skanuj0011 (26)

skanuj0011 (26)

Giotta ling

AKA glottal replacement. Process involving the replacement of A sound by a glottal stop /?/. A glottal stop is formed by a brief closure Of the vocal folds which blocks the air coming up from the lungs.

In English glottal stop: may rainforce the articulation of a vowel,

May be introduced before voicless plosive to rainforce its articulation,

Voicless plosive may also be replaced by a glottal stop.

Before /t/ can be glottaled in RP, a number of conditions must be satisfled.

1.    Must be followed by a consonant other than /h/

2.    Must be preceded by a sonorant sound

3.    Must be in the coda of the syllable, not in the onset /no? 'nau/, /'ae?l8s/, /bA?n/. /d/ is never glottaled in RP.


Stress is said to be applied to syllables and is part of the suprasegmental phonology. Another part of it is intonation. Main idea is that the pitch of the voice plays crucial part.

We have high and Iow pitch which are.arbitrary choices for end-points of the pitch scalę.

We have 3 tones: level, fali and rise. (_ \ /). Tonę languages are those in which Meaning of a one word can be changed by the tonę. Extra pitch is used for emotional Speech. Tones are used to indicate that there is nothing morę to say, convey an impression. Show that that we are not interested in a particular subject etc etc.




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