RATĘ: S0€ per »ord. Minimum 10 werdt. Oecember 1959 l-suc clweł Octebrr I2th. Send *rder and remitlance to ELECTRONICS WORLD. One Karu Ave.. a. i. u. id. ». i.

ELECTRONICS! Associate degree—29 months. Tech-nicians. field engineers. speciallsts in Communications, mlssiles. computers. radar, automation. Start September, February. Vaiparaiso Technical Institute. Oept. N, yalparąiso. Indiana.

8ACHEL0R- of Science in’ Electronic Engineering. Oegree in 4 years of Home Siudy. No Resident at-tendance necessary. Pacific International College of Arts and Sciences, primarily a correspondence school. Resident dasses also carried. 5719-U Santa Monica 8oulevard, Los Angeles 38. Calif.

ELECTRONIC Surplus—Whole and retall monthly. 12 issues. $1. 8o» 784, Wash. 4, 0. C.__

PREMIUM Type Tubtś $.75 each, 5751, 5814. 600*5. 5726. 6073. 5727. 6106. 6096. Also 5692. 6044. C6L at $2.50. Limited Ouantities. These Tubes removed from US*F Computers. Guaranteed perfecl. No COO s. Center TV. 7 Center St., Garwood, N. J.

MAGNETIC Tape at Bargain 8asement Prices. Acetate 8ase: 600'—5'' Reel—3 for $2.85; 900'—5" Reel—3 for $3.40; 1200'—7" Reel—3 for $3.95; 1800'—7" Reel—3 for $5.25. Mylar 8ase: 900'—5" Reel—3 for $4.20; 1800’—7“ Reel—3 for $6.85; 2400'—7" Reel—

3 for $10.60. Guaranteed top quality—30—15000 CPS satisfaction or money refunded. Add 15 cents per reel P. P. handllng. Florman & Babb, Inc., 68E West 45th Street. New York 36. New York.________

OIAGRAMS for repairing radios $1.00. Teleyision $2.00. Give make. model. Diagram Service. Bo* 672-RN. Hartford 1. Conn.

TELEYISION Sets $9.95 Plus shipping. Jones TV. Sanatoga, Pa.

RAOlO & TV Tubes at manufacturers prices. Guaranteed— Send tor free price list. Edison Electronic Tubę Co.. Menlo Park. N. J. _ _

FM TUNERS, 88-108 megacydes. 4 tubes compiete SI4.95._Grutmans. 1 E. 167 St.. N. Y. C. 52. N. Y.

GOYERNMENT Surplus Snooperscopes. parabolic reflec-tors. Receivers. Transmitters. Picture list 10C. Meshna. 580 N. Lynn. Malden 48, Mass.

TUBES—TY. Radio. Transmitting And Industrial Types At Sensibly Low Prices. New. Guaranteed. lst Ouality. Top Name Brands Only. Write For Free Catalog or Cali WAiker 5-7000. Barry Electronics Corp.. 512 Broadway .New York 12N. N. Y.

GIZMOS & Such of Still River. Mass., offer a limited number of 8C779 Hammerlund super pros guaranteed to please at $74.50 each.

FORElGN Auto Radio Distributor. FM-AM and AM, trade discount. Square Electronics. 150-60 Northern Blvd.. Flushing. N. Y.

TELEYISION & Radio Tubes. Parts and Supplies Guaranteed. Hi-Quality Tubę Co.. Inc., 284 Lafayette St.. Rahway, New Jersey.

TUBES—Radio—Teleyision. Guaranteed big discount. Atom Tubę Co.. Inc., 1709 Lawrence Street. Rahway. New Jersey. Oistrlbutorship openings at present.

FREE Fluorescenl Bargain Catalog—Fixture kits. Fi*~ tures. Circlines. Parts. Shoplite. 650 N. Franklin. Nutley 10. New Jersey.

PROFESSIONAL Electronics Projects—Organs. Tirners, Counters Intercoms. etc.—$1 each. List Free. Parks. Bo* 1665. Lakę City. Seattie 55. Wash.__

ALIGN Your BC-603. BC-683, BC-923. Adapter FT-384 plugs in rear of receiyer. Provides all necessary internat and power connedions. Brand New with Tech. Manuał. $3.95 Postpaid U.S.A.: Pam Electronics. Oept. E. 2129-A E. Holt Ąyę.. Milwaukee 7. Wisconsin.

PRINTEO Circuit boards for project or product; one or many. Free brochure. Electronic Aids. Bo* 137, Stam-ford. Conn._

ClTIZENS' Two-Way radioteiephone for business or pleasure. Gonset. Hallicrafters. Johnson. Rangę 10 to 20 miles. Easily licensed. Free literaturę. Communica-tion Equipments Company. OePt. EW. 518 State Street, .a Crosse. Wisconsin._

PHONÓGRAPH Records cheap. postpaid. Catalogue? Par;mount. Bo* 2026-N. Pine Castle. Florida.

SIX transistor radio, compiete with leather case. 2V4" speaker, earphone. battery. Sire 2Vj*4!/»*l K*. Fully guaranteeed. $27.50 Gold s. 345 Gribbel Road. Wyncote. Pa.

SURPLUS Measurement Model 78 or 80 Signal Genera-tors. Also Federal 804. State Ouantity. Price and Condition. Communications Seryice. Inc.. 3209 Canton Street. Oailas. Te*as.    ___

CYLINDER and old disc phonographs. Edison. Con-queror, idelia. and Oratorio models. Berliner Gramo-phones and Zono-o-phoncs. Columbia cylinder Grapho-phones, and coin-operated cylinder phonos. Want old catalogues and literaturę on early phonos prior to 1919. Will pay cash or trade late hi-fi components. Classified Bo* 50 r, Electronics World. 1 Park Ave., N. Y. C.J6. N. Y.

CASH Paid! Sell your surplus electronic tubes. Want unused. clean transmitting. special purpose. receiving. TV types. magnetrons. Klystrons. broadcast. etc. Also want military & commercial lab test and Communications gear. We swap too. for tubes or choice equip-ment. Send specific details in first letter. For a fair deal write. wire or telephone. 8arry, 512 Broadway, New York 12. N. Y. WAiker 5-7000._____

LA80RAT0RY Ouality Equipment and Military Surplus Electronics bought. sold. Engineering Associates. 432 Patterson Road. Dayton 9. Ohio.

CASH for used Short-wave Ham Receivers. Transmitters and Accessories. Treger. W91VJ. 2023 N. Harlem A»e., Chicago 35. TU*edo 9-6429.

SCOTCH recording tape at 'Profit Sharłng' prices— send for catalog—you’ll be glad you did!—Tapeco. Dept. L, P. 0. Bo* 4353, Inglewood 3, California.

RENT Stereo Tapes—over 800 different—all major labels—free catalog. Stereo-Parti, 1608-L Centinela Ave., Inglewood 3, California.

TAPE Recorders, HI-FI Components. Sleep Learning Kits. Tapes. Unusual Yalues. Free Catalog. Oressner, 69-02R 174 St.. Flushing 65. N. Y.

AMPEX. Concertone. Crown. Ferrograph. Presto. Tand-berg. Pentron. Bell. Sherwood. Rek-O-Kut. Oynakit. Others. Trades. Boynton Studio. 10RT Pennsylvania. Yonkers. N. Y.

RECORDERS. Tapes. HiFi Components. Four Track Stereo Replacement Heads. Catalogue, Efsco, 270-E Concord, West Hempstead, N. Y.


RECORDERS. Hi-Fi. Free Wholesale Catalogue. Carston. 125-R E. 88. N. Y. C. 28.

PRICES? The Best! Factory-sealed Hi-Fi Components? Yes! Send for free catalog. Audion. 25T 0*ford Road. Massapequa. N. Y^

OTSGUSTEO with '•Hi" Hi-Fi Pr Ic7s?~ Unusual Ols~-counts On Your High Fidelity Requirements. Write. Key Electronics. 120 Liberty St.. New York 6. N. Y. EYergreen 4-6071. _

INOUCTORS for Crossover Networks. 118 types in stock. Send for brochure. C & M Coils. 3016 Holmes Avenue N. W.. Huntsville. Ala.


LEARN transistor and Electronic Tubę Fundamentais from Practical Army Manuals. Over 450 pages. $2.50. James Mullin, 25-34 88 St.. Jackson Hghls. 69. N. Y.

ELECTRONIC and Aeronautical Engineering Technology. Two Year Courses. Bachelor of Science Degree in three years. Northrop Institute in Southern California prepares you for highiy paid positions in Ayiation and Electronic industries. Employment assistance during school and after graduation. Approved for Veterans. Write for free catalog. Northrop Institute of Technology. 1183 Arbor Vitae. Inglewood 1. CalHomia.

CALCULUS. Power!ul Modern Mathematics. Easy Prac-tical Lessons. First Four $1. Mathco. 4256-3 Minmor. Cincmnati 17. Ohio.    _________

USED Correspondence Courses and Books sold and rented. Money back guarantee. Catalog Free. (Courses Bought.) Lee Mountain. Pisgah. Alabama.___

ENGINEERING and Art Oegrees earned through home study. Electronics. Electrical. Mechanicai. Ciwil, Phys-ics. Business Administratlon. Liberał Arts. When writing. specify course desired. Pacific International College of Arts 8 Sciences, primarily a correspondence school. Resident dasses also carried. 5719-C Santa Monica Boulevard. Hollywood 38, California.

SPECIAL offer. compiete correspondence course in Electronics. Teleyision and Radio only $49.50. All new modern materiał. Formerly sold for $400 00. 43 te»ts. over 2000 pages. Limited number available. Write dept. EW. Electronics Training. P. 0. Bo* 764. Pitts-burgh 30. Pa. _ ____________

CALCULUS or Algebra. Powerful modern mathematics. Easy. Practical lessons. First four $1. Mathco, 4256-3 Minmor, Cincinnati 17, Ohio.


0VERSEAS American Jobs. High Pay. Men. Women. Transportation Paid. Free Information. Employment Headquarters. 79 Wall Street. Oept. R-l. New York 5.

RAOlO Parts Stores and Hi-Fi salons! Someone "bor-rowing" your personal copy of Electronics World each month? You ought to be taking advantage of Electronics World conyenient re-sale plan. Sell copies in your storę . . . perform a good seryice for your cus-tomers . . . with no risk inyolved. For details. write: Oirect Sales Oepartment. Electronics World. One Park Avenue. New York 16. New York.    ________

MAKE $25-$50 Week. clipping newspaper items for publishers. Some dippings worth $5 00 each. Parti-culars free. National. 81-OG. Knickertocker Station. New York.

FORElGN Employment Information—$1. Parks. Bo* 1665A. Lakę City. Seattie 55. Wash.______

AMERICAN Overseas Jobs. High Pay. Men. Women. Transportation Paid. Free Information. Write: Trans-world. Oept. UW. 200 West 34th St.. New York 1.

TV Picture Tubę rebuilding plant anc training program still awailable for many terntories. Investment $8.000 511.000. Annual vOlume $25.300 to $100.-000. Windsor Co.. 999 N. Main St.. Glen Ellyn. III.

JOBS Overseas! Write Janecek Oevelecment Co.. 109 Hub Station. New York 55. N. Y.

EARN Extra money selling advertising book matches. Free Sampies furnished. Matchcorp. Oept. MD-109. Chicago 32. III.

METERS and test equipment repalred. Meter sales. Free list. 8igeiow Electronics. P. 0. Eox 1, Bluffton, Ohio.

ALL Makes High Fidelity Speakers Repaired. Amprite. 70 Yesey St^N. ^ 7, N. Y. BA 7-2580._ _

ELECTRICAL Instrument Repairing—V.0.M.—V.T.V.M. —Scopes—Tubetesters—11 years in business, pres-ently representing Simpson—Precisicn Apparatus— Weston—as a warranty repair station. Send Instruments prepaid to Industrial Instrument Works. 3328 Magarir.e St., New Orleans, La.


October, 1959


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