92 M. Suwała

to 692. Average amount of wood han/esting equalled 25.12 m3/ha. Average volume of felled trees amounted 0.15 m3. Stands were divided at random on plots to harvest wood using particular technological processes and distances between strip roads.

The work efficiency in technological process (Wp) was calculated as a quotient of day work time (480 min) and a sum of time consuming operation (P0) of its process (mach.-min/m3)

Wp =    m3/8 mach.-h


The following formula was used to calculate the unit cost:


K _ p f Z(100% + u + g) | C(a + n)+ C,k + Tp(cpjp + c0jo) to °    60/ x 100% +    607x100%


Z — month gross salaries u — ratę of social insurance g — proportional index of the other costs C — price of new mean

C-i — average price of mean during amortisation (to simplify the half price of the new mean was assumed)

a — proportional ratę of amortisation n — proportional cost index of repairs and spare parts k— ratę of Capital interest

p — proportional time share of engine or horse work (702) during a shift (T05),

cp,c0 — price of fuel or oat, oil price

jp, jo — fuel, oat or oil consumption per hour

/ — number of work hours of mean in a month

7 — number of work hours of mean in a year

The data used for cost calculation is presented in table 2.

The smallest work efficiency achieved with application method of whole stem and with chain saw and horses — with 60 m of distance between operational tracks. It was 6.10-3.59 m3/8 mach.-h in dependence on extraction distance 100 — 300 m, respectively. The largest efficiency featured short wood method application carried out with harvester and forwarder and 20 m distance between strip roads. It was 44.55 — 41.76 — 34.25 m3/ mach.-h in dependence of extraction distance 100 — 300 and 1000 m respectively.

Decreasing of distance by 20 m caused increasing of work efficiency by 3-13% depending on technological process. The most significant influence of distance between extraction roads occurred when short wood method was applied.

The smallest cost was characteristic for short wood method with 100 m extraction distance with chain saw and forwarder and distance between operational strip roads 30-40 m (26.92 zł/m3). Higher cost occurred when the whole stem method was applied with chain saw and horse (29.66-34.71 zł/m3) and 40-60 m of distance between strip roads, respectively. Similar cost was noted when the short wood method was applied with harvester and forwarder and about 20 m distance between strip roads (34.16 zł/m3). The largest cost characterised the method of the whole stem with felling and delimbing with han/ester, extraction and bucking with chain saw along road (47.73-55.47 zł/m3) and for 20-60 m distance between operational strip roads, respectively. In the case of the extraction for 300 m the cost of short wood method with chain saw and forwarder was the smallest (28.63


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