend on sexual activity! It looks as if all organisms are naturally
designed to have a link between sexual activity and health. Healthy body
shape is sexually attractive and anything sexually attractive seems to be
healthy. If not the species of that organisms will not survive at all.
The cue for life under lays the visual and other cues for the sexual
gratification. The sexual cues lie beneath the good health. In this manner
life, sex and health is coupled. Sexual attraction is the innate living desire.
Every organism has the natural desire for living. A feeling or sense against
the sexuality is an acquired one and it is not natural. It is the death wish!
The broad shoulders of men and women are pretty sexually attractive. (1)
It is a kind of subconscious physical fitness attraction embedded in sexual
attraction. This attraction has an indirect linkage with the health of thorax
and its contents. It is the visual cue to increased vital capacity of lungs,
increased size of lungs and other contents of the thorax. Sexual attraction
also serves as the visual cue for sexual pleasure and reproductive potential.
The WHR (waist to hip ratio) of females close to 0.7 primarily serve as the
visual cue to prospective sexual pleasure. Secondarily it serves as the visual
cues to increased reproductive potential, optimal size and shape of sexual
organs and pelvic contents. Finally it serves as a cue to good health.
Interestingly, men with attractive faces are found to have high-quality
quality and quantity of sperm. (2) Facial attractiveness positively show a
relationship with increased sexual behaviors, sexual attraction, facial
symmetry and life longevity, (2) (3) (4) (5) Women with sexually attractive
voices had first sexual intercourse at younger ages and more sexual activity
than did those with less attractive voices.(5) Those attractive Women s
voice is also linked with curvaceous hips. (5) Most attractive men's voice is
associated with broader shoulders. (5) Sexually attractive body shapes are
correlated with higher estrogen and progesterone levels in women. (6)
Estradiol levels of women also show a positive relationship with sexual
motivation, skin display, clothing tightness and clothing sheerness. (7)
Gorgeous gait of women is also found to be linked with good vaginal
orgasms. (8) Increased heterosexual behaviors also look as if to be coupled
with beauty and intelligence.
Genes have an effect on the intelligence are dense on the X-chromosomes
and X- chromosome genes are connected with sex steroids. (9) (10) (11)
Elevated sex steroid levels are linked with increased sexual motivation and
activity. (5)(7) X-chromosome genes seem to be genetically engineered to
get influenced by the increased sexual activity. I theorize that the higher
sexual activity probably induces beneficial genetic changes and predispose
to the increased intelligence. A genetic study on evolution reveals that there
was a positive feed back in the development of secondary sexual characters
and intelligence. (10) This study indirectly point out that increased
intelligence must be related to increased activity of copulation. Creativity
and mental disorder are linked with each other. (12) An imbalance between
sexual activity and X- chromosome genetics probably reflect as mental
Akin to the intelligence beauty is also perhaps linked with X-chromosomes.
The authors of the article  Why beautiful people are more intelligent
analyze in depth about the various causes for the link between intelligence
and beauty. (9) I theorize that beauty seems to be primarily evolved from
the increased sexual activity rather than other factors.
In the research article  Mutation load and human longevity the effect of
paternal age on human longevity was studied. The authors found significant
reduction of life longevity in daughters born to aged fathers (50-59 years)
compared to the young fathers. (20-29 years). (13) The sons born to aged
fathers are not affected in this way. Since only daughters inherit X-
chromosomes from father, the human longevity genes might be located on
X-chromosomes. (13) This indicates a link between life longevity and X-
Quite a lot of anti- aging vitamins, herbs and drugs are as well associated
with increased sexual drive, sexual activity and life longevity. There is a link
between anti-aging vitamins drugs, herbs and increased heterosexual
behavior. This link clearly suggests the link between life longevity and
increased heterosexual behavior. In an experimental study, anti-aging drug
deprenyl tremendously increased the sexual activity and life longevity in
male rats. Deprenyl is linked with increased sexual activity, dopamine and
life longevity. (14) Deprenyl is also antitumorigenic and immunomodulatory.
(15)(16) Copulation it self might also have an anti tumeriogenic effect
because the occurrence breast cancer is positively linked with asexuality.
Dopamine levels turn down with aging. (17)(18) Mating stimulation is found
to induce brain to secrete dopamine. (19)(20) The association between the
aging, dopamine levels and mating indirectly indicate that mating may also
influence the anti-aging mechanism via the dopamine.
Manipulate Your Body Through Sexual
Sexual activity can be utilized as the main tool to manipulate the human
physiology to arrest and reverse the aging process. With the regular
frequent mating activity, people maybe able to increase their life longevity
and promote youth. Many studies indirectly suggest relations between
sexual attraction, sexual activity, fitness, fecundity, and life longevity. (6)
(7) (21) (22) (23) Sexual activity positively influences, all the organs,
systems and each and every cell of the human body. The Caerphilly cohort
study  Sex and death: are they related? (24) and other epidemiological
findings on human sexual behavior indirectly propose that heterosexual
activity should promote the good health and life longevity.
I theorize that regular heterosexual copulation at an adequate frequency
and duration will induce good mutation of the body's genes, arrest the
aging process, reverse the aging process, convert the body in to sexually
attractive shape, increase the intelligence level and heal all the diseases.
There are indirect linkages between the X-chromosomes, increased
heterosexual behavior and life longevity. These linkages probably help to
enhance the manipulation of species in evaluation. Copulation induced
mutations of X- chromosomes perhaps further cause the mutation of Y-
chromosomes. Increased sexual copulation may possibly resurrect the
necessary pseudogenes (dead genes) and repair our lost abilities of various
vital functions of the body and restore health and youthfulness. Human
beings can totally suppress the sexual activity or willingly increase the
sexual activity. This voluntary control over the sexual activity can be utilized
to perform regular repeated mating. It can serve as a tool to manipulate
the human physiology to become healthy, intelligent, sexually attractive,
and beautiful. Finally it may lead to arrest the aging process and reverse
the human body in to youth!
The Nobel laureate Marie Curie predicted that a young managed twenty one
living to be three fold of the normal human period of existence, retaining at
the age of 210 years his youthful appearance at twenty one! (25) Her
imagination may perhaps develop into reality! Wonderfully it looks like an
immortal life is linked with the sexual activity! Human beings can totally
suppress the sexual activity or willingly increase the sexual activity. This
voluntary control over the sexual activity can be utilized to perform regular
repeated mating. It can serve as a tool to manipulate the human physiology
to become healthy, intelligent, sexually attractive, and beautiful. Finally it
may lead to arrest the aging process and reverse the human body in to
youth! The Nobel laureate Marie Curie predicted that a young managed
twenty one living to be three fold of the normal human period of existence,
retaining at the age of 210 years his youthful appearance at twenty one!
(25) Her imagination may perhaps develop into reality! Wonderfully it looks
like an immortal life is linked with the sexual activity!
During the heterosexual copulation, the consciousness (invisible mind) of
partners initially enters in to each others body via the genitals and travel
through the neuraxis of spine and spread to all organs and all body cells.
Actually the body meridians extend it self and enters in to the heterosexual
partner s body. The human body meridians are something analogues to the
blueprint of a building. The interplay of meridians in side the bodies during
heterosexual activity attempt to change the shape of the blueprint in to
sexually attractive. Heterosexual activity manipulates the meridians and
also changes its shape to enhance health, fecundity and life longevity. Cells
grow along with the newly adjusted meridians and take up a sexually
attractive and healthy new body shape. There is link between human body
meridians, sexually attractive body shape and sexual behavior. This is one
of the reasons for the significant correlation of increased sexual behavior
with the WHR in females and SHR in males. The meridians and genetics of
human body interact with each other and any changes in them affect each
other. Inherited genetic program of growth guides and drags the meridians
up through the puberty. Around the pubertal age the sexual activity or
sexual deprivation also start to influence the meridians.
Mechanisms of Mating
Through the heterosexual copulation, the consciousness (invisible mind) of
partners initially enters in to each others body via the genitals. It travels
through the neuraxis of spine and spread to all organs and all body cells.
Actually the body meridians extend it self and enters in to the heterosexual
partner s body. The human body meridians are something analogues to the
blueprint of a building. The interplay of meridians in side the bodies during
heterosexual activity attempt to change the shape of the blueprint in to
sexually attractive.
Heterosexual activity manipulates the meridians and also changes its shape
to enhance health, fecundity and life longevity. Cells grow along with the
newly adjusted meridians and take up a new, sexually attractive and
healthy body shape. There is link between human body meridians, sexually
attractive body shape and sexual behavior. This is one of the reasons for
the significant correlation of increased sexual behavior with the WHR in
females and SHR in males. The meridians and genetics of human body
interact with each other and any changes in them affect each other.
Inherited genetic program of growth guides and drags the meridians up
through the puberty. Around the pubertal age the sexual activity or sexual
deprivation also start to influence the meridians. Therefore good sexual
activity can slowly turn the body shape in to sexually attractive, beautiful
and healthy.
Human beings and all living organisms emanate a light called biophoton.
(26) The biophotons are also said to be involved in cell to cell
communication. (27) I hypothesize that the biophotons also play a role
during heterosexual copulation.
During copulation, the biophotons mediate cell to cell communication in
between the genitals of sexual partners. This cell to cell communications
probably spread all over the body and reacts with the other body cells and
produce genetic changes. These genetic changes later make the body glow
like a teenage body with the good biophoton emission. Existence of a direct
current semiconductor system (DC system) in organisms has been
postulated and experimentally demonstrated by Becker and colleagues.
(28) This DC system is also thought to involve in growth and control of
living organisms. (28) I hypothesize that copulation may alter the D.C
signals via the genitals and it is perhaps transmitted through out the body
to induce genetic and other physiological changes.
Researchers found that sexually active females who were less subject to
depression reported their male partners did not use condoms. (29) One
more research says people with serious mental illness use condoms more
consistently.(30) In a research study, the repeatedly mated females (field
crickets) 32% increased their life spans. (31) Researchers suggest that the
beneficial effects copulation (life longevity and reduced depression) are due
to the properties of the semen. (29) (31)
The Caerphilly cohort study "Is Sex and death: are they related?" reveal
that the sexual activity is positively associated with life longevity of males.
(24) This obviously indicates that antidepressant properties of the semen
are not the only mechanism involved in it. I hypothesize that use of
condoms prevent the descending of Kundalini. Further it prevents the
movement of consciousness, D.C semiconductor system signals and
biophotons across the genitals. This might in turn inhibit the physiological
benefits of copulation.
Homosexuals and never married people are found to have greatly reduced
life spans. (32) Significantly reduced life span of homosexuals and never
married people indirectly indicates the necessity of the mutual exchange of
male and female consciousness, biophotons and DC semiconductor signals.
The mutual exchange theory of consciousness (mind), biophotons, and D.C
semiconductor signals deserve future experimental research studies.
Mating moreover induces brain to secrete a wide array of secretions like
oxytocin, vasopressin, prolactin, LH, GNRH, cortisol, growth hormone,
testosterone and estrogen. (33 (34) (35) (36) Interestingly, mating induces
brain's plasticity directly and enhances neurogenesis. In animal studies,
mating stimulation induces the nuclear protein product of the immediate-
early gene, c-fos, in brain areas involved in the regulation of sexual
behavior.(37) This indicates that mating influences the nucleus of the cells,
stimulates transcription, translation/RNA production. Sexual activity might
rewrite the genetic program for life longevity. Sexual abstinence might
damage the genes and write aging and death program.
Dehypnosis through Sexual Activity
When the sexual partners are new to each other, hypnosis occurs during
sexual arousal and activity. The kundalini (also called serpent power)
ascends upward toward the brain during sexual arousal and activity. From
there it forms an astral body which spread all over the body. The astral
body controls the entire body during sexual arousal and activity to cause
hypnosis. Hypnosis makes the entire body excessively pleasurable, cause
the sexual feelings indiscriminate and addictive. Post-copulation brain
changes bring the kundalini downward toward the lower end of spine. After
the refractory period of copulation, the kundalini again slowly raises toward
Regular and repeated mating with the same sexual partner does not raise
the kundalini. Consequently astral body formation during sexual arousal is
less. As a consequence people find it less tasty. They may develop inhibited
sexual desire (ISD) and break the relationship, become promiscuous or lead
an asexual life. Promiscuous relationships and homosexuality are just the
I hypothesize that recurrent, regular heterosexual mating activity with the
constant sexual partner for along spell will pull down the kundalini from the
brain region toward the lower end of spinal region. The proprioception over
the genitals also helps bring the kundalini downward. It further enhances
gradual long term elimination of kundalini in the fecal content. This will lead
to dehypnosis. It does not happen in one day. Probably you may have to
practice the kundalini elimination for several months to years to build up
the benefits of copulation.
Antique kundalini yoga practitioners thought that kundalini is good and they
advise to raise it up toward brain and save it in the brain. (38)(39) Ancient
observers would have felt the raise of kundalini in their body during sexual
abstinence. For this reason they recommend sexual abstinence for kundalini
yoga practitioners. They were not aware of human physiology and dangers
of kundalini.
Sex In Microgravity
The human body shrinks in microgravity conditions. This is because of the
shrinking mind. The Shrinking mind gradually looses its control over all the
body cells and structure. So the mind is partially withdrawn toward the
brain. Why the mind does have to shrink? The mind spreads to all body
cells in presence of gravity to have control over cells. Microgravity reduces
muscular resistance and it results in lack of body awareness. As a result the
mind is unable to spread all over the body cells.
Deprivation of physical activity caused by microgravity condition increase
CNS dopamine. This is because the consciousness is unable to move over
musculo-skeletal system and concentrates at brain due to brain's electrical
nature and activity. Unlike the other organs the brain does not directly
depend on gravity to function. There is no need for it to contract against
gravity and resistance. But skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles and other
viscera need the resistance against gravity and supporting structures.
I hypothesize that lack of gravity cause the concentration of consciousness
(along with the kundalini/serpent power) over brain and consequently
increase the CNS dopamine. Some physiological changes during meditation
and mental disorders are similar to the changes observed in astronauts in
microgravity situation. Increased CNS dopaminergic activity has been
documented in mind focusing activities, meditation, mental disorders
(schizophrenia) and as well as in microgravity.(40) (41) (42) (43) During
the practice of various forms of hypnosis including meditation and yoga the
consciousness concentrates over the brain and trigger increased CNS
dopamine. This is the reason for the increased dopamine associated with
mental disorder and meditation.
The author of the article  Indirect evidence of CNS adrenergic pathways
activation during spaceflight. says that the cause for increased dopamine
transmission in microgravity is due to the vascular reasons. (42) It may not
be purely vascular. However it is also due to the concentration of
consciousness over the brain. The increased CNS dopaminergic activity in
astronauts may result in altered mental function (hypnosis).The two
factors, sexual activity and muscular activity aid to spread consciousness
from brain towards all over the body. These two factors are linked with
dopamine. Sexual activity and muscular activity can increase CNS dopamine
in natural way. But in microgravity and meditation the increase in CNS
dopamine is due to the concentration of consciousness (and also serpent
power) over the brain. During copulation the perception of attention and
awareness over the genitals increases. This in turn pulls down the
consciousness (along with the serpent power) toward the genitals.
Copulation induced orgasm may further prevent the concentration of
consciousness (and also serpent power) over the brain. As a result
consciousness spread all over the body to have control over it. This may in
turn prevent disuse atrophy and other harmful effects of microgravity.
Heterosexual activity may also be a tool to overcome the effects of
Sex And Athletic triad
Vigorous athletic training results in athletic triad. It may induce
amenorrhea, delayed menarche, hypoestrogenism, low bone mineral
density and disordered eating habits.(44) (45) (46) Vigorous physical
exercise or activities make human consciousness to move toward the
exercising muscles. This in turn causes the skeletal muscle hypertrophy. At
the same time consciousness and mental attention move away from
external sex organs and gonads. I hypothesize that it may result in
malfunction and shrinkage of sex organs and gonads. Heterosexual mating
might bring back the attention and consciousness toward sex organs
through the normal pathways. This will aid the growth of sex organs and
gonads. It will further induce secretions of the gonads and prevent
hypoestrogenism. Our muscles really need sex hormones for physical
exercise. Consequently we also need to have sex to increase the sex
hormone levels. EMG biofeedback, electrical stimulation to Perineum and
kegel exercise may also help to bring the attention and consciousness
toward genitals. Physical exercises are not sufficient to exert a good
influence over sex organs. Therefore vigorous physical exercise should be
combined with sufficient heterosexual activity to completely prevent the
athletic triad.
Asexuality And Meditation
The ways to Death and Disease
In contrast to the sexuality, asexuality is associated with aging and poor
health. The physiological effect of asexuality will be just opposite to the
effects of copulation. I theorize that sexual abstinence will reverse the
sexually attractive body shape in to sexually unattractive. Asexuality may
narrow the shoulders; change the BMI in to unattractive in both sexes.
Research statistics shows that asexuality is associated with short stature,
low education, low socioeconomic status, poor health and later onset of
menarche in women. (47) Another article says that deprivation of sexual
activity in girls after the puberty probably induces physical and functional
damage. (48) Asexuality is also associated with death. Early cessation of
sexual intercourse was found to be associated with an increased mortality
risk among men in a follow up study. (49) Reduced frequency of orgasm is
generally associated with mortality. (49)(50) Interestingly, reduced
frequency of orgasm is remarkably associated with coronary artery disease.
(50)(51) Meditation has many well known side effects. It may lead to
psychiatric problems, depersonalization, derealization etc. (52) (53)
Experimental research revealed that there is a long term reduction of
biophotons in regular meditators. (54)(55) The EEG activity also gradually
tends to  slow down. in people who regularly practice meditation (or self-
hypnosis).(56) The reduced EEG and reduction of biophotons in long term
meditators probably indicate the reduced electrical activity of the brain and
other cells. This in term signals the gradual death of brain and other cells.
Biophoton emission is an indicator of fitness, health and life. Reduction of
biophoton emission in meditators indicates that meditation is the way to
disease and death.
Mind and meridians
Do they really exist?
Our mind is something analogues to the operating system of a computer.
Brain is probably the primary interface between mind and body (analogues
to the hardware). The mind otherwise called consciousness is a kind of
invisible, sophisticated, natural and not fully understood elastic and
electromagnetic like substance.
Whether the attention is focused inside the body or out side the body the
human mind attempts to travel toward the attention area. The mind is most
likely attached to a primary special region in the brain. From the brain the
invisible mind (consciousness) extends via the meridians which seem to
work parallel to the nervous system. The meridian [channel] net works
finally connect to all the cells. The meridians and junction points may vary
in different sizes. The tiny meridians connect the every cell may be the
finest of all. There by mind has an influence all over the body to have
control over it. The meridians also act as a blue print to the human body.
Acupuncture points and meridians are also seems to be a part of mind s
network. A functional MRI finding correlates between acupoints and
corresponding brain cortices. (57) Correlation between the acupoints and
corresponding brain cortices probably points the possible presence of
invisible acupoints and meridians.
Why early men drilled holes in their
Prehistoric people assumed that diseases were caused by the presence of
an alien spirit, a stone, or a worm in side the human body. (58) (59)
Interestingly, prehistoric people even cut a hole in the skull to drive away
the alien spirit, cure the epilepsy and headache. (58) (59) (60)
Archaeological excavations reveal that trepanning was wide spread all over
the world.
Why trepanning is found at different places of the world? Prehistoric men
would have initially perceived the thrusting, pushing, hypnagogic and
hypnopompic experiences, out of body experiences and nightmares
associated with sleep paralysis. After the sleep paralysis prehistoric men
would have also perceived some strange moving sensations in side their
body and believed it to be a possession. These experiences would have
forced the prehistoric men to bore a hole in to the skull to drive away the
alien spirit.
Some eastern religions believe the existence of an invisible, curative, curled
serpent power that lies at the base of the spine. Most of the religions
believe in the existence of evil spirits and their ability to stay inside the
people. Since the ancient times to till date many people spoke about the
presence of a foreign material in side the body. (61) (62) (38) (39)Human
beings should have perceived a strange sensation inside their body during
meditation and disease.
People who perceived it during meditation and hypnosis interpreted it as a
curative power. Prehistoric men perceived it during many diseases
interpreted it as possession. Actually prehistoric men found something
analogous to the Animal magnetism, Kundalini, Serpent power and Qi-
These invisible substances are the basis of modern hypnosis. Anton Mesmer
claimed the existence of a power similar to magnetism in 1772. (62) He
called it as an animal magnetism and claimed it has therapeutic value. (62)
The caduceus in the emblem of health care organizations might have been
meaning something invisible [kundalini] located with in the body. (63) The
snake in such emblems probably represents the imperceptible serpent
power and hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis and Sex:The Bible Correlation
Up on reading the story of Adam and eve in Genesis varying array of
thoughts are induced. Many people may madly believe, many suspect,
many reject, many laugh, many wonder, many don't under stand, many are
unable to come to a conclusion. Really we should neglect unnecessary
questions, arguments, analysis and concentrate on the theme of that event.
Why Adam and eve were naked? Why they sewed fig leaves together and
made themselves coverings? Is it right are wrong? Negative attitude toward
sex dates backs to the period of Adam and Eve. The writings of Moses in
Genesis 2, 3 and 5 of the bible explain a transition of positive sexual
attitude in to negative sexual attitude.46 Writings of Moses also link the sin
with altered mental function [Gen. 3: 6, 7], negative attitude toward
sexuality [Gen. 3:7, 10], death [Gen. 2:17, Gen. 3:4, Gen. 5:5], labor pain
[Gen.3:16] and criminal activity [Gen.4:8]. (64)
Amazingly the writings of Moses in Genesis indirectly disclose the present
scientific correlation between negative attitudes toward sexuality, mental
disorders, death, and crime. It looks like there is historical evidence of
hypnosis in bible. Since the term "Hypnosis" is not coined by men in ancient
times the bible explains it with out the word hypnosis.
'So when the women saw that the tree was good for food, that it was
pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of it's
fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. [Gen.]
(64) This indicates they did something to alter their mind. (Hypnosis)
Then the eyes of the both are opened, and they knew that they were
naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.
[Gen. 3:7] (64) This probably indicates a different change in mentation
associated with shame about naked which resulted in hiding of sexual
Hypnosis caused a negative attitude against sex. The negative attitude
(shame and fear of nudity) affected the human body physiology. Bible
explains it in Gen3:16 "To the women He said:" I will greatly multiply your
sorrow and your conception; in pain you shall bring forth children;" The
human mind over body (along with the hypnotic serpent power) probably
induced genetic changes and reduced the size of female pelvis and its out
let to cause labor pain (reduced the WHR). Scientifically a good WHR (waist
to hip ratio) of a female is positively associated with increased sexual
activity, good health and positive sexual attitude.
 And the serpent said to the women,  you will not surely die."[Gen3:4] (64)
 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and
you will be like god, knowing good and evil" [Gen:3:5] (64) Here the
serpent probably meant the serpent power which is the foundation of
"but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has
said, ''you shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, least you die. - Genesis
3:3. This probably indicates the death caused by hypnosis induced aging.
Gen: 5; 5 says  So all the days Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty
years; and he died. Death didn't immediately ensue. But it came to him
after 930 years due to the slow killing effect of hypnosis.
I think initially human beings would have had good life longevity with
healthier bodies. (Please note the low waist hip ratio of Eve, broad
shoulders and narrow hips of Adam in the fourth century art work-Fig.10)
After several generations they would have turned in to ape like early man.
(It may be due to the hypnotic- effect of mind over the body.) From that
stage now we are progressing in to the modern men.
Hypnosis is not just a trance as many people believe. It is really a
possession of an invisible substance called serpent power, kundalini etc.
Every one in the world posses some amount of serpent power in their body.
Most of the people are not consciously aware of it.
The Strange Possession
I hypothesize that a strange, imperceptible, unknown, electromagnetic
propertied chemical is present inside the human body. It invisibly enters in
to human body during sleep paralysis. All most every body in the world is at
least subjected to a mild form of sleep paralysis during night mares. The
source of the sleep paralysis is unknown and mysterious. Even though it is
mysterious, sleep paralysis can be caused by others through an assortment
of remote hypnotic practice like the folk hypnotic activities, folk prayers,
folk witchcraft, astral projection, mind reading, remote viewing and remote
hypnotic suggestions. The imperceptible alien substance mostly stays
dormant at the base of spine. Possession of this strange chemical causes a
universal sub-clinical mental disorder and it is the root cause of serious
mental disorders and many diseases. This dormant substance promotes
involuntary hypnosis, alters the invisible pathways of consciousness and
does not permit the consciousness to flow down in a normal pathway
toward all body cells. As a consequence the cells slowly get deprived of
consciousness. This promotes aging, disease and finally death. Mind
focusing / gazing activities, sexual abstinence and sleep deprivation can
also promote hypnosis using this imperceptible substance and significantly
alters the invisible pathways of consciousness.
Movement of this dormant substance inside the body during hypnotic
techniques may cause a strange perception which is like a movement of
gas, air or electromagnetic mass. It may also look like warm or burning
sensation. One can voluntarily perceive this sensation via the practice of
regular mind focusing kundalini yoga. According to kundalini yoga we have
to focus our mind inside the base of spine along with coordinated breathing
and gently attempt to pull our mind upward inside the spinal column toward
the brain. (38) (39) It triggers the kundalini power move up toward the
brain. (38) (39)
After a long regular practice you may perceive a warm, tingling or mild
burning sensation moving upward inside the spinal column. You may also
feel it like an electromagnetic mass moving upwards. Actually the foreign
materiel inside the body gives raise to this strange sensation. In this way
any one can perceive the presence of a foreign material inside their body.
[Note: This kind of practice may lead to serious physical and mental health
The peculiar  movement of something in side the body has some indirect
scientific evidence. During the practice of  qi energy healing the subjects
felt the sense of moving something [qi- flow] in their body and it is also
correlated with their DC potential readings. (61) The dormant substance is
probably a metallic oxide which could have clanged to human body
meridians and got trapped inside the body. If the imperceptible dormant
substance is not a metallic oxide it should be probably a strange element
which is unknown to scientific world! The dormant substance probably
consists of extremely small particles which will not be visible in conventional
magnetic imaging systems.
Research studies also found ferromagnetic materials in the cerebral lobes,
the cerebellum, basal ganglia, midbrain and the meninges. (65) These
extremely small magnetite particles are less than 500 Å in diameter which
is invisible in conventional magnetic imaging systems. (66) Ferromagnetic
materials in the human brain are distributed in a tissue characteristic
fashion. (65) This tissue-characteristic fashion may probably due to
characters of invisible human body meridian system.
Secret of Sex Organ Enlargement
Research on hypnosis reveals that it is possible to increase the size of
breasts, genitals, and reduce the size of waist. (67) (68) During the practice
of hypnosis the kundalini and consciousness move up toward brain via the
neuraxis. Then it forms the astral body which can reach any where over the
body of even go out of the body boundary. Breast self hypnosis
practitioners voluntarily bring their minds attention to the breasts.
Consequently the kundalini and consciousness concentrates there directly.
They imagine their breasts bigger than what they have. Then the kundalini
and consciousness move beyond the normal physical boundary of their
breasts. Now the breast cells gradually start grow toward the new electric
field caused by the kundalini and consciousness. After several sessions of
practice the breasts cells are dragged to the new body boundary and they
reach the new size.
The same mechanism is employed in reducing the size of waist and
increasing the size of genitals. Practicing the self hypnosis to manipulate
the body/organs is very hazardous. It is because these procedures alter the
normal pathways /meridians of consciousness. It is just the mind directly
over the matter. The consciousness should pass through the natural
meridians and reach the breasts and other organs to enhance its growth.
The kundalini in the human body withdraws the consciousness and prevents
Repeated, regular mating may eliminate the kundalini in fecal content and
cause dehypnosis. It enhances the flow of consciousness toward the organs
to enhance their growth. Consequently the breasts might develop in a
natural way and become young.
The Origin of Abnormal Memory
Our memory seems to be normally preserved in the invisible mind. The
dormant substance also retains memory to act as an abnormal, additional
source of memory. The ferromagnetic materials present in the human body
probably cause hysteresis and induce an abnormal, additional memory.
During emotions and mind focusing cognitive activities the attention of the
mind and consciousness move toward the brain. At that time the dormant
substance at the base of spine is rapidly attracted toward the brain. Then
the dormant substance clings to the human mind and induces its own
memory. It impairs the normal analytical ability and normal memory
The dormant substance in side the human body acts like a tape recorder to
substitute one s self. Actually the feeling of one s  Self got encroached
(hypnotized) by the dormant substance. The  memory retaining and
 memory inducing properties of dormant substance might cause altered
human behavior. It is the basis of various addictions and motivation.
Dormant substance can also retain and replay traumatic feelings and it is
the major cause of depression. Dormant substance prevents the forgiving
nature of human beings and preserve the enmity allover the world. This is
the major root cause of terrorism and conflicts in human relationship.
Human beings have long time trouble in controlling the thoughts. Pathanjali
yoga formula describes that controlling the emergence of thoughts is yoga.
(38) (39) Many times we may notice that our thoughts occur involuntarily
in a trouble some manner. It is because of the tape recorder like dormant
substance which hit the brain to induce thoughts.
Pathanjali yoga recommends mind focusing, gazing and other techniques to
control the emerging thoughts. It may completely convert the emergence of
distracting thoughts in to gazing or blank state. It does not remove the root
cause of involuntary thoughts. As an end result their mind may be
permanently fixed up in focusing, gazing or in a blank state. They get
locked in self hypnosis. Finally it leads to derealization and
depersonalization syndrome. Unless the dormant substance is removed
from the body we cannot control the involuntarily emerging thoughts or
scene from our mind.
The Origin of Abnormal Sexual Feelings
and Behavior
Everybody s sexual feelings are highly prone to get affected by the dormant
substance. Since sexual feelings are innate and natural, they get strongly
embedded in dormant substance.
During sexual arousal the dormant substance clings to the mind and brain
to hypnotize the normal sexual feelings. It may exaggerate the sexual
feelings, increase euphoria, makes the sexual feelings indiscriminate,
demanding, and addictive. It is the root of all abnormal sexual feelings and
Watching erotic pictures and porn movies might cause the erotic scene to
get embedded in the dormant substance. After that the embedded scenes
involuntarily arise in susceptible situation. It is an involuntary hypnosis. It
might lead to unacceptable behavior in society.
Involuntary hypnotic sexual feelings are the root cause of cultural
restrictions on women s clothing. Such hypnotic sexual feelings vary from
culture to culture. Consequently the clothing styles vary from fully covered
clothing to nudism. If you are really and completely dehypnotized you will
not get any indiscriminate sexual feelings. Consequently you will not be
influenced by porn, nudism etc.
Practicing meditation and sexual abstinence may lead to serious
consequences. Innate and natural sexual feelings may seriously get
hypnotized and it might result in rape, sexual abuse and murder. That is
why many monks and Calgary people are frequently charged with rape and
The Origin of Mental and Physical
The root cause of the serious mental disorder schizophrenia is possession
of dormant-substance resulting in hypnosis. Researchers also found an
association between hypnosis, schizophrenia and hallucinations. (69) In
schizophrenia the dormant substance involuntarily clings to the mind and
brain (hypnosis) to induce racing of thoughts, zigzag thoughts, delusions
and illusions. Sexual abstinence further reinforces the movement of
dormant substance toward the brain to aggravate schizophrenia and other
the mental disorders. The structural changes observed in the schizophrenia
patient s brain are in fact induced by the dormant substance.
The dormant substance moves along the neuraxis of spine toward the brain.
Then the dormant substance merges with consciousness to form a strange
kind of hypnotic radiation. The hypnotic radiation radiates allover the body
to form an astral body. The astral body is independent of normal pathways
of mind. It can directly affect the body cells and cause genetic changes.
Astral body may even go beyond the body boundary. Experiences of body
boundary going out (astral body projection) are associated with various
kinds of hypnosis including meditation, schizophrenia and phantom limb
sensation. The dormant substance may get struck up at various parts of
body and cause pain and illness. If it is excessively concentrated at brain it
may result in psychiatric problems. Concentration at back muscles and
other muscles may results in pain and fibromyalgia. Manipulations for back
pain actually shift the concentration of dormant substance to elsewhere.
Because of this patients sometimes get immediate and complete relief of
pain following the manipulation.
Possession: Is it Metal in the Mind?
The idea of possessing kundalini, serpent power and etc. in the mind and
body correlates with the presence of nano sized metal deposits in the
human brain and body. The ferromagnetic materials in the brain probably
contribute to the dormant substance. (Serpent power/kundalini etc.)
Probably the ferromagnetic materials would have densely deposited in the
sacral bones. Ancient people would have thought this as curled serpent
power lying at the base of spine. In fact they would have pulled the
magnetite material toward the brain using the kundalini yoga technique.
Schizophrenia, Parkinson s disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder and
many diseases are associated with more deposits of iron and other metals
in human brain. (70) (71) Metal deposits are also discovered in skeletal
muscles of fibromyalgia patients. (72)
Deposits of iron are found to increase with aging. (73) (74) This clearly
confirms the idea of imperceptible possession (iron) and resulting hypnosis
which causes aging. Elevated body iron stores are strongly connected with
diabetes. (75) (76) Elevated iron levels are also found in synovial fluid of
rheumatoid arthritic joints. (77)
Iron deposits or elevated iron levels are also linked with many diseases like
Friedreich s ataxia, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Systemic lupus
erythematosus, Asthma, Age related macular degeneration, Cataract,
Psoriasis, Gout, Liver disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, Adult
respiratory distress syndrome, Cystic fibrosis, Cancer, Asthma, Stroke,
Coronary artery disease , Metabolic syndrome, Obesity, Hypertension,
Atherosclerotic lesions etc. (78) It looks like the metals in the mind spread
to the entire body by means of hypnosis.
The metals in the mind (dormant substance) can also enter from the
hypnotist's body to the recipient of hypnosis. It can also enter due the
witchcraft (a kind of folk hypnotic practice), folk prayers, astral projection,
mind reading, remote viewing and remote hypnotic suggestions. Laying
hands over others head during prayer may also transfer it to the recipient of
prayer. The dormant substance can also enter in to the human body during
nightmares. Nightmares are a kind of mysterious hypnosis. Nightmares may
be even very mild with out the perception of sleep paralysis.
Interestingly, microbial infections are linked with iron. (79) Malarial
infection, HIV infections, hepatitis -C infections and many viral infections
are also found to be connected with increased iron. (79) (80) (81) (82)
Administration of antibiotics only kills the bacteria in side the human body
and does not remove the ferromagnetic materials present in the bacteria
and other microbes. Reducing iron levels by means of chelation seem to be
helpful in such conditions. (80) (81) I believe that hypnosis (metal clanged
to the mind)
is also behind the root cause of many infections. The iron attached to the
mind probably spread the iron allover the body through astral body
production. It perhaps makes the body vulnerable to infections.
Adhesive capsulites, osteoarthritis, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis
and many other diseases are due to the accumulation of dormant
substance. The movement
and reaction of dormant substance toward brain through the
spinal/vertebral region probably causes electrical changes. These electrical
changes are probably responsible for the degenerative changes seen in
cervical and lumbar spondylosis. The iron which clanged to the mind
probably caused the iron-catalyzed free radicals. These iron-catalyzed free
radicals would have caused electrical reactions.
Freud and Mind
Really mind look like having two components. One is the natural original
consciousness otherwise called mind. It has the high analytical capacity and
un-disturbing memory. [May be Ego in Freud's term] Another is the invisible
dormant substance. This is not actually part of the mind. It is the strange,
unknown, pathological, electromagnetic like substance which clings to the
original mind. [May be Id in Freud's term] It is traditionally called as
serpent power, kundalini power, devil spirit, prana power and etc.
Freud has divided the mind into id, ego, and superego. (83) Freud's keen
observation of mind resulted in watching three characters of mind. Freud
probably perceived the tape recorder like memory mechanism of the
dormant substance (kundalini) in two ways and considered as two different
parts of mind the Id and Super ego. He would have observed the
indiscriminate mind during physiological drives and emotions and named it
as id. He noticed the instincts [indiscriminate sexual feelings] coming from
recording mechanism and called it as Id. He would have observed the free
analytical function of the original mind and named it [the true mind] as
He also noticed the recoding mechanism of dormant substance (other than
sexual feelings) and named it as Super ego.
Watch Your Thoughts - A Journey
toward Original Mind
We can not travel sooner in this journey because we have lost the original
mind. Now our original mind in search of its own original mind! This is
because it is infected with serpent power. Remember every one in this world
is mentally disordered! The whole society is mad. Observe, analyze and
experience it.
Slow down your thoughts and actions. Travel slowly in this mind journey.
Find out the reality. Explore your mind. We all swallowed a tape recorder!
That tape recorder can sing a song inside your mind; can make you
extremely happy; cause euphoria; cause anger, sadness, depression,
frustration and finally it makes you as a slave. We have to disassemble the
invisible tape recorder and separate it part by part and finally remove it.
If you are patient enough it is really possible to watch your thoughts with
your own mind. What ever thoughts coming really in to our mind is not
always our own thoughts. They are actually hypnotically induced thoughts.
This thoughts may be totally not our own or it may be a wrong
interpretation of your feelings/thought. Alternatively it might be your
original idea transferred in the fashion of hypnotic commands [suggestions]
or our original idea or thought may be forced with high speed and intensity.
Our original mind is deeper inside the encroaching thoughts. It is calm,
gentle, sequential in action, pretty slow and comfortable. One can explore
his/her mind by the keen observation of their thoughts. This can be
achieved by slowing down their thoughts and some of their actions. You can
very well watch your high speed thoughts when you are not emotional and
very comfortable. When you are tempted to have a cup of tea just stop, sit
down, and analyze your mind. In fact you may not require a tea at all.
But hypnotically induced thoughts trigger you to have a tea. This is the
basic mechanism of addiction. All addictions arise from this evil mechanism.
If you attempt to slow down your thought you may not be able to control
that. It may involuntarily burst at higher speed. When you are
spontaneously humming a song or tune just stop and watch your mind. It is
the hypnotically induced thought really made you to involuntarily hum.
Attempt to slow down your thoughts and life style, activities and emotions
will reveal that there is an inner real mind. Slowing down the speed of
sexual emotion and also the sexual activity may help to analyze the inner
real mind.
Look at the moon with the passing clouds. Initially you may feel it like
moon is moving faster. [It is just hypnosis] Just keep your attention there
and continue to watch. You will realize clouds are moving under the moon.
[Now you are dehypnotized temporarily!] Same thing happens when you sit
in side a train and watch the moving near by train. First you will feel like
your train is moving. If you pay some more attention you will dehypnotized!
Then you can perceive the other train is moving.
Sexual Abstinence, Meditation and
I theorize that practicing sexual abstinence and any kind of hypnosis
including meditation can dramatically reduce your honesty. Hypnotic
techniques rise up kundalini and act as an additional and abnormal source
of memory. This impairs normal analytical ability and makes you dishonest.
Traditionally Indian shop keepers keep the money in photo frame. It is a
folk practice of hypnosis. Even today in India many small merchants
arrange the money on top of the table and cover it with a flat glass layer.
Some times when they receive money from the first customer they gaze it,
touch it with their eyes and keep it. Unknowingly they are practicing the self
hypnosis with the money. The same phenomena is thought in a modern way
by M.R kopmeyer (Here is help. 14th edition June 2001 translated version.]
He recommends keeping a currency note as a book mark to become rich.
The image of money actually gets embedded in the additional source of
memory (hypnosis). The embedded image involuntarily creates a mental
picture of money. It creates a carving for money and the person gradually
looses his /her analytical mind. Finally it might make the humans to steal
money or earn money in an unlawful way.
Sexual Behavior and Traffic Accidents
I hypothesize that regular mating activity might cause dehypnosis and
decrease the road accidents.
Sexual abstinence causes raise of kundalini toward brain. It results in
hypnosis. Hypnosis is not always associated with trance. When it is
associated with sleep it is called trance. Hypnosis connected with trance is
called highway hypnosis. Despite the belief hypnosis can be really
associated with high speedy actions and emotions.
During emotions, speedy actions or speedy decisions the kundalini hits the
brain to reinforce the thoughts. It affects the analytical capacity and
interferes with decision making. This is the major hidden cause of road
traffic accidents and other accidents.
Road traffic accidents have an inverse relationship with increased sexual
behavior. Road traffic accidents are more in developing nations comparing
to developed nations. Increased sexual behavior is associated with
developed nations and relatively reduced sexual behavior is associated with
developing nations.
High Electromagnetic field
A Therapeutic Intervention?
Scientific experiments on remote viewing and human conscious-machine
interaction indirectly confirm the presence of a physical media. (84) (85)
(86)) Perhaps the physical media should be a mixture of human
consciousness and an occult dormant substance. Each and every
paranormal activity directly or indirectly uses hypnosis.
Levitation through meditation is also a kind of hypnosis. The resulting
radiation from hypnosis probably exerts a radiation pressure under the
human body. This strange radiation would have involved in lifting the body
against the gravity.
Research on spectrographic investigation of human emitted radiation during
astral projection, levitation through meditation and other paranormal
activities may probably disclose the nature of the dormant foreign
Human body is mostly composed of diamagnetic materials. Unlike the
ferromagnetic materials, diamagnetic materials oppose the field of
electromagnetism. As a consequence the molecules of diamagnetic
materials orient against the high electromagnetic field. By using this
orientation scientists have levitated many living objects like frog,
grasshopper etc. in the mid air. (87) (88) If we are able to levitate the
human beings like frogs probably we may separate the ferromagnetic
foreign material (dormant substance) from diamagnetic human body.
The High field electromagnetism may possibly attract ferromagnetic foreign
material out of the human body with out causing any tissue damage. If
brain autopsy samples with ferromagnetic deposits are levitated with
sufficient strength of high field electromagnetism, the ferromagnetic
deposits in side the brain tissue samples may forcefully pulled out from the
sample. If the ferromagnetic particles are pulled out with out damaging the
brain sample tissues, maybe it will not damage the live human body
tissues. This novel idea may possibly help to develop new therapeutic
Therapeutics: Future Vision
As well to the conservative physical exercise, voluntarily increased sexual
activity may also be prescribed for the Parkinson s disease to enhance
natural dopamine secretion and enhance the release of brain metal deposits
through defecation. In schizophrenia heterosexual activity might bring down
the kundalini and enhance its elimination through defecation. Once the
kundalini is eliminated excessive attention of mind over the brain is
reduced. Consequently the dopamine reduces to the normal level in
Penile vibratory stimulation is found to relive the spasticity in men with
spinal cord injury (89) (90) (91) Mating research studies on patients with
cerebral palsy and hemiplegia might divulge a new hope in understanding
the benefits of sexual behavior in rehabilitation.
In a research on global sexual behavior, HIV infection is positively
associated with reduced sexual behavior and negatively associated with the
promiscuity. (92) The negative correlation between promiscuity and AIDS
probably reflect the physiological benefits of increased sexual behavior
rather than the promiscuity and the other factors. Increased sexual
behavior probably protect against the AIDS. I hypothesize that regular
repeated heterosexual activity with a same sexual partner might gradually
heal the AIDS in several years. If this idea is successful repeated and
regular heterosexual activity with the same sexual partner may be the
potential therapy for the AIDS. Regular repeated heterosexual activity may
also help in organ transplanted patients. Sexual activity may gradually
stretch out the consciousness to the cells of transplanted organs and
transform the genes similar to their own body genes.
By utilizing the connection between increased sexual behavior and human
genes, human beings may be able to manipulate their genes with the
voluntarily increased heterosexual sexual activity. This may lead to good
health, youngness, life longevity, beauty, intelligence and immortal life. But
initially it might require more frequent and regular mating activity for a
considerable duration to eliminate the kundalini in fecal content. (Probably
it may require years.) Once the kundalini is fully eliminated in fecal content,
moderate regular mating activity may possibly be sufficient to maintain
health and youngness. It would be very helpful if some one devise a MRI
like machine to electronically remove the kundalini. Then moderate regular
mating activity may possibly be sufficient to turn young.
Sexuality in space may be the future research area which may help in long
term missions. Along with the physical exercise, heterosexual activity can
also be used to overcome disuse atrophy and other changes associated with
In future, repeated mating activity may be included in astronaut training
program. This sort of training for a long period may induce youngness and
fitness which may help the astronauts to withstand the disuse atrophy and
many other deleterious physiological changes during long term space
Sexual activity might tremendously manipulate the human life longevity in
earth. As a consequence increasing human populations in planet earth may
pose a threat to human living and warrant colonization in other suitable
planets. Since the kundalini is eliminated in fecal content after repeated
mating, the whole world will get dehypnotized.
There will not be any terrorism, bomb threats and violence. All countries
may become friendlier and there will not be any war.
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